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"Jimin!" Jimin turned around to meet a distraught Hoseok, Taehyung and his makeup stylist, they were all really close but Hoseok became like a best friend to Jimin that he always talked to when he was upset.

"Is everything okay?"

"Not really, we thought the shoot was over but the producer wants you guys to do solo shots. The problem is that we lost Taehyung, so I need you to go find him." Hoseok was clearly stressed over the whole situation, so Jimin agreed to find Taehyung and bring him back.

He figured he'd be in his dressing room getting ready to leave, Jimin thought that it would be nice to take him out to eat after they finally finished work, just as a friendly jester.

When he got to the dressing room Taehyung's name was on he knocked on the door and waited for a response. He got one a few moments later when he knocked a second time.

"Are you Jimin?" To say the least Jimin was surprised Taehyung would think of him first of all people, but he laughed it off.

"Yeah it's me, can I come in?" Nothing was said before Jimin got pulled into the room.

Jimin heard the door lock and turned to look back at Taehyung, watching as Taehyung's shoulders moved up as he took a deep breathe, not knowing what to think of the situation.

"You probably came here to tell me something, but let me talk first." Taehyung said as he turned around and walked past Jimin to the wooden vanity that was brightly lit up, while the other couldn't help but follow his every move.

"I was thinking that it's kind of boring that we both have to wear red lipstick." Taehyung pouted, while Jimin furrowed his eyebrows confused, he didn't understand why the other was even bringing this up.

"Wouldn't it be better if one of us wore a different color?" Jimin shook his head before replying.

"Taehyung we don't a choice.."

"But right now we do." Jimin's breath hitched when he saw those bright brown eyes turn dark.

"Put this on won't you baby?" Taehyung handed him a pink lipstick that had glitter in it, and there's no way Jimin could have said no to the dark haired boy when he looked at him like that.

He put on the pretty lipstick as fast as he could with it still looking nice, it wasn't the best but that didn't matter to him right now.
Jimin waited for Taehyung to finish putting on the dark red lipstick he had picked for himself, but he was getting impatient. When Taehyung finished he slowly put the cap back on the lipstick and walked over to Jimin, he tilted his head and smiled softly at the boy in front of him, with nothing but a glowing fondness in his eyes.

"You look beautiful, I knew you would." Jimin didn't know what to say, so instead he put one of his hands on Taehyung's waist and the other on his cheek.

They stared for a while, admiring each other's beauty with no words being shared. Taehyung was the first to snap out of the trance they were both in, but not until he put his arms around the pink lipped boy holding him did they finally kiss.

It was slow at first, the two friends enjoying the feeling of the others lips, but it didn't last very long as Jimin slipped his tongue into Taehyung's mouth, making a small moan come out of him.

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