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Taehyung's laugh broke out into the living room's open air as Jimin sat between his exposed legs, giving small, quick pecks to every inch of the younger's skin.

"Stop that tickles!" The young model squirmed underneath his boyfriend, giggles shaking his entire body.

Jimin pulled back, leveling with Taehyung so he could study the redness that took over his normal honey tan.

Taehyung carefully watched the older boy's light brown eyes shimmer, as if they were the sea and Taehyung was the sun shining off of them.

After a while of both models admiring each others features, Jimin couldn't help but want to feel what he was staring at. He slowly raised his hands, conscientiously cupping Taehyung's cheeks while trailing over every detail and kissing every tiny mole that laid across his face.

The last kiss was placed on the bottom of Taehyung's lip, right on top of a faint mole that mixed into his dark pink lips.

"Can I ask you a question?" Taehyung asked softly while wrapping his arms around Jimin's neck.

"Of course baby."
"Did you ever fall out of love with me?"

Jimin was surprised by the sudden question and not quite sure where it was coming from.

"What do you mean?" The elder boy didn't mean to answer a question with another question, but the initial shock had him looking for a explanation for Taehyung's.

"Just.. When we weren't talking that one month did you ever not love me?" Taehyung answered by trying to look anywhere but at Jimin, which proved difficult since the other was laying on top of him, only one tug of hair away.

Jimin bit his lip, thoughtfully thinking about how to answer the younger male in the most truthful way possible.

"No, I never stopped loving you for two whole years.. But I did tried to."

The last few words caused Taehyung to put all of his attention on Jimin again, tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"It got so hard to deal with the pain of you not loving me back that I tried to force myself to stop loving you, so it wouldn't matter if you wanted me or not because I didn't want you either, but I could never go through it."

Taehyung couldn't ever get rid of the guilt of what he put Jimin through, despite the other claiming it was fine and in their past now, but everytime he learned about how the older model was feeling or dealing with the way he was hurting, Taehyung noticed how much easier it was for the other to talk about it each time, which meant he was moving on from all their bad times while keeping all the good ones in a special place, so maybe it was time for Taehyung to finally do the same.

"How many times did you try?" Jimin gave a small smile to the younger boy before kissing him sweetly.

"More times than I can count."

Taehyung nodded solemnly, seemingly in a daze as he played with the hair on the back of Jimin's head.

"Hey don't think to hard about that." Jimin grabbed the younger's chin and made sure the other held eye contact with him.

"What's important is where we are now, we're happy and in love, living out our dreams together, and even though it took us a long time to get here, it made us stronger and we grew from our mistakes."

Taehyung couldn't help but to tear up thinking about the devastating past he's been stuck in, but staring up at Jimin's loving face and knowing that this beautiful angel was his made him not want to forget their past, only push it back so the present could became his priority.

Now was more about than then, and all Taehyung wanted to focus on was his career, friends, family, and Jimin. Even though the couple came a long way together they still had bumps in the road, but they always made up in the end and every morning, evening, and night ended with an 'I love you' with a kiss to seal it.

"Promise you'll never stop loving me." Taehyung spoke in a serious tone, which Jimin found endearing.

The older boy got off the younger and slid off the bed, leaving the other fearful that he might walk out the door right then and there. Taehyung gaped at Jimin as he rummaged through one of the model's shared dressers.

"I was gonna wait till our six month anniversary but now feels like the perfect time to give you this." Jimin walked back over to the bed, running his fingers along a black velvet ring box.

Taehyung gulped as he stared at the box, anticipation swimming through his veins.

"I decided to get these after noticing how scared you looked everytime I mentioned a future together, and I could tell you wanted it, you were just scared that it would never happen, so.."

Jimin opened the box to show two purple rings engraved with an infinity symbol and the letter of their first names.

"I got us promise rings because I know for a fact that I will never leave your side and I hope you never leave mine."

Taehyung was at a loss for words, but when he glanced up at Jimin his emotions ran high. The young model launched forward to capture his boyfriend's lips in a passionate kiss full of nothing but pure love.

"I love you more than anything and I promise to love you till my last breath." Taehyung spoke with unwavering devotion, knowing more than ever that this is what he wanted.

Jimin delicately grabbed Taehyung's hand and placed one of the rings on him, tracing the others knuckles with a fond smile on his face.

The young model blushed, goosebumps forming on his forearms as he pulled the second ring out of the box, sliding it onto Jimin's finger.

"Taehyung I promise I will never stop loving you because I know I'm not capable of it, and I know I could never love anyone the way I love you."

Both boys leaned in for another soft kiss and spent the rest of night cuddled up in their thin sheets, holding hands so their rings would connect, talking about their future and preparing for whatever would come next in the life they promised to share together for as long as they lived.

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