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"Where are you going?" Taehyung felt like he asked this question a hundred times but never got an answer. He stood in front of the dresser that Jimin used at his house, blocking him from getting to it.

"Taehyung please just move." Jimin pleaded, looking up at his friend with tired eyes. The younger boy frowned at the others state, feeling bad for being so difficult.
"I won't keep you here, but can I know where you're going?" Taehyung asked hopefully as he bit his bottom lip to control his nerves.
"Home." It was a simple answer, but it was enough to satisfy Taehyung and break his heart. This would be the second time this week he'd be sleeping alone, and he hated that fact.

"Why?" His voice cracked, exposing the vulnerability he was trying to hide. Taehyung wanted to act like Jimin leaving didn't effect him, but it did, and the worst part was he didn't know why. He was probably over reacting, but he couldn't help the nervous feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.

"Jimin did I do something wrong?" Taehyung asked quietly as he watched the light haired boy shove his belongings into a duffle bag. Jimin stopped packing when he heard how upset Taehyung was, he looked up to him from the floor and shook his head.

"Tae, you didn't do anything" He smiled at the frowning boy, trying to reassure him. "I just want to go home for tonight." Taehyung nodded, his heart heavy as he knew he couldn't make him stay.

"I'll pick you up at seven for the party then?" Jimin got off the ground and threw his bag over his shoulder.
"That sounds like a good time, I'll see you tomorrow Tae." He walked to the door ready to leave before he changed his mind.

"You're not gonna kiss me goodbye?" Jimin shut his eyes tight not wanting to turn back around, but he knew he had too. As soon as he turned towards Taehyung their eyes met, both of them looking sorry for a reason unknown.

Jimin walked up to the other boy and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, he could see Taehyung was confused, but neither of them said anything about it.

He left with a simple goodbye and walked out, he couldn't make it far though. Jimin's tears started falling as soon as the cold night air hit his face. The sobs were uncontrollable, whimpers falling from his pouting lips. All the tears filling up his vision made it impossible for him to see, so Jimin sat on the curb in front of Taehyung's house.

He didn't know how long he sat out in the cold, waiting for his sobs to stop, but there was one person that did.

Taehyung watched Jimin through the window, he only wanted to make sure he got in a cab safely, but instead saw his best friend breaking down.

Taehyung didn't want to believe he was the reason for this whole situation, but he knew he was. He had saw his tweet and choose to ignore it, not wanting to admit or see the hurt he was causing one of the only people he truly cared about.

He waited till Jimin finally pulled himself together and got into a cab before leaving the window. Taehyung couldn't get rid of the guilt that was eating at his insides, making his heart hurt so bad it felt like it would explode at any second.

He regretted not going outside to comfort Jimin and he regretted ever letting such an amazing person get close to him.

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