Necrophillia madness

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A load thud rang through the empty house as sam (not so gracefully) laid Dean down on the floor.

Castiel had started pacing as soon as a very pissed off Bobby guided them into his living room. Sam had tried to keep his cool because Dean almost always made it but now, seeing his brother cold with just his hallow breathing as an indication of his mortality. It was just too much for Sam.

"Dean...?" Sam whimpered as he shook Deans limp body. "No no no! You can't do this Dean! You're not leavi-" He paused as he heard a small noise escape Deans throat."If you keep shaking me like that I'm gonna throw up" Dean smirked letting out a soft cough but instance regretting it as his chest convulsed, making his face twist in pain. Instantly, Dean noticed a light thudding keeping a continuous beat going much like a heart.

Thud Thud Thud Thud

The pounding in Deans head was okay to handle, it was this damn beat he could hear vibrating through the floor boards that was making him feel sick and he didn't even have to look to the source to know why. Dean gave in ,his head tilted to look at the pacing figure a few feet away from him. He instantly made out the soft camel coloured trench coat with its ends gently sweeping the floor. He coughed again, a little louder this time to alert the figure and again his face contorted in pain. As if pulled from a trance, Cas' wide blue eyes darted wildly to Dean's face and Dean noted the relieved sigh that Castiel tried to hide. Dean felt like he had been in this place before and the smells were familiar, a little musky and dusty but the place was big enough and old enough to creek. How the heck did I end up at Bobbys place? He asked himself. Castiel approached him with caution as he leaned over to inspect the drowsy yet alive Dean. Seeing his chance, he lifted his eyelids to stare into Cas' eyes. "Is there any angel mojo that you can zap me with to stop this damn pain?" Dean laughed,though his teeth were grit with the effort it took to talk. There was a pause, a pause that sent chills down his spine. "Cas?" He whispered as he tried to get the answer he wanted, no not wanted, needed. The only thing Dean could see of Cas was his face and neck, he could see Cas' Adam's apple move against the skin as Cas tried to suppress a gulp. Castiel's bright blue eyes darted around the floor to look at anything but Dean. They settled on Sam, who then gave Cas his famous puppy eyes that Dean could tell was sign for Cas to keep his mouth shut. If that was the game Sam wanted to play, then Dean would beat him. He looked up at Castiel and though he knew he would deny it later, let out a whimper and pleaded with his big green eyes. Cas, seeing his best friend in need of an answer that only he was willing to give, caved in.

"Dean ... You're paralysed from the neck down and it took all my powers to keep you alive so I cannot cure you." Cas paused to let the news sink in. Dean could swear he heard Cas' voice break as he said he couldn't cure him, but he was tired and right at that moment all he wanted was to be in bed with a soft pillow instead of the hard floor. Yeah that would be good, Dean thought to him self. He lay his head back down as he heard a mumble which might of been Cas or Sam trying to stop him from falling asleep but Dean was too far gone to care. His eyes fluttered shut and it all went black.


He dreamt of the hunt they had been on. It was a simple job. Just a regular witch screwing around. Scratch that. A sexy witch screwing around with people. A sexy witch screwing with people that took a liking to Dean ,and who was Dean to deny her as a woman with needs? So sure, he bargained a night with him for her to stop messing with people. Little did Dean know that this bitch had a fetish for necrophillia. She handed Dean a drink that was glittery and girly but tasted like nothing he had ever drank before and it was amazing if not a tad metallic tasting. Willingly, he drank it all. He noticed after a while that he was feeling sleepy and a little bit sick and much to her dismay he was still alive. Now Dean knew something wasn't right. He tried to stand up but his legs wouldn't move. He panicked as the drugs hit home and he fell unconscious.

He vaguely remembers Cas appearing so maybe that's how he got away from her. However, Dean decided he didn't give a damn because he was asleep and asleep was all he wanted to be.

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