Co-pilot riot

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Dean was really getting sick of laying in bed, he couldn't even sleep most nights too! At night his brain just went into overdrive until one minute he was thinking about pie and then the next he was being crippled emotionally by the impending doom that faced him due to the apocalypse. He would just end up laying there listening to every noise the house made through the paper thin walls of his bedroom. That was what he was doing until Sam barged into the room.

"Me and Bobby figured we'd go on a hunt out of town."

"That's fine I guess.. whats the case?"

"3 missing persons reports that circle this one town."

"Dude that could just be a coincidence."

Sam smirked.

"Sure if it wasn't for the fact that each and every missing person is a pilot for the 'happyfly' airline that bases itself in said circled town."

"What do you think happened?"

"Well a couple years back a plane went missing with around 50 passengers on it. The plane reappeared a week later but only the pilot was alive and he was blaming it all on the co-pilot who had apparently screwed with the plane."

"That's exactly why I hate flying! Do you think the co-pilot was possessed or something?"

Sam shrugged.

"It must be something like that because the co-pilots family couldn't believe it."

"What do you mean?"

"He was like some volunteer person who was constantly helping others."

"So demon possession?okay. But that doesn't explain the missing pilots."

"Most of the pilots that went missing were close friends with the pilot."

"Were? as in past tense?"

"Yup he killed himself a week after getting back."

The older hunter grimaced. He never liked the thought of someone taking their own life.

"So what are you thinking?"

Sam shrugged.

"That that pilot wasn't telling the truth about what happened on that plane."

"I think it's the co pilot."


"Well if you were being blamed for something and you couldn't stick up for yourself you'd be pissed enough to get rid of the people who know it wasn't you."

"You're saying you think that the pilots that are missing know something but arnt saying?"

"It's your best best place to look."

Sam stretched his long legs as he stood up to leave.

"Me and Bobby will be staying in motel in the town and I think we will be gone for a week."

"But w-"

"Cas is going to look after you so don't worry about it."


"Dean don't be a dick about us leaving. I feel so helpless because I can't do anything but I can hunt. I think Bobby needs to get out of the house more, hes really starting to become a grump."

Sam burst out a low laugh when he heard "You shut your mouth you idjit!" vibrate through the walls as Bobby stopped to knock on the door.

"Come on now Sam or else I will seriously get grumpy!"

"Right right coming! No need to get your plaid in a twist."


Dean was laughing a lot now and he noticed that he no longer felt pain when his chest moved.He breathed a low goodbye as he watched his brother leave the room. Sam stopped just before he left the room and looked back at Dean "I got you some desert so you dont feel as bad. Cas will be in soon to feed you."

Sam left Dean alone as he and Bobby got ready to go.

He waited until he heard the door close and Bobbys truck start to drive off. He threw his head back onto the pillow and yawned as he started to fall asleep.

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