Love at first stare

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Deans freckled cheeks reddened. What the hell was Cas doing?! He readied him self to shout an all manner of curses at the wide eyed angel still knelt before him, but instead of his usual gruff shout,it came out more like a whisper.

"Cas, Why did you do that?"

Castiel cleared his throat,his body was burning with embarrassment but he tried to appear his normal calm self.

"I wanted to see if it could possibly get any bigger. It did."

"Oh um, okay."

Thats a little bit weird, but i'll take it as a compliment. Dean thought.

"Well thanks.. I think."

"Is it a good thing, to have a large penis?"

"Yeah. I think so, ive been told so."

"By who?"

"The women ive slept with."

"I dont understand why do they like them to be bigger?"

"I dont know Cas ive never experienced what they feel but it must be good or else they wouldnt make as much noise." Dean was joking of course, most girls got full after a while, both mouth and downstairs so when he tried to fill the rest of him in, it was painful for the girl.

Castiel blushed, he had witnessed the witch making strange noises as he appeared. His blush got even hotter when he remebered what he had seen. Dean noticed and questioned him on it.

"I was just thinking about the night i appeared in that bedroom with you and the witch."

Dean still didnt know what had happened to make Cas blush every damn time he thought about it. He was about to ask but was stopped short when Castiel picked him back up and carried him towards the ensuite. Dean huffed in annoyance; Castiel had a knack for ignoring his questions or finding an excuse not to answer them.

Castiel pushed the bathroom door open gently, Dean was surprisingly light in his arms. Dean's head was in the crook of Castiels elbow and he had the best view of the angel. He noticed the little squiggle of wrinkles etched on his forehead from constantly frowning. Dean thought that Castiel should smile more, he doesn't always have to be so stiff all the time.

"You should smile more." Dean whispered to himself more than to Cas.

Castiels nose scrunched up. He didn't enjoy the act of smiling,he didn't understand the need to express his private emotions. Dean was always smiling; it looked good on him but he felt like it didn't suit him. Castiels mouth curved upwards slightly at the thought of Dean's contagious smile. "Much better." Dean chuckled.

Castiels smile grew brighter at the noise and sight of the hunters beautiful laugh. Both men's eyes were shining ever brighter as they both burst out into fits of laughter.

Castiel stopped but was still smiling as he slowly looked around the room.

"This is very amusing Dean but there is a slight problem."

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, what problem?

"I can't put you in the shower, I would have to hold you but even then it would be incredibly difficult for both of us to fit."

"But I need a shower!"

"What about a bath instead?"

Dean sighed; he hated baths with a passion, after a while you're just stewing in your own filth. He groaned, knowing that Cas was right.

"Just run the bath then." but then, Dean realised something. "How will I stay lent up in the bath without sliding into the water?"

"Well, I guess I will have to sit behind you again just like before."

An image flew through Dean's head of Cas and him in the bath, Castiels arms wrapped around Dean's naked torso and Dean's muscled back pressed against the other males hard chest. No stop that! The gay thoughts will never catch me!

In the fog of his own thoughts, he hadn't noticed that he was no longer in Castiels arms but rather on the bathroom floor propped against the wall.Castiel was leaning over the bath, he didn't understand how the bath worked and he was getting extremely frustrated as he flinched at the cold water running from the tap.

"Twist the other one Cas." Dean barked as he was growing impatient slumped against the wall.

Castiel finally got the bath running but then Dean had to helplessly watch as he walked out of the room, leaving him alone in the hot steam of the bathroom. He heard a clatter and then a sound identical to the one he had heard when Cas 'landed' on the barn roof.

5 minutes later, and the fuss subsided. Castiel walked into the bathroom with a stressed look on his face as he fumbled with the blue tie hanging off his neck. However, Dean was too preoccupied to notice Cas' distress because his eyes didn't want to give up the image before him. Castiel was stood at the door, surrounded by steam and, he was naked apart from his black boxers. His chest was surprisingly muscular and angled, his arms were strong too. The blue tie grazed Castiels chest as it swung in a hypnotising manner. The steam was making Castiels hair stick up more than usual but his blue eyes were growing dark. Dean didn't realise he had been staring until Castiel let out a shy cough.

The bath was ready and Cas turned the taps off. He knelt down beside Dean and slowly scooped him up into his large arms. He submerged Dean in the warm water, being careful to keep his head and neck above the water. Castiel slipped behind him so that Dean was sat inbetween Cas' legs with their naked bodies merged together in the hot steam. This was the most awkward situation both men had ever been in, their cheeks both equally stained a bright shade of pink. After what seemed like forever, Castiel made the first move as he reached for the sponge and soap, Dean could feel every muscle twitching and moving in Castiels arms and chest. Dean had to fight the impeccable urge not to show his arousal as it coursed throughout his body, tearing around like a caged animal. Castiel lathered up the sponge with Dean's body wash and gently started to soap up Dean's body. The slow speed mixed with Castiels caution was creating a relaxing atmosphere, Dean lay his head back to rock in the nook of Castiels shoulder. He closed his eyes as he started drifting to sleep.

He was woken when he felt a cold chill crawl up his spine. The hunter could feel arms wrapped around his surprisingly slim waist. Dean could also feel a soft breath caressing the hair on his neck. He turned his head but stopped as he soon realised that Cas had fallen asleep with his head lolling on Dean's shoulder. He wanted to move, he really did but he couldn't shake the feeling of security he got with Castiels arms wrapped protectively around him. No, he didn't want to move, never.

In a happy daze he hadn't felt the angel stir beneath him. The big blue eyes he knew best fluttered open, the angel was confused and didn't realise he was holding onto Dean until he felt the soft rise and fall of Dean's steady breathing. How he had gotten into this position, he did not know but, did he want to move? No. They both sat there unaware of the other mans awakening. Castiel had to know something, he needed to know something.

What would his wings do?

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