Return of the bitch face

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Dean woke up with a jolt as he frantically tried to move his body, but then recounted last nights tales of woe and gave up with a loud and pitiful sigh.

He heard a gasp as he turned his head to see a shaken Castiel beside him. Something was off Dean thought as he looked at Cas, his hair ruffled and his bright eyes darkened by the bags marring the undersides of his big orbs. Cas was slumped in a chair next to Dean, who then noticed he was in Bobby's spare bed. Cas was searching Dean for some explanation for Deans hasty awakening but Dean was more preoccupied with his own thoughts .

Why was Castiel sleeping?

Angels don't sleep!

He was pulled from his thoughts when he realised Cas was trying to talk to him.

"You're wondering why I was asleep?"

Dean nodded willing for Cas to continue.

"My powers are almost all drained and I can only complete mediocre tasks which require little energy. I don't have all my powers back instantly because of heavens restrictions so it will take time for them to come back fully enough to heal you bit by bit and until then I will need sleep to recharge."

How blunt Dean smirked to himself.

"Well I guess I'm stuck like this for a while. Where is Sam?"

"He went to dispose of the witches body."

"Wait what? My memory is a little bit fuzzy but I'm pretty sure I was the one dying not her?"

Cas smiled a reserved smile which then dissipated as his face fell back into its grouchy mode.

"When you went to go kill the witch, you didn't return which sam thought was strange seeing as though it was a simple hunt. We tried to call you and when you didn't answer I detected the witches location but when I got there you were almost dead and she was ..."

Castiels face flushed red as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

This made Dean nervous to know what she was doing if it made Cas this uncomfortable. Cas of all people too!!

"What was she doing cas?" Dean implored as Cas continued to shift. Suddenly, Castiel stopped squirming and looked straight into Deans eyes as if willing for this conversation to go away. Dean was having none of it as he glared back at Cas, if he could cross his arms Dean was sure this would be the perfect opportunity. The Angels lips parted just as Sam burst through the door.

Dean sighed, he would have to ask Cas later. Castiel sighed also, grateful for the loud entrance of the taller male that managed to brush the tension away immediately.

Sam, upon seeing castiel, aimed his bitchface straight at the angel. Dean smirked, it was funny watching someone else be victim to the dreaded bitchface.

"Thanks for leaving me with a mess to clean up cas" Sam grumbled.

"I had to dispose of her quickly so I could get to Dean"

"But was it really necessary for you to pretty much smash her into the carpet?"

Castiel looked up at Sam with a confused look.

"As I said she was in the way and Dean was dying, so I threw her to the floor and I now realise that maybe it wasn't the best choice in disposing of her"

Sam shrugged.

"Next time please don't just use your strength to turn the person into slush because I'm the one who has to find an excuse for the bright red stain and the disappearance of both of the previous occupants."

And with that final remark Sam stormed out of the room. Leaving a mildly amused Dean and a tired Castiel alone together.

Dean grinned up at Castiel and started laughing, ignoring the pain that laughing cost him.

"So you smushed a witch for me, how romantic. I would return the gesture but I don't think I'm in the right state to be getting hot and heavy"

The flicker in Cas' eyes showed Dean had hit a nerve and he instantly regretted it.

"You should be fine in around 2 months. I will have to get you mobile bit by bit as my powers are limited so I will also be staying here as transporting someplace else would be a waste of power."

Dean nodded. Why was he constantly nodding? He left his thoughts aside as he stayed silent.

Noticing Castiels mood, Dean looked down to his hands out of a nervous habit. Only then did he notice the soft pressure he could just about feel on his hand. His eyes locked onto the source of the pressure and what he saw was Castiels hand placed firmly on Deans. Cas stood, letting Deans hand go abruptly as he made his course for the door. As he opened it he looked back at Dean and snapped

"In two months you can resume your romantic gestures with other women but I suggest you keep witches off the menu."

And with that he haphazardly slammed the door.

Dean sighed, longing to run his fingers through his hair to calm himself down.

What was all that about?

What was the witch about to do?

Was he going to last two months like this?

However, one question wouldn't leave his mind as it poked around in his head.

Was Cas holding his hand all night?

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