Knock Knock

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The hunter shifted, he was in the same double bed in the same room but something was different.

Dean looked around the room with heavy eyes expecting to see his angel perched on the chair beside the bed but he saw no sign of Castiel. Dean tried to ignore the twinge of disappointment swelling inside of him but failed as he longed for some company. He was stuck in bed because of that damn witch but it wasn't like that was what he regretted. Sure she did try to kill him but the thing Dean regretted the most was the missed opportunity with her. Most of the time, Deans type is any women with a nice face and figure, but this witch was different. Her long dark hair hung around her slightly tanned skin as it continued to cascade down her torso and curled around the ends. Dean wondered if it looked better when she was naked. However, the feature that drew Dean to her, was her eyes. They were large and blue, but not just a regular blue, they replicated the colour of a summer sky but then the next second they looked more like a sea at storm. Darkening.Forever darkening. Dean smirked to himself. They were almost as nice as Cas' eyes. He continued to picture this now dead but beautiful witch and he slowly became aware of the tent appearing in his pants. "Shit!" Dean grumbled as he bit his lip. How the hell was he going to deal with that?! His mood changed completely as he became thankful for the absence of company and now all Dean needed to do was will his thoughts away. "Think Dean think!" He ordered himself. He began thinking of all the things he had ever hunted that had turned his stomach and it didn't take long until he was only the smallest bit erect. "Not good enough!" he hissed quietly to himself. He needed to picture somthing he would instantly get turned off on, so he thought of sam and his brooding look that seemed to only grace Dean nowadays. With the thoughts of Sam helping to tame his now shrinking erection, he settled back. The slight haze he had got himself into allowed his mind to wonder once more, but to Cas now it fell. Bright azure eyes gleaming with anticipation as they always were. Dean wondered if those eyes would look better if the anticipation was accompanied with a nervous Cas willing to do whatever Dean wished. No, Cas wasn't like that, he would probably never go near Dean, let alone go willingly. The similarities between Cas and the witch were so prominent, Dean almost laughed at himself for not noticing. How did he ever think that that witch would want him? Dean was nothing but a pretty face but even that was fading away. Same goes with Cas, what would an angel of the Lord want with Dean? What use was a 'profound bond' when one half of the pair was useless?

Dean was pretty sure he wasn't gay but sometimes he did catch himself looking at other men but he always calmed his thoughts by thinking it was just because he was checking out the competition. He lent his head back and gazed at the blank ceiling, no longer caring about his now soft lower member. He thought about how all the times he was checking guys out and didn't feel anything, but when he was thinking about Cas it was different. Even seeing just a glimpse of skin when that oversized trench coat rolled up was enough to get Dean thinking about grabbing Cas and pushing him against a wall. Now wouldn't that be great but there wasn't a snowballs chance that that was ever going to happen. He could feel it though. The soft touch of the trench coat as it pressed against Deans skin, the pleasant stroke of it as he grabbed Cas' wrists to push them above the angels head. He heard Castiels deep breaths as he tried to kiss Dean who just continued to stare at him savouring this imaginary image. Even in a dream, Dean was a tease but he just didn't want to stop the moaning that Dean was conjuring in his head. Cas' hips were now knocking back onto the wall as he tried his best to grind up against Dean. Knock. Breath.Knock.Gasp. The gasp was new, he was pretty certain he didn't imagine Cas gasping but he sure as hell heard it. His eyes flicked open as his head snapped to the door. The ridged feeling creeping through him froze his face, as a shocked green locked with an unemotional blue. The knocking wasn't from his dream, he realised all too late ,that Cas had been knocking at the door.

Cas' eyes fell from Deans face to his lower area as he gulped taking in whatever was attracting his attention.

Deans mind was screaming as his gaze followed the same path of Cas' only to be met with his own raging boner. His face flushed. He needed to cover his face or turn over and curl up into a ball but all he could do was flop his head back onto his pillow, close his eyes and will the moment away.

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