Castiel knows best

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Dean sat twirling his thumbs around each other. Round and round and round, he could watch them forever. Every so often one of his large thumbs would graze the soft fabric of his plaid shirt, causing shivers to ripple down his spine. After what seemed like only a minute, Dean lifted his gaze to peer around the room. He looked for any indication of how much time had passed since Cas had left. The house was so quiet and Dean felt vulnerable alone in the silence of the abandoned room.

Dean wiggled his arms in the air and began to laugh hysterically. Boy was it good to move again!
He did all the things he had previously been missing. Just the small things like raking his hand through his hair and rubbing his eyes.
A clatter from the next room made Dean's senses alert and wild. He hoped to God it was Castiel and his prayers were answered when Cas stumbled into the room. Dean looked at him and then to the things he was carrying and then back at him again. He raised an eyebrow at the large stack of magazines Cas was holding onto. The laptop was positioned ontop of the pile, it's weight making it teeter from left to right.
"Did you know that there are over 1000 stores in this state alone that sell your favourite magazine?" Castiel said cheerily as he sat down beside Dean's bed. He placed the pile carefully onto the bed side table and took the laptop off the top.
"To be honest, I didn't really know which issue was your favourite so I got them all. I don't even know if you have any reaction to visual stimulation." Castiel was talking to himself more than to Dean as he continued to ramble on about confused members of staff and something about a cats penis.
"Cas, what is all this?" Dean said, finally interrupting Castiel strange train of thought.
"Oh right well..", Cas picked up one of the magazines and gave it to Dean, "I was almost completely certain that your sexual desires had been building up over the extended amount of time that you have not been able to move. So I brought your usual things."
Dean looked at the magazine and sure enough, it was a new issue of 'busty Asian beauties'.
"My usual things?" Dean asked as he flipped to the centre fold.
"Well on more than one occasion i may have accidentally arrived at the wrong time. I can assure you that I did not see alot, just the things you were looking at."
Dean furrowed his eyebrows, his pink lips forming a large O as he stared at Castiel who had now picked up the laptop and began typing.
Castiel didn't even give Dean anytime to blow a fuse because almost instantly, a porn site was up and blaring loudly on the laptop. Cas thrust the warm laptop onto Dean lap.
"I will go get the required supplies."
"What do you mean supplies? Wait a second Cas!" But with another whooooosh, Castiel was gone once again.

Dean glared down at the computer, it's screen littered with explicit content and virus filled pop ups. This was, like Cas said, his usual site but as he looked at it now, all it did was form a knot in his stomach. The women didn't catch his attention like they used to. He sighed, what the hell was happening to him?

Dean was scared to look up, what could Cas mean by supplies?!
He dragged his eyes up to look at Castiel who had once again perched himself on the chair next to the bed. This time however, he was holding a box of tissues and moisturiser. Dean blushed, knowing that Cas had seen his usual Friday night set up.

Castiel took the laptop from Dean and seemed to survey all the different porn videos. One minute an eyebrow would be raised and then the next minute he would shake his head.
It seemed that Castiel had finally found a video as he set the laptop down beside Dean.
It showed two women making out in skimpy clothing. Dean stared blankly at the screen.
"I will remove your pants for you." Castiel said, placing a hand on Dean's thigh. Now Dean was lay there, pants less and flaccid, with a confused yet patient angel sat beside him. The women on the screen were now moaning and groaning as a vibrator was added into the mix. Dean still felt nothing.
"Would you like me to leave?" Cas asked.
Dean shook his head lightly. Long arms stretched across the bed as Castiel returned the laptop to his lap. He clicked on another video and set it beside Dean. This time it was just a regular man and a woman going for it. Nothing stirred inside Dean.
"Would you like me to cover you up for some privacy?" Castiel spoke softly beside Dean.
He was unsure what Cas meant but he nodded. Castiel stood, he pulled gently at the arm of his coat, making it slide down his arm slowly. He did the same for the other side until the coat was hanging by his arms. Dean felt a twitch in his lower area, the scene was almost like a strip tease. Pull yourself together Dean! It's one damn layer less!
Castiel removed the coat and laid it on top of Dean's lap.
The soft fabric caused his skin to erupt with goose bumps. His twitching boner lead him to believe that maybe it could get hard if his underwear was down. He hooked his fingers under the waistband and pulled them down.
Castiels coat gently stroked his penis which made Dean's arousal build more than he had thought it would.

Castiel was watching him intently through heavily eyelashes. All he wanted to do was make Dean happy but now as nothing was happening Cas knew he had failed. Castiel had a link to Dean so he could tell that the porn wasn't attracting him at all. It was strange that when Castiel had been undressing, he had noticed that Dean's heart beat increased. Also, castiels coat seemed to arouse Dean. Castiel thought the situation was very complex. His face twisted in confusion. He pulled the laptop back onto his lap but he had ran out of search terms. Then it hit him, could Dean instead want gay porn? He found a video that instantly attracted his attention, the two men were polar opposites. One was square jawed with deep green eyes, fair haired and muscular, his skin a cool olive colour. The other man also had a slight golden tint in his skin but he had black hair, bright blue eyes and a dark chin of stubble. Castiel find it weird that the dark haired male had angel wings tattooed onto his back and even weirder was the fact that the fair haired stronger looking one was being penetrated by the other male. Castiel would have imagined that it would be the other way round. Castiel thought about clicking it off but something inside him told him that it was right and that Dean would like it. He took a deep breath and placed the laptop beside Dean once more.

Dean looked at the laptop in shock, what the hell was Cas thinking?!
Dean Winchester is not gay! I think..
He couldn't believe the resemblance between him and the guy on the screen getting his butt demolished. It was creepy how the other guy looked like Cas. He scrolled to the title of the video.

What the hell is Destiel? And why is this porno tagged as it?

Dean didn't even care what this porn was but he didn't want to watch it. He tried to pull his eyes away from the small screen but he just couldn't. He found himself gazing longingly at the dark haired man. From the side he almost looked like Castiel but the lips weren't right and that guys nose was far too big. There wasn't any little wrinkles on the mans forehead or little flicks in his hair. Nah Cas looked better than that. Dean shifted away from the laptop but the movement caused the soft fabric to caress his semi hard on.
Wait, when did that get there??!! Dean looked down on himself in shock, a small bulge was becoming visible under the coat.

I hate you penis, what the heck do you want?!?!

I want to be in Cas' butt you dummy!

Well that's just great, im having a mental argument with my penis.

Sure 'mental'

Dean looked up and was met with large blue eyes staring at him in shock.
"Did I say all that out loud?"
Castiel was too shocked to reply so instead he nodded.
"You didn't hear anything."
Castiel nodded again.

"Dean, I'm going to leave you to get on with it. If you require any assistance please just call for me."
"Yeah uh.. sure."

Castiel stood at the door but lingered with his hand grasped tightly on the handle.
"What is it Cas?" Dean asked, his voice full of concern.
"Please inform your penis that I wouldn't mind it if he was in my butt." He twisted the handle tightly and left the room.
Dean twitched, his body stiffening. All the blood rushing like a stampede to his penis. His hard on was straining against the coat.
Oh Cas. Thank you. he thought as he dropped his hand under the coat.

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