Lost dignity

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Sam called the next day to check up on Dean but Cas had to sit by Dean the whole time holding the phone to his ear.

"So was I right? Was it the co-pilot?"

"I don't know yet, me and Bobby are only just starting to talk to the locals."

"What do you mean only just starting? Its been 5 days Sam! Just do that stupid 'I'm from the FBI and this is my partner' bullshit."

"It's not that simple, this town is extremely close knit, no one will tell us anything about the crash or the missing pilots."

"Well what about the pilots families?"

"We can't find them anywhere, I'm pretty certain this town is covering up for something much bigger."

"Do you think you will be back by Monday?"

"Dean this isn't a simple job like we thought, we might be gone for a while."

"Well how long is a while?!"

"Dude chill out! About two more weeks."

Dean let out an annoyed sigh. He really missed Sam and Bobby.

"Sure okay. Just don't get yourself or Bobby killed!"

Sam chuckled at deans over protectiveness.

"I'll do my best."

"Tell Bobby i said hi. See you later Sammy."

"Bye Dean."

Cas pulled away the phone and placed his hand onto Dean's head to change and wash him. Dean closed his eyes but when he opened them, he was met with Castiels furrowed brow look. Nothing was happening.

"I really hoped this wouldn't happen." Cas said solemnly. He took his hand away from deans head and brought it to his own hair. He was carding his fingers through his thick hair and Dean was itching to do the same to his own. He didn't understand,what had gotten Cas so stressed?

"What is it Cas?" Dean asked but the angel didn't answer, he just continued pulling at his hair.

"Earth to Cas!" Dean snapped. Castiel let his arms go limp as he looked at Dean.

"Whats wrong? Why couldn't you change my clothes?"

"It's my power, it's practically all gone."

"How? You were storing it up!"

"Well that night I kissed you and you woke up, I needed to get away. Even teleporting to the next room takes up some power. Then I did it again yesterday so now I'm almost powerless."

"What are we going to do, I need to get changed and get a shower!"

"The only way to do that now is for me to take you into the shower myself and to change your clothes manually."

Dean couldn't say anything, he really needed a shower, he was seriously working up some fumes laying in bed all day. Then again, being showered by Cas would obliterate any shreds of dignity that Dean had managed to keep.

You know what, fuck it. Dean didn't give a damn anymore, his dignity was long gone.

"Fine, but there is no chance in hell that I am getting in that shower completely naked."

Cas nodded and slowly made his way over to the bed.

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