Step 1: Get Deans top off

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Castiel leaned over the nervous hunter. He looked to Dean for reassurance and a green light to which Dean hesitantly nodded. Cas pulled back Deans covers and paused. Dean felt extremly self concious as Cas scanned Deans body abosorbing every detail. In his mind, Deans was laugjing at himself. Youre still clothed! Its fine!

Dean impatiently sighed. A blush crept onto Castiels face which was then followed by an appolagetic half smile. Castiel managed to pry his hands from the cover which he had been gripping with some strength. Dean hates being picked up in anyway, he hates it even more when Sam comes in to take him to the toilet but now its going to be even worse with Cas having to do stuff like that!.Grabbing the hem of Deans shirt, Cas began to pull it up, however this proved difficult due to Dean being on his back. Cas then lifted him up to lean against the headboard and tried to remove his shirt again. However, the results were the same, the shirt kept getting stuck half way up Deans back where Cas couldnt reach it. Dean slid down the headboard as he landed back into his previous position.The angel bit his thumb as he tried to think of an idea but soon let his hands go limp beside him which Dean saw as a sign for Dean-i-seriously-dont-have-a-clue-what-im-doing or Dean-i-have-a-solution-to-this-problem. When Cas moved to sit on the side of the bed Dean was happy to note that it was statement number two. Dean looked into Cas' eyes with a quizzical squint but Castiel didnt say anything, he just hoisted his leg across so one leg was at each side of the bed. Cas was behind deans head, resting against the headboard. He brought his hands under deans muscular arms and pulled him up so Dean was pressed against his chest. Deans head lolled forward but before he could lift his head back up he stopped; a soft hand brushed his cheek as it brought Deans head up to rest on Castiels shoulder. He looked up, shocked by the unexpected touch and his eyes were met with sea blue orbs that were darkening with a quickening pace. Cas' hand stayed where it was, their eyes were still locked together, and for some damn reason Dean couldn't pull his gaze away. Its not that you cant! It's that you don't want to!His brain screamed.

Castiel was the first to move his eyes away, he wasn't sure why he had pulled Dean's head up, he just felt like his hand moved on its own, longing to feel the rough stubble and soft cheek of Dean's face.

Castiel ignored his stray thoughts and grabbed the hem of Dean's shirt, pulling it up with ease. Dean's body began to tip forward so Castiel reached out with rapid reflex and placed a hot palm onto Dean's bare chest, pulling him closer. His palm flexed against Dean's chest, his thumb running over the firm abs. Castiel needed to calm himself down he was twitching in both forms and he couldn't let Dean know that. Dean was holding his breath in the whole time; the touch to his super sensitive skin was so unexpected. Castiel removed himself from the situation quickly by practically jumping off the bed. He was breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth to calm himself down.

He scanned Dean's face for signs of discomfort but the only emotion etched on his face was shock. His mouth was in a small o shape and his eyes were wide. He had fallen back onto the bed without Cas to lean on so now he was just staring at the blank ceiling. He thought about asking Sam to get him some nice busty Asian beauties posters.You would much rather look at Cas at night! Why did his brain hate him?! However, he couldn't deny that he liked the sight of Cas. He couldn't ignore the swelling he felt in his heart whenever he appeared or the relief he felt when Cas touched him. Dean shook his head, these are not the thoughts to be having about someone who is about to take your pants off!

Castiel was completely composed now, he moved to Dean's side and gently scooped his hands underneath the surprisingly light hunter. He tried his best to cup his hands under places that wouldn't be uncomfortable for Dean. One hand was under Dean's knees whilst the other was under His arms, his forearm resting in the crook of Dean's spine. Castiel carried Dean in the fire mans lift over to a chair on the far side of the room.

Dean was the damsel in distress laying gracefully in his saviours arms.

Castiel, an angel of the Lord.

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