Whoosh away my Dear Cas

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Castiel was gone when Dean woke in the morning. The house was too empty for his liking with only two people in it.
"Cas!" Dean called. A second later, Castiel had opened the door, alert for any danger.
"Can you call Sammy? I want to check up on the case."
"I'll go get your phone."
Castiel left the room and returned with a phone pressed against his ear, "Dean is fine Sam, you don't have to worry."
Castiel pressed the phone against Dean's ear and sat down.
"Hey sammy!"
"Hi Dean, how are you feeling?"
"I'm good, how's the case going?"
"So get this, the pilots wife told us everything that happened on that night."
"What made her squeal?"
"Guilt maybe? The whole town was covering it up but now she's finally snapped."
"So what happened?"
"The flight was only 1 hour long so the pilot figured he could have a couple drinks with the other pilots, they were all pretty close. The co-pilot refused to let him fly the plane when he was almost drunk so the pilot got angry and punched him."
"That isn't enough to kill him."
"Exactly, so the pilot smashed a bottle and cut the guys throat and put him on the flight."
"Why would he do that though?"
"The pilot was close to a promotion and the word getting out about him getting drunk before a flight would ruin his career."
"That's messed up!"
"Yeah, it gets worse. The pilot then decided to make the plane disappear. He killed 51 people for a promotion."
"He sounded insane."
"The thing is though, he got back home and didn't get the promotion, that's why he killed himself."
"That dude really wanted a promotion. So have you burned the co-pilots bones?"
"They are missing."
"Nobody found his body in the place where the others got dumped."
"Did the co-pilot have any really close family?"
"Not really no. His parents live a state over but he has a girlfriend but she went missing."
"It's her, you need to find her."
"She must know something about ghosts to keep the body with her."
"I'm just praying she isn't another witch."
"So it's a vengeful ghost killing the people who blamed him."
"Pretty much."
"Why can't thinks be simple for once."
"It's our job Sammy, it's never easy."
"Me and Bobby are going to go to the girlfriends old apartment, see if we can find anything suspicious."
"Okay. Call us if you find anything."
"I will. Bye Dean."
The line went dead and Cas put the phone in his coat pocket.
"I have some good news. I can heal half of you now." Castiel said, his smile stretching wide across his face.
"Thats great!! Do it!!"
Cas nodded and closed his eyes.He placed his large palms on Dean's chest and the feeling Dean got was like a weight was lifted off of him. He lay there shocked and unsure. The first thing he did was sit himself up on shaky limbs, reached out and wrapped his arms around Castiel. The angel hesitated, unsure of what to do but he returned the hug. He hadn't understood the concept of a hug but now he realised why people liked it so much. It was nice to be close to Dean. Dean fell back into bed and crossed his arms, "I really want a big juicy burger in my hands right now."
"I think my grace is capable of a small trip, what would you like?"
"Bacon double cheeseburger, oh and ... leave the salad."
Dean wiggled his arms about and started manically laughing, enjoying being able to move once again.
Dean continued to laugh, unaware of the Angels presence until he looked up. Castiel was laughing, really laughing and it was such a rare and beautiful sight, that Dean didn't dare interrupt him. He just stared at him, flicking his eyes over Castiels scrunched face. It was adorable. Castiel regained his posture and passed Dean the burger bag.
"Did you not get one for yourself?"
"I only went to get yours."
Dean looked at his delicious unwrapped burger and sighed.
"Do you want to share it? I don't mind at all."
"But you are normally so possessive over your food."
"Yeah yeah just eat it."
They slit up the burger and began to eat. Dean noticed that castiel was one heck of a messy eater. Sauce was dribbling out of his mouth.
"Wait Cas."
Dean lent over and scooped up the sauce with his thumb and he held it out infront of Castiel, who then licked it.
And then, another drop appeared right on the corner. Dean did the same thing but this time he just pushed his thumb into Cas' mouth who then proceeded to such it like it was no big deal.
Dean pulled his thumb out and quickly finished his burger, 2 weeks of no attention to his sexual needs meant that the slightest thing could set the big guy off. Like now, a half sized tent was slowly starting to appear beneath the covers.
Please don't notice it
Don't look please
But his mental prayers went unanswered. Castiel looked and saw it but didn't say a word.
He stood up and smiled, "I have an idea."
Then, whoooosh

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