Sweet dreams

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Castiel carefully stepped into the quiet room being careful not to wake the sleeping hunter. He always enjoyed the few times in the week where he would come in and fall asleep next to Dean. He didn't have a clue as to why he liked to watch Dean sleep, he thought maybe it was because Dean was so peaceful when sleeping.The worry lines and frown he almost always wears was smoothed out in his skin. Dean looked younger and happier in his sleep. Castiel sat himself down in the extremely uncomfortable chair next to the bed. He went to go place his hand on top of Dean's but hesitated as the hunter stirred. Dean's head pushed against the pillow, the action exposing his neck. Dean made a huffing noise as he started to pant,his eyes still firmly shut. Castiel started to worry that Dean was having a really bad nightmare. The angel got those occasionally when he was in this near human state. Castiel's curiosity took over as he placed his hand onto Dean's still twitching head. Castiel found himself looking over into a motel room. His blue eyes moved around the room but they found nothing. He started to drift out of the dream until he saw two figures stumble out of the motels bathroom. They seemed to be fighting and both were recognisably men. Both men moved towards the wall closest to them, Castiel moved closer so he was hovering next to the two tall figures. He held in a surprised gasp to see Dean pushing him against the wall. Castiel was blushing as he watched Dean and himself ferociously kissing. Both of them started to strip down to their underwear, Dean smirked as Cas struggled to unknot his tie.

"Leave it on." Dean growled, his voice faltering. Castiel brought his lips back to Dean's as he began to lead Dean towards the double bed. Dean shook his head and bit his lip, he dropped to the floor and kneeled in front of Castiel. He looked down, his blue eyes full of shock as Dean hooked his fingers into Castiels grey boxers and slowly pulled them down his long legs. The real Castiel thought about leaving but he was far too interested in the thoughts unraveling before him in Dean's mind. The dream Castiel was stood with his eyes locked on Dean who was inching ever closer towards Castiels groin. Dean looked up as he licked the tip of Castiels erection which caused both Castiels to shudder. Dean slipped his hands up Cas' thighs and stopped them on his hips. His large and rough hands gripped firmly at the bones as his fingers stroked the space between the hips. The small gasps leaving dream Castiels throat caused Dean to stop. "Although those noises are perfect, I need to concentrate so I'm going to have to shut you up." Dean's eyes gleamed with mischief as he got up from off the ground. His hands found the tie still slung messily around Castiels throat, he undid the tie and waved it in front of Cas' face. "Open your mouth." Dean ordered. Cas parted his lips to protest but before he could form a single word, the tie was already in his mouth. Dean was humming to himself as he tied a knot at the back of Cas' head, he continued his humming as he got back into his previous position. He wasted no time as he took the tip into his mouth. The humming apparently had a great effect on dream Castiel because he started to whimper into the tie. Dean's soft pink lips continued their humming as he slid most of Castiels length down into his throat. Dream Cas was twitching now but Dean didn't stop his torturous rhythm. Up. Down. Tip.Base. Castiels fingers curled into Dean's hair as he tried to control his heavy breathing. He closed his eyes and groaned extremely loudly as his thrusts into Dean's mouth faltered. Dean licked his lips and stood as he held dream Cas through the after shocks of his orgasm. He undid the tie around Cas' head and Dean giggled, his eyes lighting up as he kissed Castiels head. "Did that feel better than me sucking on your finger?"

"Y-y-yes much better."

"Don't tell anybody I said this but ... you taste better than pie." Dean smirked at the now composed Castiel.They then proceeded to kiss and finally they moved towards the bed.

Castiel knew it was too much to watch all of the dream so he slowly faded out. He sat back in the chair, his hands covering his erection that had apparently occurred during the dream. He couldn't believe Dean would dream about that. Sure Castiel wouldn't of been surprised if Dean had been dreaming about him having sex with a woman, but Castiel found it hard to see why Dean would want to do that with him. For starters, his vessel wasn't suitable or attractive to Dean and Castiel wasn't anything to Dean. He couldn't get rid of the nagging voice in his head telling him that it wasn't just his vessel that was reacting,it was him too. He was pretty certain that if his wings were out, they would be twitching. Castiel didn't know how he was feeling. He knew that the bond they shared effected his grace's perception of Dean. No, he didn't like Dean in that way, it was just a normal reaction he told himself. He would even prove it! He carefully lent over and gazed at Dean's parted lips. There was no doubt that Dean was still dreaming about Castiel, but he just chose to ignore it. He brought his face closed to Dean's until he could feel his soft breath tickling his cheeks, Cas dipped down and placed a chaste kiss onto Dean's lips. He felt a slight stir beneath him but he continued his test. Castiel noticed how dry Dean's lips were so he carefully licked some moisture onto them. They were now glistening and Castiel swiftly kissed Dean again but it was longer this time. One more can't hurt Castiel reasoned with himself as he kissed Dean again. However, this time he decided to trail a few kisses onto Dean's exposed throat which caused Dean to wake up. His alert green eyes darted around the room but nobody was there. Castiel had already gone as soon as Dean's eyes had even opened enough for him to see.

Castiel was in his room panting heavily. Why did he get so carried away? He was thankful that he only had to jump to the next room but even so, it still wasted a bit of his power. He laid down in bed fully clothed as per usual but failed to fall asleep due to the heavy pounding of his heart. He wondered what Dean was thinking and if he had felt or seen anything. His thoughts drifted back to the dream as he lost himself in a sea of questions.

Dean knew what had happened, Cas had been in his dreams so many times that he had began to notice his presence in them. He was good at hiding his presence this time and Dean only noticed when he felt him leave. He nearly woke up then but he stopped himself and chose to wait and see what Cas would do. Dean couldn't deny that it took him all his will power and self control not to kiss Castiel back but all of that dissipated when he felt the warm kiss caress his neck. In truth he had woken himself up because he was so shocked at his own reaction to Cas' kiss. He knew he could never tell Castiel that he knew about it, let alone tell him that he had enjoyed it and had wanted nothing more than to participate. What troubled him the most though was the thought that Castiel had been there through most of Dean's dream. He knew Castiel wouldn't be interested anyway, Cas was like a nun when it came to anything about sex. Dean just wished he knew what Castiels reaction was so that he wouldn't be ripping his head apart trying to reason with himself.

Both Castiel and Dean didn't sleep at all that night. Castiel was slowly but surely convincing himself that Dean's dream was an experimentation of his sexuality and that Dean would wake up in the morning knowing he wasn't gay. Meanwhile, Dean stayed awake trying to figure out wether or not Cas would even want him. Yeah sure he had kissed him, but he was pretty certain that that was just Cas' own way of finding out if he felt anything towards Dean and it was clear in the way Castiel tried his best to get away from Dean, that Cas didn't feel anything for Dean.

But the main question that kept making its appearance in both men's minds was

Does he feel the same?

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