Chapter Two

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"Alex!! School!!" His mom yelled up the stairs. Mondays were not the best days for the young male. Well to be quite frank, any days that involved waking up early and putting in effort weren't the best days for him. He didn't fit well into school. He was popular, everyone loved him, but the environment just made him want to drive off a cliff. Alex couldn't handle feeling stuck. It drove him crazy. But even as that was, he knew he had no choice. He slowly pulled himself out of bed, shivering as the cold air nipped at his bare skin once the blankets were removed. He stood up and stumbled to the bathroom.

"Oh and Alex? Keep your eyes open at lunch today, I think you might have a surprise!"

"Yeah ok. Whatever." He managed to gargle through the tooth paste.

Much to Alex's surprise, the day went by fairly quickly. Before he knew it, it was lunch. As he did everyday, he took his seat with his girlfriend of four months, Sam, and the rest of Oakly Highschool's finest, under a big tree out back. Students weren't really allowed back there, but no one ever said anything. They knew who ran the school, and they wouldn't mess with the system. Even the teachers didn't want to step on anyone's toes.

"Hey ass fucker, what's up?" Max screeched across the circle. Max was Alex's best friend, since about the 6th grade. He was a complete cunt sometimes, but he was the best Alex had. He wasn't much fond of the whole friendship process, so he just stuck with what he had to avoid the trouble.

"Nothin" He answered, putting his arm around Sam's shoulders.

"Okay let me rephrase that, how was your weekend faggot?"

"Oh fine, nothing special, you really wouldn't want to hear about it." Alex joked, of course everyone would want to hear. Alex was practically their leader. They worshipped him. Okay maybe that was just playing into his narcissism, but he was looked up to.

"Of course we do." Sam cooed, looking up into his eyes with the puppy dog face she used so much.

"Okay, if you don't want to tell us, don't." A kid named Jake mumbled.

"Well, it was pretty fucked to be honest." Alex started. " Helped out at that soup kitchen thing downtown."

"Meet any cheap prosties? I could use a good ridin' one of these days." Max laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Maxwell. Alex doesn't roll like that ok, those people are below him." Sam snapped, throwing her half eaten apple, and barely missing missing the side of his face.

"Nah sorry man, only some emo fuck my mom forced me to hang around with all night."

"What's so bad about emo kids?" Sam laughed.

"Nothing. He was just soo emotional. Like his parents died and everything but he had time to get over it. And even if it took longer than expected, he still shouldn't be goin' around shoving his problems down other people's throats. I bet he was gay."

"How do you know?" Jake asked.

"He was homeless, yet he still made sure to put gel in his hair. And I could've swore I saw him checkin' me out." Alex joked. He wasn't serious, Jack seemed like an all right kid, but he had his cool kid rep to keep up, and everyone knew the best way to do that is to make fun of the less fortunate.

"It's your dick babe, he craves it." Sam winked. "Like me."

"Oh get a room you filthy animals." Sam's best friend Casper chuckled.

"He wants to suck your cock man." Max yelled, thrusting his hips forward, into Jake's face.

"Fuck off man. Maybe he's not gay and you're just being a jerk eh?" Jake muttered to himself.

"Well his name was Jack. Jack rhymes with crack. So yeah, I'd be good to assume he likes it in the ass." Alex teased.

"Thanks Alex. Thanks." said a voice from behind the tree. Alex turned around and saw the boy from the kitchen walking back towards the school.

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