The one with Little Ms Stark

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"Morgan, how often do I need to tell you not to go to my lab without me in it?", Tony said softly. He was holding his 4 year old daughter in his arm. Her lip quivered. "Sorry daddy I just wanted to make you a present", Morgan said. Tony looked at her, not believing what he had done that was so amazing to get someone like his little girl. "That's so nice of you Morgan but still. Next time you just tell me to look away and I swear I'll not peek, okay?", Tony whispered in her ear. "But daddy, it's not gonna be a surprise present when you know I'm making one", Morgan whined. Tony took her out of the lab and up into the living room. "Honey, it's too dangerous with all the stuff that could explode or fall on you. You're not allowed to be there without me. End of discussion", Tony said in a more stern tone. He couldn't help himself, he had to smile at the end because whenever he used that tone he felt like his father and God, he didn't want to be like that. He told her to play in her room because he had a conference in the room above.

"FRI if anything dangerous happens, you tell me. I don't care if the presidents speaking. Got it?"
"Yes of course Sir"

---------------At Peter's school--------------

Peter was sitting in biology. He was bored. And if I say bored, I mean really really bored. He had done that stuff months ago, when Bruce was visiting him. So yes, he did shriek quietly when the door burst open, not that anyone heard though. Peter blinked twice to make sure he didn't see ghosts out of his boredom. No, there, standing in the doorway with a quivering lip and a Spider-Man toy stood the little Ms Stark, his sister Morgan.

There was silence for a few seconds. Mrs Webber crouched down to look the little girl in the eyes. "Hey, little one, did you get lost?", Mrs Webber asked. Morgan didn't even listen to her, she simply scanned the room for her big brother. "What's your name? Shall we call your parents?", the teacher tried again but Morgan already saw Peter and sprinted to him.

The second he realized that she was looking for him, he already had a little Morgan in his lap. "Daddy is so mean. He doesn't let me in his lab", Morgan cried out. "What happened, biscuit?", Peter gently said. "Well I went to his lab because I tried making that, that- I forgot the name of it.. You know the thingy with the picture in it?" "A picture frame?" "Yeah, you know, you told me about that jump out thing and I wanted to make it. I nearly had it but then he took it away from me and, and-", Morgan began sobbing. Peter felt the stares of his classmates but right know he only cared about his little sister. He started:" Biscuit, you know your daddy loves you. He just wants to protect you" "But, but I wanted to surprise him" "I know, I know but next time? Come to me instead. I'll help you out okay?" "Okay".

Ned was freaking out because of the cuteness and MJ, well MJ was swooning over her boyfriend. Peter just hugged his sister and notified his dad that she was here. He didn't even wait for a reply because he knew his father and he knew that he was just flying straight here.

"Oh my god, Morgan did you walk here?", Peter suddenly realised. "Well yeah but it's not far", Morgan sheepishly grinned. In that exact moment the door burst open another time and there stood iron man in all his glory. The students gasped again but nobody dared to say anything.

"Don't ever do that again, oh god", Tony breathed out. Peter stood up and held the little girl. "Oh by the way", Peter said while picking up his backpack and searching for something "Morgan and I thought of the same little present but since you so rudely interrupted her you're only gonna get one. Your loss". Peter handed Tony the frame and a pictured of Tony, Pepper, Peter and Morgan popped out when you said the word Stark Family. Tony got tears in his eyes. "Like brother like sister", Tony whispered. "I'm sorry Morgan but you have to understand that I worry about you",he said while taking her out of his sons arms. "Oh we've already got a solution for that", Peter grinned while winking at Morgan.

Tony hugged Peter. Then he turned around and said: "Ned, Pizza tonight at ours. MJ you too as long as you don't roast me all the time". "No promises, Mr "No Pepper I know how to use an iron" while burning a shirt", MJ smirked. "I'd say go to hell but Pete here loves you too much for that so... Toodles".

"Daaaad", Peter groaned but Tony and Morgan already disappeared. Suddenly the talking began and all Peter thought was: "Oh sweet hell, take me now"

The word that Peter was a Stark made it's way around quickly and soon the whole school knew about Family Stark. Well, at least now his parents could finally come to his career days and he could take his little biscuit to school without suspicion. Oh how little Morgan adored sitting in a class with her big brother because their parents had meetings. The teachers simply shrugged it off, probably knowing why a four year old was sitting there, solving maths problems with a student of theirs.

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