The one with the Essay

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To say that Tony was worried was an understatement. For the last 2 weeks Peter was typing on his laptop. Non-stop. Whenever Tony wanted to spend time with him he was blown off. Tony wondered if he did something wrong but whenever he tried to talk to Peter about it, he waved him off and said he had to finish whatever he was typing.

Another 2 weeks and Tony went down to see May, since her and Peter were living at the tower because May couldn't afford the apartment anymore. May said he was working on an essay that would be very important for his final english grade. When Tony asked what topic he was writing about, May smirked and told him that she couldn't tell him. Now Tony was confused.

It was a rainy Sunday when Peter did his homework at the tower for the first time. At the time he was still living in his small little apartment with his aunt. Peter was always shy about the things he did because he's just always been really self-conscious. Tony once wanted to read what he wrote but Peter wuickly snatched it out of his hand and hid it behind him. From time to time he let Tony read a few parts but he was still conscious about what he wrote. Still, Tony always knew what Peter was writing about, so that he could maybe throw in some ideas that came to his mind.

And that's why Tony was so confused. Peter was so secretive about it, that he might as well have planned a murder or something.

And you know, Tony being Tony, he sneaked up on Peter but he always closed his work [spidey-sense thank the lord] and shot Tony an unapproving look.

Tony hired everyone of the Avengers to try and get what Pete was writing but the day Natasha came back with nothing they gave up. Another week after that he was seemingly done and was back to his self, no longer furiously typing and typing.

"So I see you finally handed in your essay?",Tony asked. "Yeah, I'm so glad it's done now. There was so much pressure on me because that essay is kind off the main thing our grade in english is based on this year", Peter said. "How come World War 2 is that important for a topic" "Mr Stark, I didn't write about WW2?.." "Oh well I just guessed. Was worth the try. But really what was they essay about?" "Nu-uh. Still not gonna tell you" "Come on kid. It's like you want to kill me" "Isn't that a bit exaggerated?" "No now tell me" "Alright. So the topic was: The people you look up to" "So why didn't you tell me?" "Well it's embarrassing. Imagine if you had read your part out loud...". Ok so now Tony was gobsmacked. "Out of all the people you could have chosen... You wrote about .. me?", Tony asked. "Well I mean we kinda had to choose a group so I chose the Avengers and since you're part of them you're in it too", Peter said sheepishly.

Two weeks were in between the talk they had and now. Tony was still in awe that the kid wrote about him. I mean yeah, it was about all the Avengers but he could have just chosen different people. When he asked about who he had written about specifically, Peter said everyone. Like literally everyone, including for example Hope Van Dyne or Carol Danvers and Shuri of Wakanda. He had met these people once in his life but still deemed them amazing enough to include them. And because he felt bad about leaving someone out. That's why Tony decided to have them ALL over for dinner, when Peter was supposed to be there. Even some of them who had only met him once agreed because who didn't adore Peter Benjamin Parker?

Peter was so disappointed. He worked so incredibly hard at this essay and what did he get? A big fat F, a lecture from his teacher that was really embarrassing and to top it all off, he got beaten up by Flash who heard about the incident. Now Peter was carrying his black eye with shame, hoping for it to be gone by noon, so that he could eat dinner without getting questioned by Tony. And whoop, whoop what a wonder. Parker Luck™, No it didn't heal. He hesitantly walked up to the kitchen. And surprise, surprise. There they were. The reasons for his current situation.

Tony thought Peter would be happy, you know, having all your idols, heroes or whatever in a room can be pretty exciting. He didn't plan for his kid to come in with a black eye and an expression that was anything but happy. "Oh hey guys, w-what are you doing h-here", Peter stuttered out when he noticed them staring at his black eye. "Маленький Паук, что случилось с твоим лицом (Little Spider what happened to your face)?", Natasha demanded. "Ничего, мама паук (Nothing mama spider)", Peter innocently said. "Patrol", he quickly added afterwards. "No, Karen would have given me a notice. Who did this to you?", Tony said with a concerned expression on his face. "Wait- who's Karen?", Clint said smugly, while winking at Peter. "Suit lady", a few said at the same time. "So what's the occasion that you're all here? Oh and what's for dinner, I'm starving!", Peter tried changing the topic while wandering through the kitchen.

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