Doctor's Orders? Out The Window

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I swear on the River Styx I will not publish anything under 1000 words, including author notes. I also swear that I will not abandon this story. Make sure I stick to this people!

This takes place after Blood Of Olympus and during Order Of The Phoenix. Let us begin.

Nico P.O.V

Arguing with your doctor is a terrible idea. Arguing with your doctor who's also your boyfriend? A million times worse. Gods, I thought, could this  get any worse? All I wanted was to make a short trip to Italy by shadow travel. How much was that to ask? A lot it seemed, according to Will Solace. My Significant Annoyance. "You are not shadow travelling to Italy Nico! What if you passed out?"

"I'd be fine! It's not like I haven't shadow travelled there before!" He shook his head at my answer.

"But it's not Neeks. I worry about you, I do! The last time you shadow travelled to another country you were unconscious for 3 days! 3 days Nico! You're not going. Doctor's orders." He stared at me with piercing blue eyes. All I had to do was not to look at his eyes. If I did I'd start thinking about his hair and the way the sun seemed to bounce of off it. Then I'd start thinking about his smile and then... Stupid ADHD! I continued pleading.

"But it's really important Will!"

"What could be so important that you have to leave for?"

"It's..." A lump began to form in my throat "It's B- B-". A tear rolled down my cheek as I tried to say her name. Will understood immediately, he could always tell when I was talking about Bianca. He knew how much she meant to me. His face softened and he pulled me into a sudden hug. Another sob escaped and I clutched his shirt. One of the only places I really felt safe was with Will Solace. I never would have thought it. We are almost exact opposites: he's the son of Apollo, God of the Sun; I'm the son of Hades, God of the Underworld, where there isn't any; He's all bright; I'm all dark. The list goes on. But I guess it's true that opposites attract.

"It's ok Neeks-"

"Don't call me Neeks" My voice was muffled against him. He sighed.

"Nico then. You can go. But promise you'll IM me as soon as you get there and make sure you bring some ambrosia and nectar!"

"I promise." My voice was still slightly muffled but he heard me. We hugged for a little longer then he let me go pack up my stuff whilst he tended to some patients in the infirmary. A small smile crossed my pale, corpse-like face as I thought about Will. It was weird having someone care for me like he did. Children of the dead aren't usually favoured by people. Grabbing a small black rucksack I began to pack. I didn't want to take much, only the stuff I would need - unnecessary items would only weigh me down. Inside I placed a set of spare clothes, a flask of nectar, a zip lock bag that contained some squares of ambrosia, a small glass prism so I could IM Will, about 20 drachmas, my black sketchbook (drawing was a new hobby I'd picked up over the summer and to my surprise, I was rather good at it), some pencils and my sword. Twisting the black skull ring on my finger agitatedly, I walked over to where my aviator jacket draped on a battered wooden chair. Slipping it on as I walked outside, I looked forward to visiting Venice. It had kind of become a tradition for me to visit the old city every year on the anniversary of Bianca's death. Remembering her still hurt but I was learning to live with it. Every demigod's lost someone. The only difference is how we all cope.

My bag slung over my shoulder, I walked into the infirmary. Will was there, just finishing bandaging the arm of Travis Stoll, son of Hermes. The son of Apollo looked up as I entered. "Hey Death Boy." I smirked. The nicknames I had were endless: King of Ghosts, Lord, Master, Sunshine, Death boy and Death Breath.

"I'm leaving now and wanted to say goodbye." He walked up to me and wrapped his arms round my waist. Then he kissed me. I kissed back, enjoying the moment. We broke apart only when Travis yelled "Hey no PDA guys!". Will laughed as we slowly broke away.

"See you soon Neeks."

"See you soon Will." He smiled as I stepped into the shadows, letting them envelop me. The darkness shielded my vision as I was compressed on all sides, making my way through the giant network that I use to shadow travel. I love shadow travelling. Contrary to popular belief it's pretty simple once you know how to do it. The shadows acted like tunnels, though people who aren't used to it *cough* Percy *cough* describe it as 'going so fast it was like your face was peeling off'. Amateurs. I've been on rollercoasters that scared me more. Though when I think about it, Zeus was trying to zap me out of they sky and murder me for going into his territory. Maybe it's not completely irrational after all. Now that I think about it maybe Hades tries to kill other demigods of the big three if they shadow travel... I dismissed the thought as I continued through the pitch black tunnel. I could sense I was almost there.

A/N: Hi! Thank you for reading the first chapter of Prince Of Darkness! If you enjoyed this, please comment, vote and follow! I always read your comments! Thanks again for reading, the next chapter will be out soon!

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