12 Grimmauld Place, London

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A/N: DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY. ANY PERCY JACKSON CHARACTERS BELONG TO RUCK RIORDAN AND ANY HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS BELONG TO J.K ROWLING. Also, part of this chapter is from Order of the Phoenix (slightly changed I guess) because when I wrote this I wasn't sure how to rewrite it effectively. I realise now that I should have put this in (ngl I thought I did), and since certain people have decided to do the wonderful favour of reminding me. I'll admit, this story is old. My writing has improved. And yes, it was a mistake but I hope I've rectified that and commenters can give constructive criticism if they're going to give any. All I want to do is improve as a writer, but people who just yell at me and don't actually tell me anything useful just discourage me further. Please remain kind when you comment :)

******Nico's P.O.V******

My feet landed on solid ground as the shadows parted. Blinking a couple of times, I took in my surroundings. My first thought was: where the Hades am I? This wasn't where I was planning to turn up. I was aiming for just behind Gatto Rossi (A/N: A real place in Venice- trust me, I looked it up), a restaurant that I came across a couple of months ago. I had been looking for a good place I could go to on an incognito trip I didn't want Will to find out about. Since it was a Monday, it would be closed, keeping any unsuspecting staff wondering why a teenage boy had materialised at the back of their work place. (A/N: Again, I did my research!) Instead, I was next to a broken streetlight, on a strange street that I'd never seen before. There was about 7 houses or so, fairly ordinary with large windows, polished doors and brick walls. The two in the middle seemed to be unoccupied though. Abandoned at the very least. The windows were streaky and dark whilst from what I could see there was no furniture or the like inside. Before I could notice anything else a wave of nausea overtook me and I grabbed the street light for support. Will was right, as usual. It would make me pass out.

I stared at the window of number 13. I figured I could manage a small jump before I lost consciousness. Willing the shadows to consume me, I travelled into what I supposed was the second storey. I took in a dingy room with slivers of moon light on the floor. I felt a sharp pain in my side as I hit the floor, closing my eyes and passing out completely...

******Harry's P.O.V******

Standing in front of 11 and 13 Grimmauld Place, I stared at the the two abandoned houses. "But where's-?"

"Think about what you've just memorized." Lupin told me, keeping his voice quiet. I thought back to the tattered note: ' The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London '. I had just said the last part in my head when a grimy and battered door appeared between number 11 and 13. I gazed in awe as the ancient building squeezed it's way through the crack. The silver serpent knocker shined faintly in the moonlight. Moody gave the door a sharp tap with his wand. There was a sound like many locks were opening one after the other. The door slowly creaked open and Moody hurried me inside, followed by Lupin, Tonks and the rest of the advance squad. After the door closed I turned to Mad-Eye. "Why are numbers 11 and 13 empty?"

"It's a security measure. The Fidelius Charm keeps us safe but it's safer when there's less chance of muggles breaking through the walls. We put protective spells on the houses as well, so no Muggle can get in."

"Overkill," a voice muttered. Harry turned away from Moody towards the source of the voice. On the staircase a rugged man stood, with long dark hair and sunken cheeks. His eyes glittered with that of a broken past.

"Sirius!" He smiled at me warmly, lighting up his face. He jumped off the stairs and pulled me into a brief, one armed hug.

"Nice to see you Harry. Though it's not like I've seen anyone else, locked up in this prison." I noticed he gave a small glance towards the kitchen, where I could smell Mrs Weasley's cooking. Before I could talk to Sirius any more however, Mrs Weasley herself  hurried from the kitchen.

The Prince Of Darkness (A Nico di Angelo/Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now