Where The Hades Am I?

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A/N: I accidentally posted the previous chapter twice and I don't know how to delete it. Sorry about that. Also SPECIAL MENTIONS:

Xlix49, Child of Nemesis
HufflepuffMarvelFan, Child of Mania and Hunter of Artemis

Now for the DISCLAIMER:

Hazel: Can I do it?
Me: How the Hades do you people get here when you haven't even been mentioned yet?
Hazel: We have our ways...so can I do it? Nico is my half brother...
Hazel: Please?
Me: Fine. I succumbed to the puppy dog eyes.
Hazel: Random girl over here doesn't own me or my family, Rick Riordan does! And the other people who met my brother belong to J.K Rowling!!
Me: Not bad.
Hazel: Bye! *Jumps on Arion*

******Sirius's P.O.V******

Running forward I caught the kid before his head hit the floor. To my surprise he was light. Really light. He looked like he hadn't eaten in a while. We shared a look of confusion over his limp body. "What do we do with him?" I asked. I felt bad for the kid. He looked like he was in a lot of pain.

"We'll have to take him in."

"What do you mean Moody?"

"Tonks listen. He might be a kid but he somehow got in here. That means he's not a Muggle. I can't see a wand so I don't think he's one of us either. Therefore, he must be a threat." I decided to stand up for this kid. I felt fiercely protective of him for some reason.

"That's harsh Moody."

"It's the truth. We need to see if he's on Voldemort's side, or ours."

"Maybe he's not on anyone's side! Maybe he's just a scared little kid who needs help!"

"Guys..." Tonks' voice was quiet. "We can discuss this later. Did he have any belongings?" I looked around the room and spotted a canvas rucksack behind the kid. Picking it up with one hand we disappeared with a crack along with the unconscious so called Ghost King.

******Harry's P.O.V******

I wasn't sure what I was expecting when Sirius, Tonks and Moody apparated back into 12 Grimmauld Place. All I know that it definitely wasn't an unconscious, bloodied boy around my age dressed like a goth. Sirius and Tonks gently set him down on a chair and magic the blood off their hands. We all looked at him in shock. Well, except for Moody. Moody kept a wand pointed at him the while time. Mrs Weasley yelped and conjured some bandages which, along with Lupin, skillfully wrapped around some of his worse injuries. At one point he lifted the boy's shirt and we all collectively gasped as we saw his scars. They were everywhere. Some looked like stab wounds whilst others looked like a huge creature had clawed him. "Hey this kid has a sword!" I was broken out of my surprise by George's shout as he stared at the black blade with curiousity. He slowly reached out to touch it...

It was wrenched out of his reach with an accompanied shout. "What the Had-- hell do you think you're doing?" I saw the boy's dark eyes widen in fear as he stood up, holding onto the chair for support.

******Nico's P.O.V******

I felt the pain in my side before I opened my eyes. I heard a shout to the right "Hey this kid's got a sword!". My demigod instincts set in. I didn't want to be the indirect cause for the death of some unsuspecting mortal. I grabbed the hilt and jerked it away from him whilst shouting.

"What the Had--" I can't give away my identity to these strangers "Hell do you think you're doing?" I probably shouldn't mention what would happen if he touched that. It's Stygian Iron. Needless to say it wouldn't be anything good. I stood up, hastily grabbing the chair as I still felt a little woozy from the nightmare combined with the long distance shadow travelling... schist. Will. He was going to kill me. I surveyed my surroundings quickly. I noticed the three mortals from the abandoned house accompanied by 6 kids, 3 who looked around my physical age (not my actual age that would be weird) and a couple who had the same flaming red hair as some of the children. I guessed they were parents. I think I was in a kitchen, maybe next door? It sure didn't look like Venice. Where the Hades was I? "Uhh is this Italy?". The man with the scars grunted and looked me in the eye.

"No boy. You're in London, England. Now how did you get inside Number 13?" Great. Just great. I decided to answer his question.

"Through the front door? How else was I supposed to get in?" What? You think I would just tell him about demigods? No. Not happening.

"Don't be stupid boy, there are charms on that building," Wait charms? How is that possible? "Now tell me the truth - how did you get in? And who are you really, 'Prince Of Darkness'?" I groaned mentally, the pain I was experiencing clouding my thoughts. Of course what I really needed was some ambrosia and maybe a sip of nectar, but I could hardly whip the food of the gods out of my backpack in front of these mortals could I? I decided to tell them some half truths - after all, they didn't seem like normal mortals. My suspicions were proved when I saw the stick the guy was pointing at me. Don't ask how I didn't notice it before, being half conscious and bleeding does a lot to the quality of your vision surprisingly. I vaguely remember Lou Ellen mention something about a pet world Hecate made, with blessed mortals who were a lot less powerful than your regular demigod. What were they called? Windows....Withards.....Wizards! That's it. I winced slightly at my injuries but spoke quietly.

"What I told you was true, I was meant to be Italy but it seems I got a little lost, didn't I? And maybe I used other means than the front door, but even so I suppose that's for me to know and you to find out." I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Why were you going to Italy?" A man in the corner asked, his tone softer than that of the scarred man. He was wearing a set of faded brown robes. I scowled, not forgetting why I was actually going. I had a couple of days but still. These mortals better not make me late for the anniversary of Bianca's death.

"Personal reasons." I refused to tell them anymore and kept the mask on. They couldn't know how broken I was inside.

"Why do you call yourself the Prince Of Darkness?" The smallest red head, and the only female sibling in the family it seemed piped up. I sighed as I remembered some cowardly souls calling me that, seeking for mercy from my father. The name cottoned on and before I knew it, the whole Underworld knew me by the title.

"I didn't give myself the title. Some...acquaintances did."

"Do you have any others?" One of the twins asked. They reminded me of the Stoll brothers with their mischievous demeanour.

"Too many that I can count."

A/N: Hello [insert name I can call my next to nonexistent readers]!

So what are your thoughts on this so far? I'm really enjoying writing this and look how lucky you guys are? You get an early chapter! I was originally planning on releasing this every Sunday but if I finish early, I finish early. So far I've been pretty good at keeping up with my promises so hopefully this was up to your expectations.

Question Of The Day: What do you think will happen to Nico? (Any/Favourite comments will be in the next chapter)

Thanks for reading, that fact I almost have 50 reads on this story is awesome! Blue cookies for all!

Your loyal author,


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