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A/N: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUH! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. It took longer than expected as I want the storyline to run parallel to Order of the Phoenix more or less. We finally got to see Harry and extra blue cookies to everyone who guessed what going to become of the cliffhanger. Anyway, on with the disclaimer!

Percy: Let me do it.
Me: Percy? You aren't even in this yet? How did you get here?
Percy: I have my ways....Now let me do the disclaimer!!
Me: Sure I guess...
Percy: All characters from my insane universe belong to Rick Riordan and all characters from Harry's less insane, stick-wavy universe belong to J.K Rowling. The Narrator over here only owns the plot AKA she's kinda controlling this whole show.
Me: Thanks Percy, see you around?
Percy: *jumps into a nearby river*
Me: And..... he's gone.

******Nico's P.O.V******

The nightmares. They always follow me, even when I'm unconscious. Some of the old wounds open again and I'm reminded of the horrible torture I endured, day after day. Then I scream. I scream like the world is ending. I scream like I've got nothing left to scream for. Only Percy and Annabeth understand. The others try but there's no way of describing Tartarus to someone who hasn't suffered there. I saw the cruel faces of the monsters, the giants and I could feel the liquid fire running down my throat. Hot tears were probably running down my face to mix with the blood I lay in but I didn't really care. I writhed in pain for what seemed like an eternity until I was jerked out of my nightmare. My palms were sweating and my heart was racing a thousand miles an hour. I tried to calm my breathing when the door opened, revealing a bunch of....mortals perhaps? I wasn't sure. They were dressed in what looked like bath robes and we're holding sticks with lights on the end. I thought I was hallucinating as we stared each other down. It had to be some crazy dream interrupting my nightmare. couldn't be. Dam you demigod dreams. There was three of them, a woman with bright pink hair; a tall, thin man with long hair and a shorter man with a face ridden with scars and a glass eye that whizzed around in its socket. My confused and befuddled mind only created one simple question.

"Who are you?"

***Wizards' P.O.V (3rd Person)***

Sirius, Moody, Tonks and Mr and Mrs Weasley were sitting in the kitchen when they heard it. Sirius was trying to light a fire in the cold room with his wand and Mad-Eye was sitting in his chair, magical eye spinning. The others were talking quietly before they froze. Mrs Weasley, thinking it was coming from upstairs, hurried up the rickety stairs. Sirius looked up from the fire. "It sounds like it's coming from next door."

"Impossible," Moody grunted. "No one can get in there; the protective charms won't allow it."

"Well it's not coming from the children." Mrs Weasley had come down now, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George following.

"What's happening?"

"Who's screaming?"

"Are they ok?"

"What makes someone scream like that?"

"Is it Death Eaters? Are they torturing someone?"

"Where's it coming from?"

"SILENCE!" Moody shouted "It seems to be coming from Number 13 somehow. Tonks and I will check it out. Aurors will be best in case it's Death Eaters." Sirius stood up.

"I'm coming too." To their surprise Moody didn't object, though Mrs Weasley certainly did.

"What if someone sees? Sirius you need to stop being to reckless!" Moody surprisingly spoke next.

"We'll be going straight through the wall, it'll be fine Molly. Watch the kids-we're going in there."Before Molly could protest, Moody waved his wand, presumably disabling the protection charms momentarily before he, along with Sirius and Tonks disappeared with a loud crack.

******Sirius's P.O.V******

Wands drawn we apparated into one of the dusty rooms of Number 13. A small rat scurried away at the sight of us, but other than that no other signs of life were present. "This way." Moody ordered as we then followed him down a dark corridor. We passed a few more cobweb-strewn doors until Moody put out a hand, stopping us. "Can you see that? It seems to be darker at the end of this corridor- do you think it could be the source?" Together we slowly advanced, keeping silent and almost undetectable. Before we reached the slightly ajar door, I heard another scream. Without hesitation we ran down and the door bursted open.

I didn't know what I was expecting but it wasn't a kid writhing in a pool of his own blood. Tonks gasped behind me as we watched in silence. The boy looked about 15 and could be mistaken for a corpse. He was deathly pale and his thin frame was covered in a WW2 aviator jacket, black jeans and a matching black t-shirt, with the logo of some band I guessed. The skarlet liquid oozed out of several wounds that covered his body. His shoulder had what looked like a stab wound and his side looked like it had been whipped. He was murmuring in a strange language: "Όχι...όχι... με βοηθήσετε όχι πάλι...παρακαλώ" (no... no.. help me not again... please) Suddenly the kid jerked up and I saw his face in better detail. His long black hair hung around his face and his eyes were as black as the shadows surrounding him. Speaking of shadows, they began to crawl back, as if they had been magnetised towards him. His eyes looked broken, as if his soul had been shattered into pieces and were only starting to come together. I recognized it when I looked into the mirror. He stared at us and finally spoke, his cracked voice breaking the silence.

"Who are you?"

"More like who are you?" Tonks spoke out, her eyes still wide in shock at the sight of the young boy lying in the pool of blood. "Why were you screaming?" The boy winced, as if relieving something painful. He then stared right into our eyes and whispered a short sentence, before passing out again.

"They call me The Ghost King, or the Prince Of Darkness."

******Nico's P.O.V******

Miss Pink Hair quickly retorted my question, questioning who I was instead and why I was screaming. I had a quick but detailed argument with myself in my head. What should I say? If I tell them my name, they could track me down. If I tell them I'm a demigod...well that never ends well. Why was I screaming? I doubt they would understand and I winces at the thought of the Pit. Coming to a conclusion I stared them in the eye and whispered: "They call me the Ghost King, or the Prince Of Darkness." Then I felt myself slipping away as I lost consciousness once more.

A/N: Wow I got this chapter out quickly! I'm currently debating whether to wait for Sunday or to publish it now. Since I'm nice I decided to give it to you guys early! With more blue cookies!! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 These are very blue cookies, ok? If you've got any ideas for this comment and I'll consider it. I think that's everything....oh wait I forgot to mention this disclaimer.


Ok done that...*mental list consultation* umm...

Shout out to everyone reading this!! You guys are amazing and to know people are reading my work makes me feel super happy!!!!

Question of the Chapter: Who's your Godly Parent? If you comment before I publish the next chapter you'll get a special mention. Now I've said that no one's going to comment in time are they? *Facepalm*

If you enjoyed this comment vote and follow if you want.

Finally done. Bye!!!

The Prince Of Darkness (A Nico di Angelo/Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now