From Two Different Sides

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A/N: Demigods and mortals, gods and titans, monsters and primordials, and other entities place your bets as to who will do the disclaimer as people just love to steal this job from me? Have you all chosen well let's see. And the winner is...

Leo: Super Sized Mcshizzle, Bad Boy Supreme, Leo Valdez!
Me: Wait a minute-
Leo: My awesomeness is not owned by Miss Narrator over here. It is owned by Rick Riordan. The Wizarding World is owned by J.K Rowling!!
Me: Didn't even wait for me to announce the results... I'm not at all surprised.

***Harry's P.O.V***

There was silence in the house. No one was awake, not Ron, not Hermione, not Sirius. I was though, I had tears rolling down my cheeks from the nightmare. It might seem stupid to some people, but it'd left me shaking, my hands unable to stop shuddering.

It was Voldemort. He'd been torturing my friends, everyone I cared for before killing them. The last thing I remembered of the dream was standing alone, surrounded by the bodies of everyone, Voldemort long gone. I didn't move, I couldn't move, as my fear surrounded me, blocking me in. I heard a gentle knock on the door, but I couldn't answer it as I was frozen in place. The door was pushed open slightly and a figure was outlined in the doorway. A figure which the shadows seemed to cling to.


***Nico's P.O.V***

I didn't sleep that night.

I knew Will would chew me out for it later but my mind was too preoccupied. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking of everything, and nothing. My thoughts were running as fast as Arion and were as murky as...that place. I reprimanded myself. Don't think about it. You're not there anymore, so DON'T THINK ABOUT IT. I groaned and punched the pillow. It was too much sometimes. I was brought out of my mind with a muffled sound. I silently slipped off my bed and opened the door. Now the noise was slightly louder I could distinguish it as someone...crying? I came to a stop outside one of the rooms (I was 85% sure it was Harry's and Ron's room) and knocked gently. There was continued sobbing and I opened the door slightly and stuck my head in.

The room was dark but I could make out someone huddled up in the corner. The discarded glasses on the side made me realise who it was. He looked up and I saw the terrified look in his piercing green eyes. "Nico?" His voice was a hoarse and shaking.

"Harry?" I crept in and kneeled down in front of him. "What happened?" He took a deep breath, tears rolling down his face.

"Nightmare." His hands were shaking and I felt the fear radiating off him.

"Do you want me to stay?" Idiot. I thought. Why would he want you there? You're just a random stranger who turned up next door, why would he trust you? To my surprise, he weakly nodded.

"Yeah." I sat down next to him and gingerly put an arm round him. He continued crying and I kept my voice quiet.

"Do you want to tell me what it was about?" The light from Artemis's chariot bathed the street in a silvery glow.

"Dead. They were all dead Nico. Everyone except me. Voldemort...he killed them." The tears continued flowing and he hung his head. "I don't want people to die for me Nico."

"Harry? Why do you trust me with this?"

"I...don't know Nico. But you seem like someone who would understand." I gave him a small smile.

"I do understand Harry. I went to this, this place one time and-" My voice caught in my throat as I was assaulted with memories. "And the nightmares still haunt me. But it's better when you talk about it. Then you have something that anchors you to reality, something that makes the nightmares less of a thing that you can't escape from."

"You remind me of someone Nico." I raised an eyebrow.

"I do?" He nodded.

"Yeah, someone wise. It's just...your thinking is similar to someone I know. You wouldn't happen to know of one Albus Dumbledore?" Albus Dumbledore...had I heard that name before? Albus Dumbledore...

"I don't think so, but it seems a little familiar. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering. Thanks Nico."

"For what?"

"For being here. You know, I don't think you're a Death Eater after all."

"I have no idea what a Death Eater is, it sounds disgusting but thanks. And Harry? For what it's worth, you're not so bad yourself."

"You don't seem stupid-"

"Gee thanks."

"You know what I mean. You haven't got a plan to escape?"

"I do. But I can't open the windows."


"They're locked with magic."

"Oh. I could do that."

"Really? For me?"

"Yeah Nico, for you. Simple spell, how about midnight? That's in about 15 minutes. Get your stuff." I nodded and he smiled weakly. I left the room and sat down on the bed, trying to process my luck.

Tonight. Tonight, I was going home.

A/N: Thank you for reading! I am shocked as I got this out so early. Like, the day after my previous update. I have been very productive today. *proud feeling* I am also shocked by the amount of different countries that you guys come from. Comment which countries you guys come from!

Question Of The Chapter: What do you guys think about Nico's relationships with the HP characters?

...and this sounds like a question from an English Textbook. Help me.

Random Thing Of The Chapter:

Procrastination: Something I hate to do yet I do it all the freaking time. My biggest act of procrastination yet goes like this.

I had an English Homework. I was given 6 weeks to do it. I did all of it today. It's due tomorrow. I made a full presentation on War and Peace (ish) and I'm doubting how good this presentation will be anyways.

Thanks again for reading and supporting me. If you liked this chapter, vote and comment! If you want to see more of my work, follow me!

Your loyal author


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