A New Friend, Or A New Enemy

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A/N: So now it's time for me to...
Nico: Do the disclaimer?
Me: How did you- oh you're actually part of the story. You know what I know what you're going to ask before you say it. Sure you can do the disclaimer Nico.
Nico: The author...
Me: I have a name...
Nico: Shut up. Anyway the author doesn't own me Rick Riordan does and the stick wavers that I ran into are owned by J.K Rowling.
Me: Not bad. Now get back in the story.

Favourite Comments From Last Chapter:

Xlix49 - He marries Will and they live happily ever after with 2 dogs, 13 cat and 673 fish

zarashaikh243 -  That's a lot of fish... especially seeing as they aren't his type...

Now onto the story!

******Nico's P.O.V******

"Can I go now?" I shifted uneasily in my seat. I still had a stick pointed at me and was being stared at like I was a museum exhibit. The kids hadn't been kicked out yet and I was now left with them, the group that found me next door and the guy in brown robes. I hadn't been paying attention to what they called each other so I had no idea of their names. While I was waiting I gave them nicknames in my head. There was Scar-Face, Miss Pink Hair and I didn't get a chance to think of a name for the other two as I was pulled out of my daydreaming by Scar-Face.

"Are you working for the Dark Lord?" Who the Hades is the Dark Lord? I doubt they're talking about Hades. I stared at them blankly, which seemed to infuriate Scar-Face more. "How have you not heard of Voldemort?" Who is choosing these names? They're ridiculous!

"Who the hell is Voldemort?"

******Harry's P.O.V******

How has he not heard of Voldemort? Every wizard up and down the country knows his name! Who is this guy? "Where did you come from to not know about Voldemort?" I questioned, my look of confusion mirroring everyone else's. For once he gave an informative answer, which hopefully stops Mad-Eye from hexing him.

"America but I was born in Italy. Now can I go?" Now that he mentioned it, I could hear the accent. He brushed his long hair out of his eyes and gave me a glare that seemed like had the power to burn through my soul. God this guy was scary. The shadows almost seemed to cling to him and I thought I saw a few smaller ones snaking up his legs. But that's impossible, right? Moody answered his question.

"No. I don't trust you boy and you're not leaving without telling us everything. If you won't talk tonight, maybe you'll talk in the morning." I assumed he continued speaking because we were then hustled out of the room by Mrs Weasley before I could catch anything else.

******Nico's P.O.V******

A/N: Sorry about all the p.o.v changes I'll try to make sure they don't happen too often

I watched the kids leave the room and turned my attention back to the stick welding wizards. "But I have places to be!" These wizards were getting really annoying.

"I don't care! We won't have the Order's plans leaked!" The man in the brown robes cut in again.

"Moody why don't we wait for Dumbledore and let him decide? The next order meeting's in three days so he'll be here then." He turned to me and introduced himself. "I'm Lupin by the way, Sirius and I will find you a spare room." He gestured for me to follow him and so I left the room with him and Sirius. They led me up a bunch of stairs to a dark corridor with severed heads lining the walls. Sirius opened a door and coughed at the dust. He whipped out a stick and cast some spell, not that I had any idea what it was meant to do. I flopped down on the bed and turned over onto my side. I heard a quiet scraping of a chair and someone else leave the room. I decided to ignore them for as long as possible.

"I'm sorry." Sirius said. Wait what? Why would he be sorry?

"Why?" I faced him sideways.

"I know what it's like to be trapped. I'm not allowed to leave my own house. I thought I was finally free of this place before I was dragged back."

"Why aren't you allowed to leave?" I was curious now.

"Most of England think I'm an escaped murderer."

"Oh. Are you?"

"No! It was all Pettigrew!"

"Who's Pettigrew?"

"Maybe I should start at the beginning..."

Time Skip brought to you by Kronos

We talked for a while, mainly Sirius talking and me asking questions. In exchange I told him a few things about myself. He had some interesting stories and to my surprise I found myself trusting him, if only a little. I yawned and he gave me a lopsided smile. Then I made a quick decision that I hoped I wouldn't regret later. "It's Nico by the way."

"What is?" His smile was replaced with a look of confusion that I almost laughed at.

"My name." I yawned again and pulled the covers up to my chin. "It's Nico di Angelo."

A/N: For some strange reason that was really hard to write. I have no idea why it just was. I almost didn't get this out on time and if I didn't I would feel bad about it for the rest of the week.

Question of the Chapter: Who is your favourite character from the Percy Jackson and Harry Potter books?

Thank you guys for reading this story as I now have roughly 90 reads! I'm having a mini party inside my head at this so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I have actually written out roughly where I want this story to go, surprise surprise but if you have any ideas comment and I might use them.

So comment and vote if you liked this story and if you want to see my other stories when I publish them follow me.


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