Double Trouble

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A/N: Woohoo!! Over 150 reads! Thank you guys so much!!!

Me: Dis-
Will: My turn.
Me: ...
Will: The Narrator doesn't own me and my friends, Rick Riordan does. And the wizards who decided to kidnap my boyfriend are owned my J.K Rowling.
Me: I'm still mad at you for interrupting me. On with the story!!!!

***Percy's P.O.V***

After Nico's IM, Will came running down, his eyes filled with worry. "Percy-"

"Nico told me everything, let's go." I whistled shrilly and a huge black dog pounced, knocking me to the ground and covering me in hellhound spit. Yay. "Hey girl, we going to go rescue Death Breath?" She licked my face again. Ew. I jumped onto her back and I held out my hand for Will to take. He looked at Mrs O Leary nervously but took my hand and I helped him up. I leant down and spoke in her ear. "Go find Nico, ok?" I waved to Annabeth as we ran into the shadows, travelling to wherever Nico is.

***Time skip brought to you by: My awesome friends. Shout-out to you guys, you know who you are***

We arrived on a fairly normal street that had the sign 'Grimmauld Place'. Will slid off, his face a pale shade of green. I hopped off after him, and Mrs O Leary promptly sat down next to a lampost. Hopefully the mist would disguise her enough. I surveyed our surroundings, my hand clasped around Riptide, which was in pen form. There was two houses in the middle; both looked abandoned, with grimy windows and peeling paint. I also noticed that No. 12 was missing as I looked towards Will. "Did Nico say which address?" He thought for a moment before replying.

"Somewhere around No. 13. Maybe No. 12?"

"That's the thing. There isn't one."


"Look at the numbers. It goes 9, 10, 11 then 13. You don't think it could be an enchantment? They're wizards, right?" Will nodded and concentrated for a moment. His face lit up slightly.

"Lou Ellen said something about a charm that could make a place invisible to everyone but a certain group. Something about a Secret Keeper..."

"Can we break it?" My curiosity was spiked by this. Will shrugged.

"We could ask Lou Ellen, There might be a fountain somewhere near here. Do you have any drachmas?" I rummaged in my pockets and pulled out a shiny gold coin. I grinned.


"Great, now all we need to do is find a fountain and we can IM here." We split up, walking down nearby streets and avenues. A few minutes later, I heard a shout from Will. "Percy!"


"I found one!"

"Found what?"

"...a fountain. What we have been looking for for the five past minutes."

"Oh, great! Where are you?" I started walking in the rough direction of his voice.

"Lawscott Avenue." (A/N: This is a made up place) I quickly ran there and Will threw a drachma into the faint rainbow. "O Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, show me Lou Ellen Blackstone, Camp Half Blood." The rainbow shimmered and the dark haired daughter of Hecate appeared.

The Prince Of Darkness (A Nico di Angelo/Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now