Planning Leads to Unplanned Misdemeanors

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Me: 5...4...3...2...1...And...
Percy: I'm doing the disclaimer.

e: Whatever, I'm slowly giving up at this point.
Percy: That's nice. This crazy pet world of Hecate belongs to J.K Rowling and my world belongs to Rick Riordan. Enjoy the story!
Me: Yeah....what he said, I guess.

***Nico's P.O.V***

I was lying on my bed, toying with the shadows, when the twins came in. They had mischievous smiles on their faces, that were also shadowed by something darker. Fred (I think) sat down on the end of my bed. "So..."

"Nico. It's Nico."

"So Nico. Who's your boyfriend? Is it Will or Percy?" He then snorted at the blush that spread across my cheeks. Tell, or don't tell?

"It's Will. Not that that's any of your business."

"Then." I think it was George, said "How did Will, Percy and Lou Ellen get into Headquarters, when it's under enchantments that prevent this from happening?" I paled (if this was even possible, I was already as white as a sheet).

"How indeed." I covered my shock with a smirk and raised my eyebrow. The twins looked at each other and smiled mischievously.

"Well then Nico, we'll have to find out on our own then." And with that, they side stepped out of the room, leaving me biting my lip in anxiety.

When they had left, I took out my sketchpad and pencils. I began to sketch something (I wouldn't know what it was until it was finished) as my mind wandered. If Will, Percy and Lou Ellen couldn't save me, I'd have to find a way to save myself.

A couple of hours later, I laid down my pencils and stared at the blank wall in front of me for a few moments. My plan was simple enough, but required absolute stealth. I couldn't shadow travel out of the house as the magic made direction difficult. But if I got out onto the street, I should be able to shadow travel there. My plan however, had a flaw. The window was locked. With magic. And I had no idea how to open it. If I tried using my sword, the sound would be so loud it would wake everyone in the house and foil my plan.

I looked down at my sketchpad, and smiled a little at the picture. It was Bianca. A tear rolled down my cheek as I remembered her death. I wiped it away, and hugged the sketchpad tightly. Squeezing my eyes tightly, I forbid the tears to fall. There was a soft knock on the door and Sirius stuck his head in. "Molly made food?" I shook my head silently, and he noticed my miserable demeanor. "Hey Nico, what's wrong?" I shook my head and curled in on myself. He laid a hand on my shoulder and I tensed, but didn't pull away. He sat down next to me and whispered in my ear. "Nico? If you ever want to, about what's bothering you, you come find me ok?" I nodded numbly and he silently left the room, leaving me to my misery and despair.

***Sirius's P.O.V***

As I shut the door silently, my shoulders sagged at the thought of Nico. We had established a bond of sorts, and we understood each other a little more than the average person. And, in a slightly obscure way, I trusted him. And I also had a strong instinct to protect him, similar to the instinct I had when it came to Harry. This kid was strange, and I knew for a fact he wasn't telling me everything. I didn't know how he got into 13 Grimmauld Place, even though Moody interrogates him regularly to no avail. I don't know what he has to hide, or how his sister died (he mentioned her briefly, but did not dwell on the memory). I did not know many things about him. But if there was one thing I did know however, it was that Nico di Angelo was an enigma. And I had a feeling that the kids would go to any lengths to figure this enigma out.

A/N: Another chapter done and (somehow) done on time! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far, and I want to thank you for reading. The fact I have over 200 [Edit: 300! Thank you so much!] reads on the story is out of this world.

Question Of The Chapter: Favourite Fact?

This question is a little different to what I usually ask but the things people know can be quite surprising!

I have also entered this story into the Watty's 2019!! In all honesty, I don't expect to win (at all) but if I can, I will! And don't live by that motto. Just... don't. I mean unless you want to. Urgh, I'm going off on a tangent but I'll leave it in because why not?

So if you liked this, vote and comment and if you want to see more of my stuff and get regular updates if my work, follow me! Anything you do is appreciated and means a lot to me. Oh and what seems to be becoming a bit of an occuring thing:

Random Thing Of The Update!!!

Well this is kind of random, and kind of an opportunity for...urgh I don't know how to type this.

Ok people of Wattpad! I am writing a selection of short stories. The first one is called The Debt. BUT (and this is a fairly biggish but)

I want you guys to come up with some ideas, but not in the way that you'd expect! I want titles.

You give me your titles and I write short stories of about 1000 words that for the title. For example, I had some ideas of my own:

• Demons on the Hospital Ward
• What Happens At Night
• Quotations

So, give me your ideas and my favourite ones might just find their way into the book!

Farewell for now, and thank you.


The Prince Of Darkness (A Nico di Angelo/Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now