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A/N: I do not own any of the characters. Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling own them. Let us commence with the final chapter of the story...

***Sirius's P.O.V***

"He's gone."


"He's gone. He left this." I was handed a letter and with questioning hands, opened it.

To the inhabitants of 12 Grimmauld Place,

If you haven't already noticed, I'm gone. I left last night actually. Did you really think you could keep me here? I would have done it sooner if I hadn't had my reasons. Oh and the windows.

To Sirius: I trusted you a little bit. And with the stuff you told me, maybe you trusted me too? I don't know... But I'm glad I met you.

To Harry: Thanks for what you did. Remember what I said, in case...it happens again ok? You're a good person and maybe we could've been friends if we met under different circumstances.

To Moody: Ha. You didn't get ANYTHING of importance out of me. So ha. I win this time.

To Hermione: You remind me of someone I know. One day perhaps, I'll introduce you to Annabeth Chase.

To the twins: I have no idea how you found out about my boyfriend, my dorky cousin and Lou Ellen but I will find out. And then mentally facepalm because they don't usually get beaten that easily. No offense. Or be offended, I don't care that much.

To everyone else: Bye I guess?

Maybe we'll meet again. If so, please don't kidnap me, tie me to a chair and interrogate me. That's not how you get information, or make friends.

And now I sound like my cousin. Yay. Since when did I care about making friends?


~Nico di Angelo

I read the letter aloud and placed it down on the table. We all looked at each other with mixed expressions.




Molly spoke first. "Well that's that then." Ron stood up suddenly.

"But what if he's a Death Eater? We'll have just let him go!" Harry faced him.

"He's not a death eater."

"How do you know that?"

"Trust me. Nico's not a death eater."

"He's still untrustworthy, and a possible threat!" Moody banged the table, drawing attention to him. I kept quiet, as my own thoughts were confusing me.

Who was Nico di Angelo?

They argued for a little longer before they decided to bring me into it. Yay.

"What do you think Sirius?" Harry looked at me with pleading eyes, "I know you've talked to him, what do you make of him?" In my head I skimmed over that night when I talked to Nico. He mentioned his sister. He talked a little about his friends. He didn't seem like much of a talker, there were even times when he slipped into a completely different language. He talked about a camp, but I felt like there was more to the story. I told him mine, and he listened. He asked a few questions but I felt like he understood. He also understood the pain of losing a sibling, of not fitting in.

The Prince Of Darkness (A Nico di Angelo/Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now