[12] 'hater'

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imagine- 12


"Ughh, shut up! All you do is blab your mouth twenty four seven and I'm sick of it, Colby!" You spat and cross your arms.

He smirked at you and leaned in closer. "I'm never stopping so, get used too it... princess." he whispered and walked away.

You groaned and watch your worst enemy walk away from you. Cole Brock. The person you hated most in your life but secretly liked him more than you let on. He was annoying most the time but other times when people was sad he would have a little empathy. The worst part of this little crush was, he was the reason you werent in love with your boyfriend anymore. You kinda had feelings for him but they werent as strong as the feelings towards Colby.

"Look, there goes your crush."

"Shut up. I gotta go, see you tonight?" She nodded.

"Why yes, of course! Have a good rest of your day, bestie!" You rolled your eyes and smiled.


You stared back at yourself in the mirror and sighed. Maybe a little more lipstick- "Honey, you look fine. Stop judging yourself." Your mother said and chuckled. She knew you so well.

"I guess..." Your father poked his head in the door and smiled.

"Bf/n is here, y/n." You smiled and straighten your posture.

"She'll be right there."

You looked at her. "Sweetie..." She said once your father left. "You look beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." She squeezed your cheek and helped you up.

You followed her down the stairs and bf/n smiled when he saw you coming down and so did you. "You look so beautiful..." he mumbled and held your hand.

"Hey, no funny business guys." Everyone laughed.

For ten minutes y'all stayed there and took pictures until it was time too leave. Bf/n drove you to the dance where y'all entered together.

He linked his arm with yours and entered. Your best friend screamed and hugged you once she saw you. "OMG. You look so freaking beautiful, y/n!" She smiled widely.

"Shut up."

"Hey, I'll be right back babe." bf/n said and left to say hi to his friends.

"Look whos staring at you." She pointed towards the snack table and followed her gaze to see Colby checking you out with loving eyes. You blush and look at her.

You hit her arm lightly and chuckled. "I wish." You two spend most the night together while bf/n just says with his friends.

Later on he approaches you with a sad look. "Uh... y/n... I'm breaking up with you." You choked on your drink and later at him. You opened your mouth to say something but he beat you. "I'm sorry... bye." He ran off somewhere else and your breathing got heavy.

"Y/n..." She started but you ran off into the hallway. Thankfully they were cleared.

Despet not feelings as strongly for him you were still very hurt.

You sat there and cried onto your dress. The sound of footsteps made you look up thinking it was {best friend name} instead you saw Colby with his hand stuck in his pockets.

"What do y-you want...?" You asked.

"I saw you run out..." He said and sat down beside you.

He put his arm around you and pulled you into his chest. "I heard about {boy friends name} I know he's stupid to break up with a girl like you."

A girl like me...?

He laid his head down on yours and sighed heavily. "Just so you know, I do hate you." He smiled.


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