asking him out

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asking him out


"Hey, wait up for me!" you whined at Colby, grabbing ahold of the back of his hoodie.

The brunette giggled softly and glanced over his shoulder at you. Awe transformed his face as he took notice in your gloomy expression. A snarky little smirk played at his lips as he came to a halt in front of you, making you run straight into his back. You growled.

"Heyyy!" you dragged on. "Could of at least given me a warning, dummy."

"Why would I do that?"

Your face twisted into one of disgust and he laughed at you again. Scoffing at his inability to take things serious, you found a place beside him and the two of you start walking down the long corridor again. You guys were now alone. Well, almost. There was faint whispers and giggles from farther down and from behind you.

As you observed Colby's face, you kept repeating the same words over and over again in your head ─you can do this. you have to do this. Wait, do I?─ hoping that that simple phase would fall from your lips in a matter of seconds but nothing came out.

Today was the day. The day you were telling him you had hella feelings for him. You were highly anxious. Part of you didn't want to do it but the other part wanted to go ahead and get this stupid crush thing over with. You were done falling for him . . . not really. You were just done getting played. He was playing you . . . right?

"So, uh, I gotta tell you something."

His baby blue eyes met yours, making butterflies erupt throughout your stomach and your cheeks flush. Come to think of it, everything he did that included you, made you turn a bright red. Never were you like this with anyone else.

"What is it?" he questioned, raising his eyebrow. When you failed to give him an answer, he asked yet another question, his tone going serious, "Is everything okay?" He stopped and so did you.

Should I even tell him? Is it worth it? You got lost in your thoughts and forgot Colby was there. Sam said he didn't like me but when he asked him again, he said he never said he didn't . . .? Confusing, much? Geez. You bit into your cheek, hard and furrowed your eyebrows.

Finally, you collected yourself and looked at him. Looking into his orbs, you felt yourself about to cry. In this moment, you realized just how much you liked him and how much you didn't wanna lose him. Being eith him made you feel different, all bubbly. You didn't care that other people talked and talked about the two of you. He was now the reason of your happiness. Colby was your best friend.

"Hey." He reached out and grabbed your arm, shaking you a little. You came back to reality as he started rubbing your arm gently, telling you it was okay.

"Sorry, sorry," you sighed.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and you jumped out of your skin. Your face turned pale as you turned.


"Shit, you scared me, [bsf/n]!"

She smirked, removing her arms. "I know I would. Anyways, I have to go to the bathroom, can you wait for me here?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course."

[bsf/n] clapped her hands together and jumped up a bit. "Great! Stay here. Thanks!" she giggled and ran off towards the bathroom.

You turned your attention back to Colby and gave him an apologetic smile that he quickly returned. "Best friends am I right?"

"Yeah. What'd you wanna tell me? I have to get to class, [y/n]."

"I erm, I kinda uh," you began, stuttering like crazy. Those butterflies came back. Oh how bad you wanted to punch your stomach and tell them to F off.

"You see . . . I- uh . . . kinda really like you." his face went pale and your eyes went wide.

Shit. No. Fuck.

His gaze adverted to the ground and he kicked at imaginary stones. "I figured."

"Can we still be friends?" No, stupid! You should of asked him if he felt the same way! Ugh! Think, think, think . . . "Since, ya know you probably don't feel the same way."

Colby looked up and your heart fell.

No . . . Colby, please . . .

"Yeah, we can." Didn't answer my question, genius!

Every inch of your body started to fill with regret. At least you could stop making yourself fall further and further for him . . .

"Do you . . . do you feel the same way?"

"I mean, sure." He doesn't.

"Then do you wanna . . .," my words caught in my throat. You didn't even know why you were bothering asking him out since his answer seemed so unsure and forced. "You know what I'm saying right?"


"I'll answer you next week."

"Alright . . . I'm going to get to class," you stated and immediately turned away from him, rushing towards the exit of the building. Once you reached the doors, you shoved them open. Tears threatened to leave but you wouldn't let them.

You totally forgot about [bsf/n] but you didn't feel like waiting. You wanted to get to class and just cage yourself in your hoodie and cry.


The next week rolled around the corner. You walked into class only to find no Colby. You shrugged it off and thought he would be there later. He didn't come. Neither did he the next two days. You found yourself sad and in much regret. 

When Thursday came, Colby was there, reading his book silently beside your desk. You sucked in a breath and took your seat, pulling out your book and starting to read it.

The rest of the day up to English class went by smoothly. You weren't called on any during class which made you happier than ever, almost bringing a tear to your eye. When you threw your bookbag down, you heard your name being called.


"What?" it was Sam. He had a big smile on his lips. Him and Colby were staring at you.

"He said yes." Sam gestured to Colby.

"Wait, what?"

"He said yes!"

The corners of Colby's lips lifted up into a smile and he nodded his head towards you. You became beyond confused.

"To what?"

"To your question on Friday."

"What question?"

They both groaned and started laughing. Then the teacher walked in and you immediately sat down, tuning in on her.

Not even five minutes later you turn to Colby and asked, "So, we're going out now?"

He smiled and nodded.

Well then.

For the remainder of class you had to look down and use your hair as a shield so nobody would know how hard you were smiling.


sorry it took me so long to update 💔 i hope you enjoyed this though :)

vote & comment, pleasee <3
love you guyss

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