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warning; this chapter involves mention of sensitive topics. if you aren't comfortable with that, please skip this❤️ much love

imagine- 23


It had started around the time you had turned thirteen. What started may you ask? Well, the insecurities did, obviously.

One day you looked at yourself and saw nothing but perfection but then one day you looked and saw something else... something not so 'perfect'. Your thighs suddenly looked fat and the tiny little fat you carried on your tummy made you frown deeply. Whats wrong, your best friend would ask you at times. "I don't look like all those skinny models," you told her truthfully.

Now here you were, 21 and still as insecure. You stood there judging your beautiful body in the mirror.

Of course, it never got to the point where you became bulimic --you knew it was wrong and you tried everything in your power to not do-- it did though get to the point where you would find every meal disgusting and you just wouldn't eat for days at a time or you would just eat a tiny amount of something. You tried.. yet it never worked.

You had recently told your boyfriend Colby about your insecurities and he doesn't shut up about it. Not that it's a bad thing, it really isn't. He always helps out in some sort of way, even if your in the worst mood possibly.

Speaking of Colby.. he's been calling you none stop today but you refused to answer. Yes, you knew this would make you a bad girlfriend but it was one of those days where you didn't feel like talking to anyone or even being awake.

The phone rung again and you turned, grabbed it and answered it. "Colby, I really am sorry but I'm-"

"Hey, babygirl. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. How much I love you for you. I know you look at yourself and see nothing but disgust but I see nothing but perfection. I love everything about you and your beautiful body. Sure, you aren't like all those skinny ass models but baby.. you're you and thats all I could ask for. Who in their right mind would trade you for some model, hmm? I know you would say, 'almost everyone' but thats where you're wrong y/n. Guys don't want skinny --some guys do but their players and will take anything thats a walking stick-- but guys want a girl with a great personality and hell, look at what I got. I got by fair the best girl in history and don't say no you don't because I actually do. You aren't fat and even if you were, it wouldn't be a problem, okay? I hate when you talk down about yourself. I lose a part of myself when I do..."

"Colby I-"

"Shh. I'm coming over with some food and stuff. We can watch Netflix and eat til we fall asleep in each others arms because honestly, I wouldn't wanna do anything else. I love you babygirl. Stay strong."

Colby ended the call and you were left in tears as you removed the phone from your ear. You still couldn't believe you had such a loving sweet boyfriend who honestly isn't like the rest.

This time when you looked in the mirror.. you saw something other than disgust. Sure it wasn't beauty but hey, at least you're getting somewhere..

~this was cute & short but kinda horrible :|.

y'all follow me on insta @ _kendallrcse please 😔. i dont need followers, i need friends lolol.

vote, comment & thank you for reading!~

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