moving [pt. 2]

682 11 3

imagine- 21


It has been about six years since I last saw the two people I loved more than anything else in the universe. I miss them so much and would do anything to see them again but I can't. I couldn't. I still lived in L.A. after all these years. My parents had moved back to Kansas about a year ago. They didn't seem to like California all that much. Too crowded, too this and too that. I stayed though. My dream was here. My life was here now. 

I've forgotten about Sam and Colby for the most part. Every now and then, I'd see something or do something that would remind me of them and I'd get depressed and isolate myself from my friends for a little. They usually tell me: It's silly to get worked up about people you haven't seen in five years. You have new friends and they aren't that important. 

But they were. I still loved them. I still . . . felt things for Colby. 

I liked him ever since I met him. Since fifth grade that was. Yes, we were friends for that long. We never split up or anything. We stayed by each other's side through thick and thin. Same with Sam. I usually went to him a little more because most of my problems were with Colby. When we first met, Sam already knew I liked Colby. Crazy, huh? 

My friend, Lily, has a YouTube channel that she makes me help her with almost all the time. All her fans want me to create a channel in the future but I'm still not sure if I could. I'd probably run out of ideas by my third video.

Speaking of Lily, I need to call her.  She had set up a double date with her, her boyfriend, his brother and lastly, me. I really didn't want to go and I told him a million times I didn't but she doesn't care. She wants me to get over Colby but that's impossible. He's one of a kind. 

I open my bag and start searching through it for my phone. Once I found it, I dial Lil's number and press the phone up to my ear. It rings a few times before going to voicemail. 

"Hey, Lily! Are we still on for tonight? If so, I'll be kinda late, I have to pick up a dress and some things if you don't mind. Call me back when you get this, love you lots!" I removed the phone from my ear and pressed 'end call', shoving it in my back pocket afterward. 

Not even a minute later she calls back. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I picked it up walking into a random store in the mall. "Hello-"

"Y/N! Are you trying to skip our double date?! You said you would-"

"No! No, I would never, Lily! If you actually listened to my voicemail, I said; I have to get a dress! I don't have any, you know this."

She scoffed. "Okay. Fine. I'll see you in a few, 'kay? Love you!"

"Love you."

She hung up and I put my phone away once again before starting to look around at possible dresses I could wear tonight. I cringed at most of them. Most looked slutty and I'm really not about that life. Plus, I don't want to give him the impression that I wanted to do, things. This is going to be so hard. 

After about an hour and a half of going in and out of stores that carries dresses and trying stuff, I decided to go to Hot Topic to buy some new earrings and t-shirts. If I'm lucky, they might have a dress good enough to wear for a date. 

I search a little bit and find some nice earrings and stuff I loved. I reach into my bag and pull my wallet out. All of a sudden someone bumped into me making me drop my wallet and a pair of earrings. 

The guy bent down and apologized before gathering my stuff. He was quite buff if I may say. The plain black shirt he had on clung tightly to his chest. His hair was brown but the front was dyed red. "I'm sorry," he said again and stood up.

I sighed and smiled widely. "Oh, uh, it's fine! Tha-"

As he nodded and starting to hand my stuff back, we froze and stared into the eyes of each other. I can't fucking believe it... right there in front of me is Colby freaking Brock. My Colby. The Colby I fell in love with and still in love with. Tears threatened to spill out. 

"y/n," Colby started, a small smile forming on his bubblegum lips. Before he could finish his sentence though, I crashed my lips on his without any hesitation. His lips felt so soft to touch and they moved in sync with mine.  Colby's arms wrapped around my waist tightly as mine went around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

I wanted to continue but Colby pulled away with the same goofy smile I loved and missed. "Hey, princess..." he greeted.

The tears starting to fall down my rosy cheeks as a smile formed on my lips. "C-Colby... I missed you so m-much . . . I-I thought I'd never s-see you again," I stuttered, my body trembling. No one understood how happy I was right now. I thought that time in his yard was the last time I'd ever see the love of my life again but it wasn't. Here at Hot Topic. Crazy. This now made me love this store even more. They could take all my freaking money. I wouldn't care. But of course, he was here. He is emo, I'm not at all surprised. 

"Shh, it's okay," he comforted me and pulled me into his chest once again. He rested his head in the crook of my neck and I rested mine against his warm chest. "What're doing here?" I could hear the smile in his voice. He knew the answer. 

"N-nothing really . . . you?"

"Nothing. Sam and I are meeting up for dinner in a few . . . would you possibly like to come with?" I looked up and nodded my head. Colby's eyes were glassy and I could tell he was on the verge of crying also. 

 "Yeah, I would love too," I laughed and hugged him tightly again before pulling away. 

"Great." Colby and I went to pay for our stuff then we left. "Sam has a girlfriend now, by the way. She's really funny and nice. You'll like her a lot."

"Sammy got a girlfriend? I'm so proud!" 

I pulled out my phone and texted Lily before putting it on silence.


me- I can't come to dinner tonight ://// I'm so sorry but I ran into an old friend and we need to catch up some. :)


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