
687 20 0

Austin, Texas

A mocha toned, hazel-green eyes, chubby cheeks with a slim nose and thick lips woman stood in the back of the illegal meeting. She had been undercover for three months, spying on the criminals---who were stealing and selling SHIELD's information to HYDRA, their Nazi rivalry for centuries.

The meeting was small and secluded---not many people invited, just the members. She had became a member at the beginning of her mission. It had taken her two and a half months to gain the trust of everyone in the clan. They trusted her well enough to spill their most valued secrets and each helped her closer to her mission.

She was ready for her mission to be over already. Three months away from home and she hated it. If it was up to her, she'd been either killed them or knocked them unconscious and sent the information they had on SHIELD and HYDRA to headquarters before deleting the evidence. But, she was told to handle this with patience and precision. Luckily, today was her last day. Her patience had ran thin and her trigger finger itched.

She stood clad in weapons all over her body as she mentally took a head count of who all were in the small room. Her eyes scanned the room as she tuned out the leader, Ren Schlitz---who was currently instructing everyone on new ways to get more information from SHIELD and how HYDRA is protecting them for this information.

There was only a total of ten people in the room, including her. She had taken out more people than this; but only problem was doing this as quietly as she possibly could. She had her silencer on all of her guns but she knew their guns weren't. No silencer meant more men she'd have to get rid of. More work.

"Ella." Her fake name was called and it interrupted her concentration. Her eyes looked up to Ren---who was looking at her. "You said that you had something to present." Its time. She thought to herself.

She nodded her head as she walked up to the front as her eyes scanned the room once again from the front but this time to count the weapons they had. Only three of them had guns: two in the front and Ren. Although, he wasn't the type to get his hands dirty. He hardly raised his hands or guns. That was why he had so many men to protect him; but he had a big mouth that tend to get him in trouble. "I just want to say...." She started off being pulling off the dreadful, short wig---that she had to endure for three months. They all were taken by surprise as most of them wished they had bought their guns in the room. "Did you really think SHIELD was going to allow you to keep stealing from them?" She asked Ren.

She noticed the two---in the front---move for their guns but she was quicker as she pulled hers out and shot them quickly in the head. One of the men grabbed Ren and rushed him out of the room as the others stood to their feet to attempt to use force instead.

One rushed to her and she stepped aside before elbowing him in the back of his head while another charged at her. She lifted her leg up and kicked him back, sending him flying back into two other guys. One of the other three grabbed her arm from behind but she instantly reversed it by twisting his arm and kneeing him in the stomach then the face---busting his nose in the process. He fell backwards on the ground before she turned around and roundhouse kicked another guy who charged behind her.

The one she elbowed hesitated on his next move but she didn't give him a chance to figure out as she charged him. She jumped over him, wrapping her legs around his neck before flipping him to the floor. She rolled to her feet before kicking the leg of the one she had kicked earlier. He lost his balance and she punched in the face, knocking him out.

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