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"Acworth?" Fury said over the earpiece, checking to make sure she was okay after the blast.

Elise pressed the earpiece. "Accounted for." She said shortly as she met up with Iron Man and Captain America in full suit.

The three ran through a dim, debris-filled hall. "Find engine three. I'll meet you there."

Cap peeled off with Elise running behind him as Tony approached a tech room. When they found engine three, Cap pressed his earpiece. "Stark! Stark, we're here."

Iron Man flew close to the engine. "Good. Lets see what we got."

He began to examine the engine, his suit scanning through the different levels of machinery. To himself, Tony mumbled "I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors, work on dislodging the debris."

"Stark?" Elise called him, bringing his attention back to them.

"I need you to get to the engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position." He told Cap.

Rogers jumped and swung himself over to the control panel and opened it up while Iron Man worked on the engine with Elise helping as best as she could.

Through Steve's earpiece, Tony voice was heard. "What's it look like in there?"

"It seems to run on some form of electricity."

"Well, you're not wrong." Elise chimed in, sarcastically making Tony smirk towards her. She then felt static within the earpiece as if someone was trying to communicate with her. Her eyebrows clenched together as she tried to concentrate on the voice.

Tony glanced over to her. "What's wrong?"

"Someone's trying to contact me." She told him as she removed the earpiece from her ear. "It must be damaged from the blast."

He grabbed his from her hand before examining it. JARVIS explained to him the problem and how he could fix it in a matter of seconds. Elise watched carefully as Stark fixed quickly before handing it back to her.

She hummed as she took it from him. "Considered me impressed, Stark."

"Iron Man saves everything he touches."


"Everybody wants to be Iron Man."

"Stark, the world can hardly handle one of you." She chuckled before putting the earpiece back in her ear and the message became clearer.

"Agent Acworth?" It was Natasha Romanoff's worried voice. It sounded as if she was out of breath and frightened for her life. "Elise?" Elise knew it was serious when Natasha called her by her first name.

Elise pressed the button. "Romanoff." She heard a sigh of relief on the other end. "What's happening?"

"Hulk's..." Her voice started cutting out. "Out..... Need assistance."


"Lower docking area."

"On my way." She informed her before turning to Tony, who watched Elise through his iron mask with concern. "Hulk's loose."

She didn't wait for a respond as she took off in the direction of the docking area. It didn't take long until she made it. As she carefully and quietly approached the lower docking area, she could hear Thor's booming voice shout out to an angry Hulk. "We're not your enemies, Banner! Try to think!"

She watched as Hulk punched him across the room and through a container. Out of instincts, she ducked. "Romanoff?" She whispered so Hulk didn't turn his attention to her.

"Over here." Natasha groaned in pain, as she was stuck underneath the engine. Elise followed her voice on the side of the room, remembering to stay low while Thor and Hulk continued to battle. When she made it to Natasha, she suddenly heard a heavy whooshing sound coming from behind her. "Duck." Romanoff warned her and her body quickly dropped to the ground as Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, came flying through the docking area and Thor caught it just as Hulk charged though before hitting him in the jaw---sending him into a plane.

Elise's eyes widened at the scene. "Holy crap."

"Help me out."

"Right." She stood to her feet. Grabbing the bottom part of the large engine, she struggled to lift it up. "Its too heavy." She used all of her strength as she accidentally let out a loud grunt and began to lift it a bit. Hulk whipped his head over to her and her whole body froze. Her eyes widened as he began to make his way over to her. Dropping the engine back down on Natasha, she fell back to the ground. "He saw me." She panicked.

They heard his heavy feet stomping towards them while lowering themselves closer to the floor. They stopped breathing as they heard him stop right in front of them.

Elise looked at Natasha---both eyes filled with terror---as she found herself grabbing Romanoff's hand. "Its okay." She mouthed to her. Looking around, she saw a parachute and grabbed it. Pressing the button on her com, she whispered as quietly as she could. "Open lower loading dock."

Before they could do anything, Hulk smashed through the wall---that shielded them. Standing to her feet, Elise quickly ejected the parachute before throwing it on Hulk's arm then felt a certain---forcefield--- energy leave her body and sent him flying back. The loading dock door opened as the parachute sent him plummeting to the Earth.

Sighing heavily, Elise glanced down to Natasha---who was still was frozen in place. She used her forcefield to move the enormous engine off Romanoff's leg. Natasha sat up in the carnage of the Hulk's rampage, shaking.

Elise lifted a hand to her earpiece. Over the earpiece, Fury said "Its Barton, he took out our systems. He's headed for the detention lab. Does anybody copy?"

Into the earpiece, Elise replied, "This is Agent Acworth with Agent Romanoff. We copy." Natasha glanced up at her. "Barton's heading to the detention lab. He's going after Loki."

Natasha staggered to her feet before looking over to Elise. Ready.

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