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A jet flew over the sea at high-speed. Elise stood over the two pilots as she could hear Agent Phil Coulson and Steve Roger's conversation while they watched a video of the man-turning-beast called The Hulk. One of the pilots---with his face covered with a black oxygen mask---glanced up at Elise. "We're about forty minutes out from home base, ma'am."

Coulson took a seat in front of Steve. "So, this Dr. Banner tried to replicate the serum they used on me?" Steve asked without looking up from the holographic video.

"A lot of people were." Elise answered before Coulson causing Steve to look up at her. Her back was still to them before she turned around to face the two men. "You were the world's first superhero, Rogers. Banner thought Gamma radiation might be the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula."

Elise was well-educated in science. She loved science as she studied many forms of it. She loved challenging her mind. She, herself, tried to recreate the serum but it, too, backfired on her. She was a teen genius but with that particular experiment she must've missed a calculation or something because it nearly killed her.

She always wanted to be a scientist. Dr. Banner was her inspiration. She admired his intelligence or his work. When she had heard he attempted to replicate the serum using Gamma radiation but when it backfired on him, she tried to figure out the serum herself. At sixteen, she thought she had figured it out---after studying all of Dr. Banner's research--- but something turned out to be incorrect and the experiment was a flop. Nick Fury had warned her not to do the experiment but she ignored his words because he was her estranged father. He didn't raise her and she didn't have that much respect for him.

The entire lab---that was underneath her home---exploded.  The power of the explosion killed nearly everyone within a fifty mile radius from the home, including Elise's mother, Ok'alua Acworth, which she knew was her fault and the fact that she killed her own mother held a lifelong guilt. The home was destroyed and it almost fell onto Elise's unconscious body but Fury had found her.

Her entire body was on fire but when he walked towards her it had died down. And, what surprised him was the fact that she wasn't burnt to death. In fact, she was still alive---barely. Although, something like that wasn't completely out of the norm for him, he knew SHIELD wasn't equipped for that. So, he took her to the one person who was. Tony Stark.

Tony managed to heal her with his engineering skills and designed gloves for Elise to wear to control her powers. Till this day, she has no idea Tony saved her life. He was one of the people that she couldn't tolerate to say the least. She thought he was selfish and self-absorbed. They had a brief run-in on a mission which prompted the bad guy to get away. She disliked him every since.

"Didn't really go his way, did it?" Steve asked.

Coulson shook his head. "Not so much. When he's not like that thing though, guy's like Stephen Hawking."

Steve gave him a confused look which prompted Elise to roll her eyes. "He's a really smart person." She explained with a simple response.

He glanced at her for a moment before drawing his attention back to Coulson---whose face is nearly turning red. "I gotta say- its an honor to meet you, officially, I sort of met you. I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping." Elise shook her head as Coulson dug a deeper hole for himself. She knew of his slight obsession with Captain America. Although, she could careless about his addiction to the man, she almost knew Coulson like the back of her hand. He was like a father figure to her since she still doesn't like to claim Fury as her father. "I mean, I was- I was present, while you were unconscious from the ice."

"Ignore him." Elise muttered in a dry tone. "I do...sometimes."

Steve stood to his feet and walked towards the cockpit while Coulson followed. "You know, its really- its just a- huge honor to have you on board- its...." Coulson stuttered.

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