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The sky was dark as the streets were busy. Calls pulled up and dropped off fancy guests. On the inside of the building, String quartet No. 13 was playing in the large ballroom filled with people talking, mingling.

While this was happening, Steve walked through a door and in a case---in front of him---was the new and improved Captain America suit. He walked over to it and gazed up at it.
Natasha, Elise, Steve, and a pilot boarded onto a quinjet before it started speeding through the cloudy skies, making their way to Germany. It took them about thirty minutes at the speed the pilot was going and ---by the time they made it to their destination--- Loki had a large amount of people on their knees--- in front of a ballroom--- outside. Some were crying while other tried to stay quiet because they knew their lives depended on it.

Elise nodded her head down there while the three watched the scene. "The Tesseract."

Loki walked through the crowd of people. "Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state. Its the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation."

While he was talking, Elise handed Natasha and Steve earpieces. Her and Natasha put theirs in while Steve seemed confused. "You put them in your ear." Elise explained shortly but still he didn't get it. So, she took the earpiece and placed it in his ear. "It'll help us communicate with each other while we're down there. All you have to do is press the button that's on there and speak. We'll be able to hear you...no matter the distance." He nodded his head as he listened to her. She took a deep breath. "Alright, we need to get down there."

"I'll be your eyes up here." Natasha told them.

Loki continued. "The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end- you will always kneel."

The quinjet door opened and both Steve and Elise jumped off while Natasha stayed back. Steve landed on his feet but Elise had to roll to get up before walking next to each other to the scene of the crime.

A German old man stood to his feet. "Not to men like you."

Loki smirked. "There are no men like me."

"There are always men like you."

Loki chuckled. "Look to your elders, people. Let him be an example." Steve quickly ran over there as Loki lifted the scepter and fired it but Steve jumped in front of the man---deflecting the beam off of his shield causing it to hit Loki, who fell to the ground.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Captain said to Loki as he was standing back to his feet.

"The soldier...the man out of time."

Elise walked up making her presence known. "He's not the one out of time."

The quinjet came in behind them while a gun unfolded from the underside of the plane before they heard Natasha's voice over the speaker. "Loki, drop your weapon and stand down."

Loki fired at the jet and it banked hard to avoid it. Cap began to attack Loki and the two started fighting. Loki knocked Cap's shield to the side and forced him down with his scepter. "Kneel!"

Elise ran over there while yelling. "Not today!" Before she hit Loki with a spinning heel kick.

He stumbled backwards and deflect most of every punch and kick she threw his way. Captain jumped to his feet and the two started jumping Loki.

"Perfect time to take a shot, Romanoff." Elise muttered before throwing a series of punches and kicks to Loki.

In the cockpit---in the quinjet---Natasha---in her Black Widow suit---was trying to figure out how to take a shot. "I can't get a shot." She glanced to the co-pilot. "Guy's all over the place."

Over the earpiece, she heard a voice that annoyed just about everyone. "Agent Romanoff, you miss me?"

The computer screen showed the message 'PA SYSTEMS OVERRIDE,' and AC/DC's Shoot to Thrill began to play. Natasha smiled heavily. But, as Elise heard his voice over the earpiece, it had distracted her causing Loki to blast her with his scepter. She flew back and her body slammed against a nearby car. Groaning in pain before she saw Iron Man flew down and fired a repulsor blast, knocking Loki down.

"Make a move reindeer games." Loki considered his options before his Asgardian garb faded away and he raised both hands. "Good move."

The quinjet began to land in the background while Elise stood to her feet, cracked her back and both her and Captain walked towards Iron Man---who still was levitated in the air. "Mister Stark."


"The hell are you doing here?" Elise asked aggressively. He was the last face she wanted to see ever. He annoyed her almost to death most of the time when they had run-ins. Agent Romanoff wasn't the only one Elise tried to kill. She tried to kill Stark on many occasions but was always stopped.

"Wow, is that how you greet someone who has done the biggest favor for you?" He asked sarcastically. It was rhetorical. He would always say something on the lines of that but still Elise never knew what he meant so she just let it go as she glared at him.

Turning around sharply, she walked over to Loki before snapping on shocked handcuffs on his wrist. Then, yanked him up to his feet. "This is 80000-Volt Handcuffs. You make one move and you're fried." She threatened with gritted teeth before pushing him in the quinjet while Iron Man and Captain America followed behind.

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