The Chitauri Army

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The quinjet flew towards Stark Tower, which was beaming the blue stream to the sky. "Stark, we're on a three heading north east." Natasha informed Stark over the com.

"What, did you stop for a drive-thru? Swing that park, I'm gonna lay 'm out for you." He replied.

Barton and Natasha piloted the plane while Elise and Captain stood next to each other, holding onto a rail to keep from falling. They released the Canon gun while Iron Man flew past them at a high-speed and they released continuous fire at the troop of Chitauri in front of them. They flew through the smoke and up to Stark Tower.

Elise glanced down out the front window before turning her head to Captain. "We have to get down there. Chitauri are terrorizing innocent people." She told him.

He nodded his head. "You're right. Can you bring us down?"

Barton nodded his head. "Yup, on it."

The quinjet came around a building, blasting the army who were firing at them. Then, one of the wings were grazed by Chitauri gunfire causing them to slow down.

Looking down the saw Thor smashing Loki's head into glass on the catwalk of Stark Tower as they continued to fight. "Nat!" Barton called out.

"I see 'em."

They both held on for their lives while Cap and Elise grabbed hold of the roof as the plane grazed buildings and crashed to the street. The two removed their headsets, opened the ramp, and the four of the exited the jet.

Overpass below Stark Tower, Captain said "We gotta get back up there."

"Agreed." Elise added before they ran onto the overpass, looking up at Stark Tower.

They froze as a giant armored Leviathan---a warship of Chitauri--- flew through the portal with more warriors. The warriors jumped onto the side of the buildings and into the buildings where they shot at civilians.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Captain asked, while they all watched.

"Seeing, still working on believing." Stark replied over their com earpiece. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"


"Keep me posted."

Barton and Natasha crouched down behind a taxi cab while Cap and Elise ran over. "We're got civilians trapped." Barton informed them.

Loki flew over them on the flying crafts. "Loki!" Elise pointed out.

Natasha stood and fired both her guns at an incoming group of Chitauri. "We got this. Its good. Go!"

"You think you can hold them off?" Captain asked her.

"Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure." Barton said before grabbing an arrow and shooting it, hitting one alien in the head. The arrow quickly separated into more arrows, killing the three Chitauri aliens.

"Elise, you're with me." Captain ordered and she nodded her head.

They both left the other two fighting and jumped off an overpass, rolling onto a bus and into the street. They ran through the street towards a group of police shooting at Chitauri. They both were running and jumping off cars.

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