Chapter 3

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"Morning Darlin." He whispers, kissing my bare shoulder. "Morning Izzy," I smile, "I'm making breakfast for the boys, wanna help me?" I say getting out of bed. He nods, quickly following after me.

As I take out a glass, pouring myself some water, I feel a slight sting below my back with a sound of a smack. I chuckle looking at him as he smirks. "Are you serious?" I giggle. "What?" He chuckles sheepishly looking a little embarrassed of his own actions. I shook my head, he's just so damn cute.

By the time breakfast was ready, the boys were up. Steven helped set the table for me. "Did y'all fuck?" Asked Axl annoyed. "No?" I question, "where did you get that idea?" Izzy finished for me. "I saw that this morning, you smacked her ass, and when you smack a girls ass, you're claiming that ass and once you claim that ass, it's a signal that y'all fucked, amiright?" I look around to see the boys nodding their heads in agreement. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." I chuckle. They all sighed with relief. And what if we did? Was it any of their business? We then dropped the subject and carried on to another conversation.

"Who are you gonna bunk with?" Asked Steven. "I'll probably switch off with everyone." I say taking a bite of my toast. Everyone seemed to be pleased with that idea. "Just so we make things clear, I'm not gonna be one of y'alls personal groupie, you got it?" I glared, earning a snicker from everyone. "Sure thang sweetness." Winks Saul. I finish breakfast, leaving the clean up duty to Axl and Steve as I get ready for work.

"Let me drop you off." Speaks Saul as I slip on my tennis shoes. "Okay," I smile, handing him my car keys and grabbing my purse, "Let's go."

I watched him closely as he drove, both hands on steering wheel while watch intently on the road. I could finally see his beautiful eyes again. "Do you like Izzy?" He finally speaks. "I like all of you guys." I answered. So stupid. "Do you want to be with him?" I had to think. "I don't know, it's all moving too fast but I know I wouldn't mind it." I answer honestly. He nodded. The whole ride was silent but we finally arrived. "Thank you," I smile, "I like spending time with you." He smiles too. "I'll pick you up, what time do you get off?" He Asks. "I get off at 6 today." "Mkay, see you then." He winks, slowly pulling out of the drive way and making his way back home. I laughed to myself. He looks so funny when he drives, all sitting up properly, back pin straight. Now it's time to wait, I roll my eyes.

Today wasn't busy at all. A few men came in, having a couple drinks sitting quietly but that was about it. Having nothing to do, I just recleaned everything. Jake put on music and we listened to primarily Aerosmith but once Welcome To The Jungle came on, with it being new, I smiled to myself. Those are my boys playing, sounding like a proud mother. I couldn't believe the high shrieks coming from him, his talking voice was deep. And sexy might I add. Sigh, I miss them already.

"Hello, hello!" Walks In Steven with Duff behind him. "What are you guys doing here?" I chuckle. "Duff wanted to bring you coffee so I came along." Steven beams. "Aww, thanks." I blush. "Here you go," He says handing me a latte, "we didn't know what you liked so we just got something with caramel in it." He says. I look behind him, towards Duff, giving him an appreciative smile while mouthing the words thank you. "Thought you would be bored, today is a Wednesday after all, not many people drink on a Wednesday." He explains. "Yeah, but Guns N Roses do." I joke. Steven quickly nodded his head, "you sure are right." I rolled my eyes. "How is everyone else?" I ask, "the house isn't destroyed yet is it?" "Mm nah, but Slash, Izzy, and Axl aren't talking to each other." Says Steven. "Why not?" I ask, getting a shrug for an answer. I look at Duff, his head was facing down. I know he knows but if he didnt want to tell me then it's none of my business.

"What time do you get off?" Asks Duff, finally looking up at me. "In an hour, but Slash said he would be picking me up," I say, "did y'all walk here?" I ask. "Yeah, we decided to go for a walk to get out the house and stopped at a coffee shop and now we are here." Answers Steven. "Do y'all wanna wait with me to go home?" "Nah it's ok, we have to do something." Says Duff. I would ask what but given that he didn't tell me just now, he wasn't gonna tell me at all but so I just nod. "Okay, I'll see y'all later." I Say signaling that they better go. They waved goodbye and left.

"Rough day?" Asks Slash. "No." I answer blandly. He didn't say anything else. "I'm sorry," I apologize, "I don't mean to be a bitch." He chuckles, "we all are sometimes." I nod In agreement. "But for real, are you okay?" He says glancing from me to the road frequently. "It's just," I sigh, "what wrong with you, Izzy, and Axl?" It was now his turn to sigh. "We got in an argument regarding the tour." He was lying.

When we got home I was greeted by Izzy and Axl, I waved and went in my room. Before I could fully doze off I hear yelling and a loud crash coming from the living room. Axl has his hands around Izzy's throat while he was pushed up against the wall. "What the hell is going on!" I yell. Startling them both, Axl let's go. "Tell me what's go-." Before I could finish Axl takes my hand pulling me outside.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" I yell, pulling my arm away from his grip. He didn't seem surprised. "Kiss me." He says calmly. "What?" I ask,'"kiss you?" "Yes. Please." He says. "Look Axl I—." His lips crash into mine interrupting what I had to say. I was shocked and didn't know how to react but after a couple seconds, I relax while I close my eyes. His tongue made an entry, getting entangled with mine. He tasted sweet, his lips were smooth. It quickly came to an end before long. He was shocked as well but his mouth quickly formed into a smirk. He then squeezed me into a hug, letting go after what felt like forever.

As we walked back inside, we stayed quiet and our faces were crimson red. We had looked as if we just confessed our kindergarten love to one another. Looking up at Saul and Izzy, they looked pissed. Each sending glares at Axl but he was paying no mind. It was then Izzy's turn to take me away but this time into the bedroom. "What did he say to you?" He asked. "Not much of anything really." I blush. "What did he do to you?.." he asked slower. "He kissed me." I say looking up, no longer blushing but with a half smile instead. He slowly exhaled with one hand pinching the bridge of his nose while the other layer on his hip. Eyes were closed and he was swiftly pacing back and forth. "What? It was an innocent little kiss." I roll my eyes. "You can't just do that!" He yells. "Don't you fucking yell at me, I did nothing wrong!" I scream back. "Not with Axl, Okay? Just please not with Axl." He whispers. I didn't get what he meant but it was really starting to piss me off. Pushing past him I make my way toward Slash. "You're bunking with me tonight." I say pulling him away from Axl, pushing past Izzy once again and locking the door behind us. He was stunned and didn't move but would just stare at me as I pulled the covers down. "Come on," I say motioning to the bed, "let's go to sleep."

He didn't touch me the whole night, the most he did was caress my face as I fell asleep. Why? I thought. If it was any of the other boys, I know they would be spooning me at least. Steven extra tight. When I got up he wasn't there, he was in the living room playing Pac-Man. Izzy was missing from the bunch. "Where is he?" I ask. "He went out last night and he probably won't be back til late afternoon." Says steven, watching the tv. "Doing what?" "Drinking most likely." Sighs Duff. I just nod. Making my way into the kitchen, I get followed by Axl. "Hey darlin." He says trapping me against the counter, face inches away from mine. "Hi Axl." I chuckle. I couldn't believe the way he was acting although it was a bit expected. "Did you think about me last night?" He smirked. "No, but I did think about Steven." I smirk back. Hearing his name, Stevens head popped up like a lost puppy. He quickly winked at me, then went back to the tv. I let out a soft giggle. "You're so god damn beautiful." He smiles, kissing my cheek, forehead, nose, and then finally lips. "You sure know how to keep a girl flustered." I blush. He suddenly takes my hand and pulls me into a tight hug. "Please don't leave us." He whispers, petting the back of my head. "I promise." I say, closing my eyes, hugging tighter

Sorry it was shit lol

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