Chapter 30

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                     Elijah's POVAfter taking that well deserved cold shower I felt more relaxed plus I smell like my girl

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Elijah's POV
After taking that well deserved cold shower I felt more relaxed plus I smell like my girl.

I walked into Lia closet and everything was organized to perfection.

Some of my clothes were on the left side of the closet and hers occupied the rest of the the space.

I pick out something causal a black jeans, white round neck t-shirt, and a dark blue leather Jacket because I'm not the Suit & Tie kind of guy.

Then I went over to the oversized shoe rack selecting a black leather ankle boots.

My phone starts ringing from the bedroom. I exited out of the closet searching for my phone to see it next to the lamp by the bed.

I turned it over my best friend Logan Clarke was calling, immediately I answered raising the phone to my face.

"Aye Elijah, I really wanted to keep it a secret before I surprised you but I can't keep my excitement in. I'm in New York and I also brought a gift along" Logan says gleefully through the FaceTime call.

"I'm not a fan of your surprises, so tell me now" I glowered at Logan.

"Easy bruv, I know you dislike my surprises but this one won't disappoint you at all. I'm coming over to the office your Father gave me the address expect my arrival by 9." Logan talks fast a lot, so it's kind of hard to comprehend some of the things my best friend has to say.

"Alright, I gotta go" I cut off the call quickly when I heard soft footsteps coming closer to the door.

Lia walked in with a sullen look on her face "Love, are you alright? Did she say anything rude to you?" I walked over hugging her.

"No, Diamond didn't do anything wrong it's me" What Lia said sounded muffled due to her burying her face in my chest.

I pulled back from the tight embrace
"Why do you say that?" I asked in confusion my brows creasing together.

Lia lifted her right hand using her fingers to release the crease on my face.

"Don't frown, it's going to give you wrinkles" She says smiling at me cutely.

I flicked her forehead earning an 'ow' from Lia as she rubs the spot I flicked at.

"You cheeky girl, now tell me why you said that" I ask her in stern tone.

"I don't want to talk about it right now maybe later ok" Lia pats my chest walking into the closet and came back with some clothes neatly folded in her arm and a pair of death traps I call high heels.

I don't know how some males and females manage to wear those things for a long period of time, I honestly salute them for that.

Lia walks up to me placing the items in my hands.

I stare at her in puzzlement until she spoke.

"Baby, could you please do me a favor and go give this to Diamond" My eyes glazed with anger.

"No" the word flew right out my mouth before I could stop.

"Eli please, I know that you don't like her but baby please do it for me" Lia whines at me pouting her lips up adorably
I couldn't help but give in.

"Fine, but you must do something for me later on and you have to do it no matter where we are" She nods her head gazing at me in wonder.

"Eli, what do you want me to do?" She asks me with curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

I leaned down to her ear and whispered what I wanted from her.

"W-what" Lia's stuttered lightly her eyes widen in fear and excitement what a weird combination.

I pecked her lips pulling back smirking at her reaction and walked out the bedroom to Diamond's.

I walked down the hallway until I reached the guest bedroom.

I banged on the door instead of knocking.
Seconds later Diamond opens the door in a bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her head.

She looked shocked to see me instead of Lia "S-sorry, I thought my sister was coming instead" She looks down on avoiding the mean look I probably had in my face.

"Just take it she asked me to bring them over" I hand over the items to her.

"Thank you" She whispered shakily.

Each time I look at her she seemed skeptical or maybe the way she treated my Lia in the past is making me cautious around her.

"Diamond, if your true purpose of coming here is to pretend and fuck over Lia, I seriously advise you to throw that thought away because I'll end you before you start anything. Are we clear?" I glowered at the quivering girl.

Diamond looks up to find a gloom look on my face.

"I understand but I hope you trust me when I say this isn't pretense. I truly want my sister's forgiveness and hopefully I could be a better person." I rolled my eyes walking away to the living room and waiting for Lia so we could go to the office together.

"I still don't trust her" I voiced out my thoughts sitting in the couch and I turned on the TV to pass time.

25 minutes later, Lia finally came downstairs good as usual.
Blue suede Jacket, white floral top, dark blue jeans and some black heels.

"I wanted to match with you but in my own style different yet similar" She did a little twirl for me.

"Do you like it?" I nod my head vigorously.

Lia smirked at me "I knew you would" She pulls me up from the couch not letting go of my hand.

"Diamond let's go" Lia yells out of nowhere.

She ran out of the guest bedroom like a lap dog that just got called by her master.

"Wait, why is she coming to work with us?" I ask pointing at Diamond

"I'll tell you at the office relax baby why so hostile" I sighed in defeat letting Lia pull me as we exit her penthouse.

We entered the elevator I was so tempted to press the close button on Diamond because her slowness was pissing me off.

"Girl, pick your feet up instead of dragging it. You don't want to be late for your training right?" Lia looks over her shoulder at Diamond before she opens the car door not before throwing me the keys to drive.

Back in England, we drive on the left side of the road so it's different here but I'm getting the hang of it.

Lia connects the car's Bluetooth to her phone and played some Afrobeats songs which are also very popular back at home.

Waiting for the traffic light to change to green.

"Instead of buying breakfast let's have it at the cafeteria. I have a lot of files that need my urgent attention and I have a visitor coming to the office at 2pm" She looks up from her phone.

"Who is it?" She asks me curiously
"Logan Clarke, my best friend" I smiled looking over at her the traffic light changed to green pressing the accelerator I drove the car.

Lia and I had multiple random conversations completely ignoring that fact that there was someone else besides us in the car.

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