He & She - Two : "I don't go out"

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She sent him a picture of her self after he refused to practice at the park.

She sent him a picture of her self after he refused to practice at the park

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She looked too cute for her own good but, of course, he wouldn't say that. The girl already has too many people telling her how pretty she is.

Besides, it has become a goal of his to always find something to say to her that is beyond her looks. Calling someone beautiful can get old pretty quickly.


"Why couldn't we just practice at home?", he keyed in his Imessage instead.

It hasn't been three seconds when her response came in. "Because it's such a beautiful day outside! If you came with me, you'd see so many people enjoying the sun too."

She probably knew what he'd say and had her reply all ready.

It's autumn now and Mei Mei loves the sun, she's probably chasing after it since they won't see much of it come winter.

Yue hates the sun though as he sweats way too easily.

"All the more reason for me to pass."

"For someone who plays basketball – a CONTACT sport played in courts – I don't really understand you."

"Basketball can be played in indoor gyms. Also, I play point guard. I'm too fast that anyone just can't come in contact with me."

Let's see her come up with any answer to that, he thought.

"Right you are! You definitely should play indoors. And yes, you are the fastest point guard in the region. No one can touch you."

His brow rose up.


That isn't exactly the message he expected.

He dialed her number.

"What do you need from me?", Yue asked as soon as she picked up the phone.


"Then just go home. We'll practice here."


Why did he seriously have to fall in love with such an irritating woman?


"You're coming here?????????"

The happiness in her voice was making his heart do somersaults.

"Give me an hour."



"So, is YOUR Captain finally coming here?", Xin Zeng asked her friend who is now smiling like an idiot.

"He is!!!!", Mei announced like a five-year old who was just handed her favorite chocolate bar.

"Capt really will go out for you, huh", her boyfriend, Jiho, who just arrived and sat with them at one of the benches, sounded amazed.

Xin Zeng wanted to tell her boyfriend that when it comes to Wang He Mei, their cold-as-ice Captain absolutely melts.

"He always takes pity on me", her best friend answered before she could edge in a word.

Xin Zeng sighed.

Maybe she needs to tell Mei Mei too.

Shen Yue isn't doing what he does out of pity. He's doing it because he's in love with her. EVERYONE. CAN. FREAKING. SEE. IT.


She looked at the picture she took of Yue ("YUUUUUUUUUUWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEE") when they decided to grab iced coffee.

He covered his face and told her he hates having his picture taken when he looks like crap (NOTE: HE DOESN'T AND HE LOOKED SO GOOD IN HIS GRAY HOODIE, SHE ALMOST TURNED INTO A PUDDLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARK)

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He covered his face and told her he hates having his picture taken when he looks like crap (NOTE: HE DOESN'T AND HE LOOKED SO GOOD IN HIS GRAY HOODIE, SHE ALMOST TURNED INTO A PUDDLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARK).

She cannot stop looking at the photo.

His hands are the only thing you see but she keeps smiling like a fool for she held those hands today.

"What type of idiot remembers to bring earmuffs but forgets to bring gloves?", he scolded her as he took her hands, rubbed them against his, and then pocketed the left one inside his hoodie.

She looked up at him, then, and told him something she always tells him.

"I love you."

"I know", he answered and continued to squeeze her hand to give it warmth.

Sometimes, she wants to surprise him and tell him that she REALLY loves him.

Not as a brother.

Not as a best friend.

But probably in the way her mother loves her father – that breath-taking, butterfly-in-your-stomach, palm-sweating, knees-shaking way that happens every time you look at him and well... he... he is looking right back at you.

But she's afraid.

So so very afraid.


Author's Note:

I've actually been working on this since last night but got distracted on twitter by too much DIYUE excitement.

I have about five chapters already written down but I've been searching for good pictures to use so as soon as I get photos, I might probably just update this randomly. Haha.

As mentioned, these are episodic though.

Each story can stand alone and then just end there. LOL.

Note: I just saw the comments for the first chapter and kept laughing at how confused everyone is over who is who and how disturbingly good looking our YY is as a guy.



Thank you for indulging my temporary bout with insanity that had me writing this.

You guys are the best!!!!!!

- Mai

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