He & She - Four : "I hate losing sleep"

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Yue looked up his phone and smiled to himself.

This afternoon, he allowed Mei Mei to take him a little way out of the city to practice the piece she wants to perform for the SUPREME DUO OF CHINA contest.

She decided on Jay Chou's "Love Confession" and he almost flipped when he fully internalized the lyrics during their rehearsal.

親愛的 愛上你 戀愛日記

My dear, I fell in love with you; our love


is full of memories tinged with perfume

一整瓶 的夢境 全都有你

A whole bottle of dreams, and you're in every one


Mixed together with me

He's always liked the song but singing it to her – with her – as they practiced beside a river bank, with her hair flowing, and her soft strumming of the guitar, it took all of his will power to not blurt out to her that he loves her...

... that he loves her not as a sister.

Not as a best friend.

But probably in the way his father loves his mother – that breath-taking, butterfly-in-your-stomach, palm-sweating, knees-shaking way that happens every time you look at her and well... she... she is looking right back at you.

But he's afraid.

So so very afraid.

He shifted in bed and looked up her picture from this afternoon, a shot he stole as she fiddled with the strings, and he could not stop himself from thinking how beautiful she looked, almost ethereal.

He shifted in bed and looked up her picture from this afternoon, a shot he stole as she fiddled with the strings, and he could not stop himself from thinking how beautiful she looked, almost ethereal

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"I could look at this all day", he thought to himself as a smile made its way to his face.


His surprise at her name flashing across his phone screen made him twitch and lose hold of it.

It fell right on his face.

It fell right on his face

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"F*CK –"


Her voice was full of concern.

The motion of the phone falling on his face swiped it to answer.

"Sorry. Sorry. My phone fell on my face."

He rubbed at his nose and contained the expletives he wanted to let out.

She laughed from the other end.

"I thought you were asleep already."

"I'm actually about to sleep."

"Oh. Sorry."

"So why did you call?"

"I was listening to our video recording and I just suddenly felt nervous. Like... this is happening. This is really happening."

"What are you worried about? Everyone will love you."

"Really? I sound like a toad."

"Wang He Mei. Stop that. You have a beautiful voice."

"You're just saying that."

He looked up the clock on his wall.

9 PM.

He has early basketball practice tomorrow.

He should really be sleeping by now.

"Of course I'm saying it. It's the truth."

"I'm just so nervous."

They talked up until midnight.

He reassured her and tried to do as much as he can to take away her jitters.

"I'm sorry I made you stay up late. I forgot all about the time."

"It's fine."

"I love you."

He paused.

He normally answered "I know" whenever she said this.

What if.....

"I love you too."


Author's Note:

It is hard to not howl at all your comments I swear.

It's even harder trying to contain myself from actually exploding over all of this craziness.

I said I had five chapters written up for this and I actually don't have such a clear idea where I will take it afterward but we'll see ok?

Also, the translations for Love Confession are not literal translations. I copied them off from here (https://eldonreeves.com/2018/01/31/jay-chou-love-confession-english-translation/) and he translated it  idiomatically (actually he says non-idiomatically too). I guess he tried to make it make more sense in english. Haha.

Thank you for laughing along with me on this.



I couldn't find a photograph of the image of a guy with his phone falling on his face. I made do with a drawing. Haha. I hope it's alright.

- Mai

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