Waking up to the alarm, Jaeyoung had let a soft groan slip past her lips. Lazily reaching over to hit the "off" button. She was not a morning person but she knew she had to get up because of school.

She sat up and rubbed her tired eyes, "_______?"

Jaeyoung looked around once she got her eyes to open, seeing no sign of said person. Her expression became puzzled as he would usually show up once she had called him. Jaeyoung pushes it off as him still being asleep and pushed the blankets off her, standing up.

"You lazy bitch! I told you to make Breakfast already!"

Jaeyoung flinched at the yelling, but let out a sigh.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll get on it right now!"

Jaeyoung rummaged through her clothing before picking out her outfit and grabbing her towel, heading to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her so no one could come in while she showers. Jaeyoung started the water before stripping of her pyjamas.

Once in, her body relaxes at the warm water spraying down on her. To her, it felt like all her worries had disappeared. But she couldn't stay like this forever. Jaeyoung finished her shower and turned the water off, grabbing her towel to dry off. She wrapped it around her before stepping out.

Letting the towel drop, Jaeyoung got changed into her outfit.

Jaeyoung brushes her hair and curled it, before applying a bit of make up here and there

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Jaeyoung brushes her hair and curled it, before applying a bit of make up here and there. She puts the towel in the small basket before walking out.

Jaeyoung makes her way downstairs to see her father drinking his beer, and her mother in the kitchen with her back turned to Jaeyoung. Jaeyoung makes her way into the kitchen to help her mother with breakfast, giving her a small kiss on the check.

"Morning Eomma, let me help with breakfast!"

Her mother smiled to her daughter, "Thank you sweetie. That would be great."

Jaeyound smiled sweetly to her mother before helping cut up vegetables. With the two working in the kitchen, Breakfast was ready 15 minutes after. Jaeyoung grabbed a plate and slowly placed it on the side table next to her father before slightly running away quickly.

He father only huffed, "About time." Mumbling a "Lazy whore" underneath his breath. Jaeyoung let out a small sigh and sat down with her plate at the island facing the kitchen. Her mother was picking at her food.

"Eomma, eat. You should at least taste what me and you made together!" Jaeyoung said, noticing this.

She sighed, "I know... but-"

"No 'but's. You need to eat."

Her mother was slightly hesitant but sighs, smiling slightly, "Alright. You always know what's best for me now don't you?" She jokes slightly

Jaeyoung laughed softly, "I sure do~"

Jaeyoung soon finished as she watches her mother eat, a smile on her face. Jaeyoung put he plate in the sink before washing it quickly. She quickly ran up the stairs to her room to grab her phone and wallet before coming back down and putting both in her backpack.

"Bye Eomma! I'm off to school!" Jaeyoung waved at the door

"Bye Sweetheart. Have a great day!" Her mother replied back and Jaeyoung left with a small smile.


Jaeyoung makes it to school and goes to her locker to see words in black marker all over her locker. Jaeyoung feels hurt just reading some of the words.


And more.

Jaeyoung pushes them aside and grabs the things she needed for her first and second class. She soon heard the bell ring and that's when she rushed to her first period class.

She made it just in time and sat in the back next to the window. After the second bell went off, the teacher had walked in, closing the door behind her.

"Alright class. We have a new student today." The teacher announced

The class immediately broke off into whispering.

"Who are they?"
"Are they a boy or girl?"
"I heard it was a male."
"Are they cute?"
"Are they single?"
"Can I date them?"

The teacher then hushed everyone before telling the student to come in the class. Everyone were at the edge of their seats. Well, mostly everyone. The male student walks in and everyone is starring at him.

"Hello. My name is Vincent Van Gogh. And I'm happy to be in your school this year." He said with a smile.

Jaeyoung looked up and her and Vincent locked eye contact. Jaeyoung started to panic and look away quickly. Vincent kept a smile on his face, but he knew he had found her. Everyone was at a loss of words so it was dead silent in the room.

"It's nice to meet you Vincent. Please, take the set next to Jaeyoung in the back, or beside Jiah in the front." The teacher had suggested, letting the said male student pick.

Vincent glances to Jiah who was fixing her hair quickly, like she was trying to impress him. Vincent then glances at Jaeyoung who was starting out the window, calming down from her slight panic attack. Vincent then walked over to the spot beside Jaeyoung. Jiah watches in shock as he passes her but he blood soon boils in rage and jealousy once she sees Vincent going over to the loser of the school.

The teacher in the meantime, starts the lesson.

"Is this seat taken?" Vincent jokes slightly, trying to make small talk with Jaeyoung. Jaeyoung only shook her head, not really talking back to Vincent, making him pout slightly but sits down anyways.

Through the whole lesson, Vincent steals glances at Jaeyoung. Will she remember me? He thought. Jaeyoung, on the other hand, finds it weird that Vincent had been glancing at her. Making her panic internally again. Her mind is racing with thoughts but somehow she can focus at the same time.

Soon enough, the bell rung and Jaeyoung packed up quickly and left before Vincent could follow her. Vincent sighed,

"Next time."

Word count: 1008

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