Second book!

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Okay so, I know you've all been waiting for this moment so... I was thinking of giving you a little preview of the first chapter. Hope you like it! (Cover of book ^)

(Also, thank you again _SilverFluff_ for the cover as well ;w;)


Minsu was peacefully sleeping until she was woken up by no other then Siwoo, her twin brother.

Groaning, she tried to hide in her covers but Siwoo didn't let her. "Let me sleep!!!" She whined

"Come on Min. Eomma's making breakfast. And you gotta get ready for school! Appa is already at work and you know how he is in the morning." Siwoo said, pulling the covers off her bed noticing his sister's attempt to grab them once again.

Minsu sighed, giving up. "Fine! I'm up! Now get out of my room!" She stretched

Siwoo shook his head with a soft chuckle and walked out, "if you're not out in 5 minutes I'm coming in there with a marker." He joked and closed the door behind him

Minsu was gonna argue but instead, hugged. Figuring it was too early for this shit. She stood up and stretched again, her wings appearing as they stretched out too.... somehow. 


She made her way downstairs yawning slightly. Minsu greeted her mother a 'good morning' before sitting down at the dining table where her breakfast awaited her. as she ate, she scrolled through her phone in boredom. Images of those rich, snobby, "Daddy give me his money when i be a bitch and whine" girls posing like thots on they're social media with a caption like 'Living the average life #Totallynotrich'. But everyone knows that they're just looking for likes and attention.

Minsu rolled her eyes when she came across one flexing her money and 'new car', all while wearing a tube top and 'short short' bottoms that, if you look close enough you could see her underwear.


So, that's all for now, I hope I didn't give away too much.

Anyways, watch out for this second book that will be coming out very soon!

Until then, Take care!

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