"Hyjun Jiah. What you did was completely un-exceptable. Do you even understand what you can do to the school's reputation if you killed her?!" The counsellor's voice was stern and strict as their gaze made Jiah feel small.

"I-I'm sorry Mrs—" Jiah tried to speak

"I don't wanna hear your apologies. From now on, you are hereby suspended for a week. If you attack another student then I will, without hesitation, will expel you. Do I make myself clear?"

Jiah sighed, "Yes Mrs...."

"You are dismissed. I will be calling your parents about your behaviour."

Before Jiah could even speak, the cousellor raised her hand telling Jiah that she didn't want to speak with her anymore. Jiah growled angrily before getting up and slamming the door. Going to sit down in the waiting area.


Vincent was answering the Nurse's questions about the situation. While the Nurse tends to Jaeyoung's wounds.

"I don't know how it started, all I know that Jiah started blaming Jaeyoung about calling her names. Then Jiah attacked Jaeyoung and was throwing punches even if Jaeyoung was already passed out. And...then I brought her here." Vincent explained, watching as the Nurse finishes up and walks to her desk.

The Nurse types things on her computer and Vincent looks at Jaeyoung.

"Her wounds are not bad. Nothing broken surprisingly. But she just needs rest." The Nurse looked up to Vincent. "....do you like her...?"

Vincent's ears turn red and he looks to the Nurse, completely embarrassing, "w-what makes you say that?!" He exclaims.

"The way you look at her. She's more then a stranger to you... right?"

Vincent looks down at the ground, playing with the hem of his shirt, "w-well, I've known her since we were little... but something happened and I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember me."

"Did you move or something for a long time?" The Nurse was curious since she loves cliché romance shit.

"S-Something like that... b-but not exactly." Vincent says truthfully, but doesn't really tell her the truth, a bit scared in what his father will do if he blurted it out.

Before the Nurse can ask any questions, movement was heard from Jaeyoung, sensing that she was waking up. Both people looked over to see Jaeyoung slowly wake up, opening her eyes but squinting at the bright light.

The Nurse walked over to her, telling her to stay laid down since Jiah did bruise up her stomach to a point where it could hurt at slight movement.

"Please dear, don't move so much. Just rest up the best you can." The Nurse calmly says.

Jaeyoung nods and sorta just lays there, listening but quiet. Vincent is quiet as well but once the nurse lift up Jaeyoung's shirt, his ears flush more and he quickly looks away.

Jaeyoung just lays there, not knowing what to do. Even though the nurse was a female, she didn't care. But what she didn't notice was that Vincent was in the room as well.

The nurse finished fixing Jaeyoung's bandages before pulling her shirt back down, "Your friend was really worried about you."

Jaeyoung raised an eyebrow, "what friend?"

The nurse pointed to Vincent, "that fellow over there."

That's when Jaeyoung noticed Vincent and her face become red in embarrassment. Did he watched when the Nurse—

Vincent could already sense that Jaeyoung was freaking out, "I-I didn't see anything! I-I promise!"

The nurse chuckled and got up, "I'll leave you two be for a bit. I need to hand in your statement to the principal."

The Nurse quickly walked out and Jaeyoung and Vincent were left there in silence. Vincent was playing with the hem of his shirt awkwardly while Jaeyoung just laid there.

".....what time is it...?" Jaeyoung hesitated so it came out as a loud mumble

Vincent checked the time, "Almost lunch actually."

Jaeyoung nodded "I guess I can't help you at lunch today."

Vincent smiles, "it's quite alright. You can always help me tomorrow or now when your better."

Jaeyoung nodded once again. Looking to the side to see a row of empty beds. She soon placed an arm lazily on her stomach, and slowly, sat up. Vincent sees this and slightly freaks out. Not knowing what to do. Should he force her back down like the nurse instructed or leave her be?

All that came to mind was Vincent exclaiming. "W-Wait! Didn't the Nurse say that you should stay laying down??"

Jaeyoung, at this point, was already sitting up straight with a slight hunch. "I'm okay... it doesn't hurt too much."

Vincent slowly nods and just stands there awkwardly once again. Jaeyoung notices this

"Come sit." She pats the spot beside her. "If you want to that is."

Vincent sat beside Jaeyoung, thanking her. Jaeyoung only nodded and looked down. Vincent just looks around the room.

"This place is what what I imagined it as...or remember..." Vincent softly mumbles, Jaeyoung's ears perking up.

"What do you mean?" Jaeyoung asked, looking to him confused.

Vincent's ears go red once again, "n-nothing... it's just, where I came from, there are no 'Nurse office','s." Vincent said, sounding believable.

Jaeyound makes an 'oh' with her mouth and went back to being quiet. Vincent is just glad he pulled it off. Jaeyoung soon yawned and started to doze off, not knowing that her head landed on Vincent's shoulder. Vincent glances down at her nervously. Since, this was the second time that he can actually touch her without her.... never mind.

Vincent let out a breath and looked to see if anyone was watching. Through windows or hearing through doors. He kept his senses and guard up while his hand hovers over Jaeyoung's stomach, before going to her face/head. Just when Vincent has finished and slowly paced the female back down, the Nurse walked in.

"If you want, you can go back to the classes you're missing. I can watch over her until she wakes up. Maybe you should stop by her classes to get her work." The Nurse suggests.

Vincent nodded, "Good idea. I'll be back soon. Thank you Mrs." He bowed quickly to her before walking off.

The Nurse smiled as she watched him go. Such a nice young man...

Word count: 1051

A/n: Wow that was long. And like, I accidentally deleted the first version of this chapter while writing so I sorta lost interest and it was hard to think. ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

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