"Can you uh.... explain again...?" Vincent laughed a bit awkwardly, not understanding the material.

Jaeyoung sighs slightly and explains again, a bit differently so it's more understanding. Vincent follows along, taking mental notes.

"Do you understand it now?" Jaeyoung asked, looking at him

Vincent responded with a nod. Jaeyoung told him to work on some pages as she got up to search for a book to read. Jaeyoung searched about until landing upon a book that caught her interest. 'Your Fate. In his hands.'

She read the description, finding it more interesting and came to sit back down. As she read, Vincent did some worksheets. Glancing at Jaeyoung from time to time. He took in her habits even though he already knew. But he found it interesting that her mouth stays slightly agape when she's so focused, her eyes scanning words from page to page.

Jaeyoung soon looked over at Vincent, who just realized that he was starring, and he had quickly looked to his paper, acting like he was doing work this whole time. Jaeyoung looked at his answers, seeing if he had done it correct.

"....16 is wrong." Jaeyoung spoke, startling Vincent slightly.

"I-It is....?" Vincent looked over to her, slightly nervous.

Jaeyoung only kept a straight face as she grabbed a closed pen and tried to explain what was wrong. Vincent stayed quiet, nodding along to show that he was following. Once Jaeyoung finished, Vincent went ahead and fixed the answer, while Jaeyoung went back to her book. Meanwhile, none of them knew about the glaring, jealous eyes starring at the two.

"Agh! That fucking bitch is taking him away from me!" Jiah growls angrily, banging her fist on the table.

"Jiah... calm down. I believe there's an—" one of Jiah's friends were cut off.

"No. I wanted to be the one to help tutor him! But that slut wants to take my chance with him away!"

The two friends sighed, and thought of a way to make Jiah happy again. But nothing came up. So all they had to do, was sit and watch the newbie and loner work together.


"Let me tutor him! It's obvious you make the work seem to difficult!" Jiah screamed at Jaeyoung, who was taken to were there was no security cameras after school.

Jaeyoung stayed quiet, head down, ready to be hit. Which is what she would've gotten, except it never happened. Jaeyoung slowly looked up to see Jiah's wrist being held back by someone as Jiah's friends looked at them shocked.

The voice which sounded male spoke, "I may be cold, but I know what's right from wrong. Do you want me to take you down to the principal's office?"

Jiah was scared and slowly turned around to see one of the school's bad boys, and her ex boyfriend. Min Yoongi.

"Yoongi.... I-It's—" Jiah began to speak but was having her arms pinned behind her back like a police officer arresting someone.

Yoongi glares at Jiah's friends as a warning, who ran away quickly. "Hyjun Jiah. I'm taking you down to the principals office. You can explain what you've almost done to her."

And with that, the two left with Jiah's head hung low. Admitting defeat.

Jaeyoung almost fell from all the shock in her body but was caught by someone. She looked up to see the nicest boy of the school there. Park Jimin.

"You okay? I heard the noice and rushed over with Yoongi. Your not hurt are you?" He spoke in his calm, caring voice.

Jaeyoung shook her head and got off of Jimin. "I-I'm fine... really."

Jimin is hesitant before responding, "you wanna hang out with me and my friends? I'm sure you'll have a great time!"

"No I'm—" Jaeyoung was cut off

"Great! Meet me by the school gates tomorrow morning at seven! See you there!" Jimin eye smiles before skipping off.

Jaeyoung watches him leave, wondering why he's always so happy when the world is fucked up as it is. But, she pushed her thoughts aside and wondered if Jimin would do what he said. Jaeyoung shook her head clean of any thoughts and headed home.


The next morning, Jaeyoung arrived at the school gates a bit earlier then Jimin's said time. She was using her phone camera to cover up her cut cheek and black eye with her hair. Honestly, she could look emo if she wanted to, but it was all of the sake of her staying safe.

Once she finished, she checked the time to show 7 o'clock. Maybe exactly right on cue, Jimin's angelic voice rang through Jaeyoung's ears.

"Jaeyoung!~ I'm so glad you came!~" Jimin said with a cute smile.

Jaeyoung's cheeks flush out of embarrassment since she's not really familiar to kindness often. "H-Hey Jimin..."

Jimin only smiles, "Call me ChimChim, Minie, or Jiminie please! I'll feel weird if you call me just 'Jimin'."

Jaeyoung's cheeks got a bit reder "o-oh... sorry..."

Jimin just kept his smile bright and kind, "let's go now, yeah?" He says as he took Jaeyoung's arm.

The female nodded and off they went to Jimin's friend group. Once there, Jaeyoung was a bit surprised to see;

Kim Seokjin, the most handsome guys in the school.
Jung Hoseok, the most happiest and positive person you could ever meet.
Jung Jungkook, the youngest but adorable guys ever.
Min Yoongi, the bad boy.
Kim Namjoon, the school's president and the smartest person you could ever meet.
Vincent Van Gogh.

Jaeyoung didn't know what the school had named him as like the others, but she was surprised to see him with the six of them. But she thought he would've fallen into the category the six of them are in, the handsome guys of the school.

Jimin soon spoke up, letting go of Jaeyoung's arm, "Hey guys! I'm here and I brought a friend!"

They all looked to Jimin with big smiles -except Yoongi who only kept a blank stare- while they greeted him back.

"This is Seon Jaeyoung." Jimin says.

Jaeyoung waved while they all greeted her with kind smiles... while Yoongi only waved with a slight "hi".

What a day this is going to be... Jaeyoung thought.

Word count: 1042

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