Last chapter huh.

....I'm not crying. You are! (TT3TT)

Also thank you _SilverFluff_ for giving me the children ideas UwU

"Siwoo! Give it back!" The small child whined, chasing the boy around who had a small stuffed elephant.

The boy, Siwoo, giggled as he kept running. "Gotta catch me first!"

The girl pouts and stops running, "Eomma! Tell Siwoo to give TH back!" She cried, running to her mommy.

Her mom sighed and picked up the young girl, trying to calm her down. "Yah! Siwoo! Give the elephant back to your sister!"

Siwoo pouts as he stopped running too. "Wae? I'm playing around! Minsu can get it back later!" He whined, which made his mom give him a look.

"Kim Siwoo. Don't make me put you in time-out." She sternly said, the girl, Minsu, calmed down a bit but small sniffles were heard.

Siwoo became upset at the sound of 'Time-out' and he pouts more, giving the stuffy to his mom. His mom thanked him and handed it to Minsu, who's face lit up. She immediately hugged it tightly and her mom wiped her tears.

Her mom soon turned to Siwoo who was looking down at his feet, "Siwoo, say sorry to your sister."

The boy hesitated but apologized, sniffing softly. Her mother felt bad so she kneeled down, opening her free arm to him. He came running to her, hugging her tightly. Apologizing repeatedly. Their mother soon put the girl down and let go of the embrace.

"Now. Go get Appa and wash up. Dinner is ready." Their mother said with a smile.

The twins nodded and quickly ran off. The female chuckles as she overheard her children making a commotion upstairs, waking up their father. The sound of screaming and roaring were heard upstairs and footsteps, loud enough for you to be mistaken as a stampede, came coming down. Followed by two little heads behind the counter and a tall, slightly sleepy male walk in, hands up like fake claws.

The female giggles at the sight of her husband, a messy lump of hair, also known as bedhead, making him look more adorable then usual. Hair sticking out in random places. Her husband smiled to her once he saw her, showing off his cute box smile that makes the female's heart jump each time.

(Love sick much? ^^;)

The male walked to her, hugging the female's waist. "Morning beautiful~" he coos, even though he's still sleepy

The female laughs softly, arms around his neck, "Taehyung, it's literally like 7 in the afternoon."

Taehyung looked dumbfounded, "Oh. But still." He nervous chuckled and pecked his wife's lips.

The female returned the peck and Taehyung spoke again, "Jaeyoung~ can you tell our children that jumping on me is not a good way to wake someone up?" He whines

"Now I understand where Siwoo gets his personality...." Jaeyoung mumbled the first part, "Come on, their only kids~ and their light. Now help me set the table you big baby."

Taehyung pouts, complaining that he wasn't a baby but went ahead and helped set the table. The twins came running back and sat at the table, waiting patiently. The stuffed animal sitting on Minsu's lap as she plays with it slightly. The married couple soon get the plates set, an empty space set up which made the twins confused.

"Eomma, who's sitting there?" Siwoo spoke up.

Jaeyoung smiled, "Well—"

The bell soon went off, interrupting Jaeyoung. Jaeyoung soon called out, the door opening and someone walked in.

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