*insert warning here because you'll need it.*

The truth.

Jaeyoung's hands shake with the anticipation. Holding a note, she was hesitant in front of Taehyung's locker. She was going to slip it in, since she was too afraid to give it to him personally. Mainly because she didn't want it to look like she was giving a love letter to him.

Jaeyoung gulped, mumbling small encouraging words to make her finally slip the note through the cracks. So close, but she soon chickened out. She groans and mentally facepalms. Jaeyoung soon sighs and tries again. When she finally slips the paper in, she let out the breath she was holding.

"There. It's all done." She said to herself before walking away.

The day today seems like it went on forever. And of course, Taehyung was in almost all of Jaeyoung's classes. But. At least school was coming close to an end so if Taehyung didn't follow her to collage or University, then she'll probably be safe. But the thing was, you could tell that Taehyung had already read the note because he was giving Jaeyoung glances.

Jaeyoung was a bit nervous honestly. She felt scared, anxious, and just overall frightened about what to come. Soon, the last bell of the day rang. Jaeyoung was internally screaming but after getting her stuff, she made her way to the back of the school. She put her bag and things down and mentally prepared herself. Not shortly after, she heard two voices. Jaeyoung immediately turned to the voices to see two men who she didn't know.

The two soon noticed the female and smirked. one speaking up "Now look who we have here?"

Jaeyoung almost instantly had this gut feeling to RUN. But, before she could grab her stuff and leave, one of the guys grab her. Picking a fight, she squirmed and tried to wiggle out of the male's grasp. But to no avail. She opened her mouth to yell, scream, anything to make someone come to help but her mouth was covered quickly.

"Now, since you are in OUR area, you have to listen to us if you wanna live." One spoke up, lifting her chin to look up at them.

Jaeyoung just glared at him but couldn't speak due to the other covering her mouth. She then bite the guy's hand which made him immediately let go of her in general. Jaeyoung takes this opportunity to run and yell for help. But again, to no avail. Next thing she knew was that Jaeyoung was grabbed and forced to the ground.

"Listen here Bitch. You have to pay fro what you just did. Either listen up, or we'll make sure everyone knows who you are." The one who got his hand bitten said. The other getting ready for what she would be forced to do.

*Okay, here's where the warning will be. This next part includes a bit of rape but since I'm not really that good with scenes, just skip to the next three paragraphs.*

The male, Person one, unzipped his pants and pulled out  his erection. Jaeyoung's eyes widened and she starts to, tries to escape. But her head was grabbed forcefully and she engulfed the guy's dick. She choked, of course not used to the feeling. The two male's smirked and the first one moaned out as the second one did the same thing, wrapping Jaeyoung's hand around his. 

Person one started to fuck the female's mouth, already loving the feeling he received. Soon, he pulled out making Jaeyoung gasp for air. But of course, the second had to do the same. At one point, Jaeyoung bit down on one of their dicks, making the male hiss in pain.

"I didn't say to use you're teeth!" The person exclaimed as he pulled out and grabbed a pocket knife, slicing Jaeyoung's cheek. Jaeyoung winced in pain but was quickly shut up. 

Just when things were to escalate further, the two men were hit in the back. "Take your hands off her. NOW." A familiar voice said sternly.

The two turned around, ready to fight but stood in shock and fear. They then composed themselves quickly, cleaning themselves up. Jaeyoung was able to take a peak of who it was and her eyes widened. I-It's him...!

"Oh yeah pretty boy? And what are you gonna do about it?" One said, smirking. Thinking that the guy's feature was fake in order to scare them off.

"This is a sin among the 10 commandments. I hope you like hell since you two are destined to go there once you both are dead. God does NOT want sinful people in his kingdom of peace." The male said, eyebrows furrowed together as the two laughed, taking it as a joke.

"Hahaha...You REALLY think we're gonna believe you? Do you even hear yourself man? Your fucking joking." They laughed. Making the male glare in annoyance. 

"Don't believe me?" The male started before smirking devilishly. "How about I show you when you two die?"

The two, still laughing, agreed. And they soon shut up once they saw a vision. Pure horror and fear across their faces. They then screamed and ran, terrified of what they just saw. The man soon came to Jaeyoung, and with a soft expression, asked if she was alright. To which she replied with a nod.

It's him... It's really him! Jaeyoung thought. "H-How... Why... W-When....?" She was at a lost for words as Jaeyoung tried to piece everything together. 

The male smiled. "So I can protect you physically Jaeyoung. Not spiritually anymore." His smile soon dropped once he saw the gash on Jaeyoung's cheek.

"A-Ah... let me take care of this for you...." His hand then starts glowing once it hovered on Jaeyoung's cheek. 

Jaeyoung finally pieced the last of it together. Finally knowing who he is, she didn't know how to really address it. The male soon smiled once again when Jaeyoung's wound was healed. 

"There we go-" The male was cut off by Jaeyoung.

"So... it was you all along............right.....?



Word count: 1016

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