"Jaeyoung!" Someone called the female who was minding her business.

Jaeyoung jumped and turned to see Vincent running up to her. Jaeyoung panics once again, but curious enough to see what he wants. Jaeyoung waited until Vincent approached her fully. Vincent was breathing heavily, setting the vibe that he ran his whole way to school just to see Jaeyoung. Jaeyoung stays silent, letting Vincent say what he wanted to say.

Vincent soon caught his breath, mumbling something along the lines of 'I gotta start working out' before standing up straight and clearing his throat. "I'm having trouble in our first period class. Will it be okay if you tutor me during lunch?"

Jaeyoung thought for a bit. It's not after school so I won't get in trouble, and he seems....nice.

Jaeyoung is hesitant in replying, but said a quiet 'Sure'. Vincent smiles brightly.

"Thank you! Okay. Meet me at the library as soon as lunch started. And if your hungry I'll pay for your lunch when we're done."

Jaeyoung was shocked by this, "Y-You don't have to."

"I insist! Okay? Okay!" Vincent smiled that familiar smile Jaeyoung knew before running off to his friends

Jaeyoung stood there a bit shocked before realizing this, shaking off whatever just happened. She soon headed off to class, not wanting do deal with anything else. As she made it to class, she wasn't really surprised to be the first one there. Jaeyoung didn't really care, as long as she can either sleep or day dream a bit.

Jaeyoung sat at her usual spot in the back of the class. She then let her mind wonder. Jaeyoung couldn't really focus on anything since her mind went blank, but suddenly she started thinking about the conversation she had with Vincent. He was a good guy it seemed, Jaeyoung thinks as she continued.

But one thing that stuck to her mind, was Vincent's smile. It seemed so familiar, but she couldn't place her figure on where she's seen it before. But honestly, she came to the conclusion that it was probably what a lot of people have. Since people around the world can have the same smile. But in one economy, they only have a unique one.

Before Jaeyoung could think into it more, her thoughts were interrupted by the bell. A lot of students come rushing in and casually hang around each other until the teacher comes.

"Jaeyoung~" someone had called, making Jaeyoung nervous.

The said female looked up to see Jiah. With an oh-so-fake smile. Jaeyoung became more nervous then ever seeing that smile. She gulped and Jiah leans over Jaeyoung's desk.

"So I couldn't help to see Vincent talking with you~" Jiah keeps her smile on her bitchy face. "Would you mind if you... ya'know... stay away from him? Thanks. That would be much appreciated~"

Jaeyoung sighs, "He can love who he wants to slut. You cheat on every boyfriend you ever had. Leave him alone bitch." She glares at Jiah, with a pissed off expression.

Jiah stood there in shock but rage as the whole class was looking at them.

"How. DARE YOU call me a slut and a bitch!" Jiah screeches.

"Because that's what you are whore. Instead of learning, you have your legs up in the air while you casually get some STD's and shit." Jaeyoung replied, sticking up for herself for once.

This only got Jiah madder and the whole crowd was watching this go down. 'Ooooo~''s were made by a few people and some commented, "she's not wrong."

Jiah goes full on rage mode, but doesn't notice that the teacher had walked in at that time, talking to Vincent.

Jiah slaps Jaeyoung across the face, hard. "You ungrateful bitch! I swear I'll make you burn in Hell you whore! No wonder your father doesn't love you! And I'm pretty sure your mother hates you as well!" Jiah screeches once again, and was ready to beat Jaeyoung's ass.

Jaeyoung was already holding her cheek in pain as a red handprint started to form. Jiah was about to pounce on Jaeyoung to flinched and was ready for impact before the teacher spoke up.

"Hyjun Jiah."

Jiah turned around angerly, not knowing it was the teacher, "What?!" She snapped at her, but once realizing it was the teacher, her expression softened

The teacher's eyebrows furrow together in anger "I will NOT tolerate this behaviour in my class! Go down to the councillor's office!" The teacher's voice boomed in the small room making everyone quiet.

Jiah's mind click that literally say 'fuck it.' In her head, while she snapped her head towards Jaeyoung, "This is all YOUR FAULT! No one likes you bitch! You should just.... DIE!"

Jiah attacked Jaeyoung, knocking the poor girl off her chair. Jiah started throwing punches as everyone watched in shock, some horror. The teacher was calling for the police that walked around the school to help while Vincent tried to pull Jiah off Jaeyoung.

From hitting the back of her head too hard, and the constant punches being thrown at her face, Jaeyoung was knocked out on the floor. Jiah on the other hand was just seeing RED.

Vincent managed to pry Jiah off the unconscious girl, while Jiah put up a fight, squirming and trying to attack Jaeyoung until she was dead. Two cops came and dragged Jiah away and straight to the councillor's office all while she scream that she was gonna kill Jaeyoung.

The teacher checks to see if Jaeyoung has a pulse. The teacher sighed in relief, feeling that she still had a good pulse and not a faint one.

"Vincent, take Jaeyoung to the Nurse's office. I'll inform the other teachers you and Jaeyoung have where your whereabouts are. What ever late or absence you get won't go on your record." The teacher informed.

Vincent nodded, "yes ma'am." He picked up Jaeyoung and carried her to the nurses office.

Meanwhile, Jaeyoung was in dreamland, having an not so nice dream....

Word count: 1006

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