(Technically, this is like a part two of N, but it can pass as this next chapter. Sadly, This story is coming to an end soon. So bare with me, okay? okay. Now onto the story!)


Why is it white and quiet...?

Am I...dead?

I should be...

What happened...?

Jaeyoung slowly woke up in a white room. Blinded by the light, she whimpered as it hurt, alarming someone. Once her eyes adjusted, she was met with a blurry figure beside her. Her sight soon became clear and she was met with a soft smiling nurse. Jaeyoung was confused and she looked around to see that she was in a hospital room while a lot of tubes attached to her.

"Hey, are you feeling alright...?" The nurse spoke softly and with a gentle tone.

"Where...am I...? What...happened...?" Jaeyoung responded, voice raspy a bit.

"Oh honey, You're in the hospital. You were shot near the mall. You are really lucky that Someone called right when they heard the shot fired. You are a really are a lucky girl to have survived this." The nurse answered, checking the monitors.

Jaeyoung panics slightly, "W-Wait, my mom or me can't pay for the hospital bill--"

"Don't worry, someone already payed for the bill. He was really a sweet boy." The nurse cut Jaeyoung off.


"The boy who's just waiting outside in the waiting area. He stayed with you the whole time while you slept." She smiles, remembering the sight.

"Can you...send him in?" Jaeyoung asked, sitting up but immediately regretting her decision as a shot of pain jolted through her.

The nurse laid the female back down, "Please don't move, the stitching hasn't healed properly and with any movement, it can come undone."

Jaeyoung nodded and slowly laid back down. The nurse soon handed her two pain killer medicine and a glass of water, before going to let the male inside. Just as Jaeyoung digested the medication, the one she know -and loves- burst into the room. Jaeyoung literally jumped as Taehyung came in the room.

"Jaeyoung!!!!!!!" Taehyung exclaimed and hugged Jaeyoung.

Jaeyoung winced, "T-Taehyung...It still hurts..." She tried to push him off, the pain killers not in effect right then and there.

Taehyung immediately let go and starts apologizing. Jaeyoung, of course, forgave him. Taehyung just looks at Jaeyoung with a pout, and Jaeyoung just realized the bags under Taehyung's brown eyes.

"....When did you last sleep?" Jaeyoung reached up and rubbed her thumb on Taehyung's under-eyes.

The male's ears turned red at the realization of how close they were. "....A week ago..."

Jaeyoung's eyes widened and she takes her hand away. "H-How long have I been out?"

Taehyung looks away "You were in a coma for about a week... I was scared of when you were ever gonna wake up." He looked around for anyone or any audio cameras, "I visited heaven so many times, checking of you appeared." He mumbled the last part.

Jaeyoung slowly nods and looks down. She was gonna say something but it was like Taehyung read her mind and already told her.

"I told you're mother...She was begging me to tell her. That reminds me, She told me to call her when you woke up. Do you want me to call her?"

Jaeyoung nods, "Yes please."

Taehyung nods and takes out his phone to call Jaeyoung's mom. Jaeyoung tried to slowly sit up, knowing her limits though even with the medication. Taehyung and Jaeyoung sorta just sit there until Jaeyoung's mom arrived.


Jaeyoung missed prom because of her coma. But, She was apparently nominated for Prom Queen and won. So she was given the crown when she came to school. One week until graduation. She was so shocked, more because people where actually nice to her. She was also asked why she was in a wheelchair, and if people can see her scar. To which she said no to and explained -with the help of Taehyung- why she couldn't walk properly yet.

Taehyung just casually pushes Jaeyoung around while Jaeyoung sits there, bored out of her mind. They soon stop at the courtyard, and Jaeyoung got confused. Taehyung walked in front of her and held out his hand.

"Why are we here?" Jaeyoung asked, not even taking his hand

"Well, let's practice walking yeah?" He shakes his hand so Jaeyoung would take it finally.

Jaeyoung sighs and takes Taehyung's hand. Taehyung box smiled and pulled Jaeyoung up. She wasn't ready so she was forcefully pulled up. Jaeyoung yelped and fell onto Taehyung. Taehyung caught Jaeyoung and held her in his arms. The two blushed and Jaeyoung pushed Taehyung away. It backfired because when she did, She almost fell backwards and Taehyung had caught her once again.

"U-Um...lets just start and forget about this...?" Jaeyoung asked, avoiding eye contact.

Taehyung nods, avoiding eye contact as well "Y-Yeah...lets..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (I'm running out of ideas for this.)

Day of Graduation. The day where you take the last step in life. Either you go to collage/university, or you just drop out after high school. Jaeyoung's mother was crying about how her baby girl is all grown up. Jaeyoung tried to shush her mother because she was embarrassing her. Taehyung just sorta stands beside Jaeyoung, laughing at her attempts. Taehyung then whispers into Jaeyoung's ear, telling her to meet him at the park once the ceremony finished.

Jaeyoung was confused but nodded. Taehyung then walks away, basically being jumped on by the guys. The ceremony went on with parent cheering their child on when they went on the stage. Just embarrassing them no matter what. Sadly, Jaeyoung was one of them. Soon, It ended and Jaeyoung changed. She texted her mother, telling her where she'll be and to head back to the apartment without her.

Her mother told her to stay safe, and to listen to her gut feeling. Jaeyoung smiled softly and put her phone away, making her way to the park. She walked around the park, soon stopping on a bridge with a beautiful stream below it. Her eyes sparkled at the sight. Just then, a voice broke her train of thought.

"It's beautiful right?" Someone spoke up.

Jaeyoung looked to Taehyung with a smile before looking back, "Yeah. It is."

There was a small silence between the two then Taehyung broke the silence.

"Not as beautiful as you..." Taehyung spoke up once again.

Jaeyoung's face went red. "W-What?"

Taehyung blushed, "Jaeyoung... I have to tell you..."

Jaeyoung stays silent, letting Taehyung continue.

"I-I... um...."


Word count: 1071

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