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I was about to leave my office when Silver walked in.

I was about to leave my office when Silver walked in

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"What is it Silver I was about to go home to Ricky"

"I wanted to tell you I followed that wolf and knocked him out and looked at his phone and I learned that Rick used Aaron's phone to call him," Silver says.

"Hhmm, clever Ricky, very clever"

"So what should we do?" Silver asks.

"I'll handle Ricky, you handle your boyfriend"

"You got it," Silver says.

After that, we went to the house. When we got there I saw Ricky on the couch watching tv and Silver went to find Aaron.

I then sit next to him and put him in my lap and then I turn off the tv.

"Hey I was watching that," Ricky says.

"Yeah I know" I then grab his face "that was clever Ricky"

"What?" Ricky asks.

"Don't play dumb, I know about the phone call you made to that wolf" he then gasps "why did you do it?"

"I did it to get my debt paid," Ricky says "and to get away from you"

"O Ricky don't you see" I then brought him closer "even if you did pay your debt I wouldn't let you go"

I then saw a tear fall "why?" Ricky asks.

"Because" I then kiss him "you've become too precious to me and I want you to stay here with me forever"

"You may think that, but I don't" he then pushes himself off my lap "you took my legs away, how can I ever care about you," Ricky says.

"Ok, you have a point" I then take his hands "I'll make you a deal"

"What kind of deal?" Ricky asks.

"The kind that gives you back your legs" he gasps.

"What do you want in return?" Ricky asks.

"I'll give you back your legs" he smiles a little "if you agree to stay here and not try to leave and" I stop.

"And what?" Ricky asks.

"You agree to go out with me"

"I don't even like you, why would I go out with you?" Ricky asks.

"You can agree with my deal and you get your legs back or I tell Silver to destroy the antidote" I then put my paw on his legs "and you'll never walk again and if I tell Silver to destroy it there will be no cure and I'm the only one that knows how to make it" he sighs "so what's it going to be?"

"Your a monster," Ricky says "but fine I'll agree to your deal, but I want my legs back first"

"Deal" we then shake hands "I'll go get it" I then left and went to get the antidote and once I got it I went back to him "ok here it is, but I must warn you it will hurt"

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