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It has been a while since Rick talked to Jacob and now Rick's stomach was getting bigger and was staying home more and relaxing.

But what he doesn't know is that Jacobs men found him and as ordered they watched him in the shadows and made sure he didn't see them.

Just then one of them got a call.

"Hello" he says.

"Report" Jacob says over the phone.

"He's fine boss, he just stays home these days or goes shopping for his home" he says.

"Are you making sure he doesn't see you?" Jacob asks.

"Yes boss, He doesn't suspect a thing" he says.

"Excellent" Jacob says "and I called because I just arrived and I'll be there soon"

"Yes boss" he says.

After that the call ended and they continued watching him.



"How did the call go boss" Silver asks.

"He's fine"

"That's good boss" Aaron says.

"How much longer until we get there?"

"About 30 minutes boss" Silver says.

"Excellent, soon Ricky will be in my arms again where he belongs"

"But boss aren't you breaking the deal you made with him?" Aaron asks.

"No, the deal was that I wouldn't force him to stay, but I never agreed to go to him"

"Your good with loopholes boss" Silver says.


When we finally got there I told my boys to wait in the car and I went to the front door and knocks on it.

"Coming" I could hear his voice. Just then I saw the door opens and then he gasps as he looks at me "what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you" he then backs away and I follow him "you made a deal with me, you can't force me to go with you" Ricky says.

I then close the door and then look at him.

"I know that, but the deal doesn't say I can't come see you and so I'm not breaking the deal" I then put my arms around him and hug him "I've missed you" He tries to get free from my hug, but I hold on tighter "just hug me and I'll let you go"

He sighs and hugs me back.

After our hug we went to the couch as I look at his stomach.

"Your Staring" Ricky says.

"I know, I just think your lucky"

"How so? You force knotted me remember" Ricky says and I sigh.

"I know and I'm not proud of what I did, but I came here to see you and hopefully we can start over and raise our boys together"

"You do all that dangerous stuff and I don't want the kids around that" Ricky says.

"Then what if I did the business somewhere is away from them and you"

"You mean in a secret way, like a double life" I nod "no, look this business you do is dangerous and you have enemies and if they found out about me or the kids they would kill us to just get to you" Ricky says.

"Then how about I leave someone in charge and they do the business" he thinks "you get what you want and I get what I want"

"I need to think about it, but first, I want something" Ricky says.

"Anything you want"

"You say you love me right?" I nod "then prove it" Ricky says.


"You forced knotted me the first time, but if you were to knot me again, how would this time be different?" Ricky asks.

"Umm, I would do with love instead of jealously and make sure you enjoy it this time, the right way"

"Then prove it" Ricky says getting up "show me how much you care"

I then get up and we went to his room and we had sex, but to me it was us making love for the first time.

And I think he thought that too.

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