Part 19: The Spoils of War

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Robb and Jon stayed back while me and my sister went to join the Dothraki  to kill the Lannister's army since they killed house Tyrell

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Robb and Jon stayed back while me and my sister went to join the Dothraki  to kill the Lannister's army since they killed house Tyrell. We see the army getting ready to fight we come out flying are dragons we look at each other and nodded we than looked in front of us "DRACARYS!" We yelled are dragon breathing fire out burning people we both went opposite ways are dragons shooting fire at supplies burning all of them. We met up and circled back together towards the archers that we're aiming at us. They shot at us but it just hit are dragons scales doing nothing to them. I Look to see we're one of the horse riders on the Lannister side he was heading to something his horse went down but I kept an eye on him. He went in something covered and than it uncovered I gasped that's the only thing that has a good chance of killing are dragons. I guided my dragons to Dany and yelled her way. "Be careful that thing can kill are dragons." I yelled to her I pointed to the big crossbow that he was loading she nodded. She was coming from the front keeping him distracted I was coming from behind he shot one more at her it hits her dragons wing. The guy must've heard my dragon and turned around quickly see my dragon shooting fire he quickly jumps off the thing I land my dragon close to Danny's and gets down to help her pull the thing out. We than hear hooves coming are way we turn around to see jaime lannister coming towards use but Danys dragon moves his head in front of us shooting fire at him. After that we land are dragons on a rock and get down to look at the prisoners. Are dragons roaring in the background. "We know what Cersei has told you. That we've come to destroy your city's, burn down your homes, murder you, and orphan your children. That's Cersei Lannister, not us. We're not here to murder, and all we want to destroy is the wheel that has rolled over rich and poor to benefit of No but Cersei Lannister of the world." Dany said "We offer you a choice— bend the knee and join us. Together, we will leave the world a better place than we found it. Or refuse and die." I said people start to bend the knee to use are dragons snarl at the ones that aren't roaring at them making them go to the knee I feel bad we are just putting fear in them. Only a couple did not bend the knee I look to Dany to see she's looking at them. "Step forward, my lord." Dany say he comes forward "You will not kneel?" Dany asked "I already have a queen." He said Dany didn't say anything. "No My sister. She wasn't your queen until recently though, was she? When she murdered your rightful queen and destroyed house Tyrell for all time. So it appears your allegiances are somewhat flexible." Tyrion said "There are no easy choices in war. Say what you will about your sister, she was born in Westeros. She's lived here all her life. You, on the other hand, murdered your own father and chose to support a traitor and a foreign invader. One that live here under the Lannister and the other one with no ties to this land...with an army of savages at there backs." The lord said "You will not trade your honor to save your life. I respect that." Dany said I was about to walk to her when Tyrion spoke up. "Perhaps he could take the black, your grace. Whatever else he is, he is a true soldier. He'd be invaluable at the wall." Tyrion said I nodded Agreeing with him "You cannot send me to the wall. You are not my queen." He said Dany looks at the Dothraki and grab him and move him away from the group. "You will have to kill me too." I'm guess the son said "Step back and shut your mouth." The lord said "Who are you?" I asked "A stupid boy." The lord said "I'm Dickon Tarly, son of Randyll Tarly." Dickon said "Your are the future of your house. This war has already wiped one great house from the world. Don't let it happen again bend the knee." Tyrion said he looked at his father and his father nodded at him. "I will not." He said I looked at him. "Your graces, nothing scrubs bold notions from a man's head. Like a few weeks in a dark cell." Tyrion said "We meant what we said. We're not here to put men in chains, if that becomes an option many will take it. We have gave them a choice. They made it." Dany said "Your grace, if you start beheading entire families—" Tyrion said "I'm not beheading anyone" my sister said me and Tyrion looked at the dragons I don't like this I have to at least save the son we can't go ending noble house I thought of something. "Sister what if he becomes Robb's ward? He is house noble and Theon was ward to Ned stark because Greyjoy had failed at the rebellion. I think that would be a good idea, so another noble house is ended." I said she looks at me in thought. "Fine he will become Robb's ward." She said I smiled and dickon farther looks slightly relieved. I nodded to Dothraki to grab Dickon so he couldn't run to his father or try anything. Some other Dothraki grabbed his father and brought more away from the group. I walk over to Dickon and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Dickon but I'm not letting another noble house end. Please understand that." I said he nodded with a frown I walk back over to my sister. "Lord Randyll Tarly, We Daenerys And Athena Of house Targaryen , first of are names, Breaker of chains and Mothers of dragons, and Athena queen of the north, sentence you to die." Dany said she took a deep breath than spoke "Dracarys." Dany said her dragon shooting fire at him burning him to death. The rest of the people that were standing quickly bend the knee I do not think this is right. My sister walks to her dragon I stand there and look at the ashes with a frown, I than turn to dickon who's already looking at me. I turn away than look at Tyrion but he was still looking at the ashes. I turned around and walked to my dragon and head back to the Targaryen castle.

(I'm going to try and post more it just depend on how work is. I also want to know what my next book should be after this one.
Harry Potter
Teen Wolf
Game of Thrones
I haven't discussed on witch one is going to be next but I'm happy to hear what you guys think.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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