Part 14: Second sons

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I was sitting next to Danny again with Robb behind me and the dragon are some other place but Robb refused to leave Grey Wind in are tent so Grey Wind Was sitting down with his head on my lap

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I was sitting next to Danny again with Robb behind me and the dragon are some other place but Robb refused to leave Grey Wind in are tent so Grey Wind Was sitting down with his head on my lap. I'm on my 6 month into my pregnancy and I hate it even more. "Your graces allow me to present the captains of the second sons mero of braavos Prebdahl leg eizan and." He Stop specking looking at the last guy. "Daario Naharis." Daario said "You're guys are the mother of dragons swear I fucked You guys once in a pleasure house in Lys." The middle guy said "Mind your tongue!" Jorah said "Why I didn't mind it there's they licked my ass and cock like they were born to." He said sitting next to me sticking his tongue out and flapping it around. Me and Danny hold out are hand me stopping Robb from killing this man and Danny stopping Jorah from doing something. "You slave girl bring wine." The disgusting guy said "We have no slaves here." I said he looked at me "You'll all be slaves after the battle unless I save you. Take your clothes off and come sit on meros lap and I may give you guys my second sons and your sister here after she gives birth to a bastard I'll give her my second sons to." He said I can feel Robb get angry. "Give me your second sons and I may not stop my husband from gelding you." I said pointing behind me to my husband. "Ser Barreistan how many men fight for the second sons." Danny asked "over 2 thousands your grace." Barreistan said "and we have more don't we." I asked "10,000 unsullied." He said "We May be young girls new to the ways of war perhaps seasoned captain like yourself can explain to me how you propose to defeat us." Danny said "I hope the old man is better with a sword than he is with a lie you have 8,000 unsullied." Daario said me and Danny looked at him. "You're very young to be a captain." I said "he's not a captain he's a leftenant." The other guy said "Even if your numbers are right you must admit the odds don't favor your side." Danny said "the second sons have faced worse odds and won the second sons have faced worse odds and run." Jorah said "Well you could fight for us." I said "we've taken the slavers gold we fight for young kai." He said "I will pay you as and is more." Danny said  "our contract is our bond if we break our bond no one will hire the second sons again." That other guy said "Ride with us and you'll never need another contract you'll have gold and castles and lordships of your choosing when we take back the seven Kingdoms." I said "You have no ships you have no siege weapons you have cavalry." Daario said "A fortnight ago we had no army a year ago we had no dragons you have two days to decide." Danny said "Show me your cunt I wanna see if it's worth fighting for." Mero said "My queens, shall I slice out his tongue for you guys?" Grey asked "These men are our guests." I said "you seem to be enjoying are Wine perhaps you'd like a flagon to help you ponder." Danny said "Only a flagon and wasn't my brothers in arms to drink imperiling." Mero said "A barrel than." I said "Good the titans bastard does not drink alone in seconds sons we share everything. After the battle maybe we'll all share you two. I'm looking for you when this is over." He said the last part to Missandei and slapping her butt. "Ser Barristan he comes to battle kill that one first." She said "Gladly your graces." He said I got up and nodded to Danny Robb followed and Grey Wind does to we went back to are tent. "Are you feel alright my love?" Robb asked "The baby has been kicking." I said laying down "Only three more months till they are here." He said I nodded and fell asleep in his arms.

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